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  • 微软状告Google挖墙角,呵呵,微软坐不住了

    美国东部时间7月19日(北京时间7月20日)消息,Google今天就微软向美国华盛顿州地方法院提起诉讼指控其和前微软全球副总裁李开复违反了竞业禁止协议(non-competition promise)一事发表评论。



    Microsoft sues over Google hire
    July 19, 2005
    Ina Fried,Staff Writer, CNET News.com

    Microsoft filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Google and a former Microsoft executive that the search giant had hired to run its China operations.

    The suit was filed against Google and Kai-Fu Lee, former corporate vice president of Microsoft's Interactive Services Division.

    "Today Microsoft filed a lawsuit against a former executive and Google regarding breach of Microsoft's employee confidentiality and non-compete agreement," Microsoft spokeswoman Stacy Drake said in an e-mail. "We are asking the court to require Dr. Lee and Google to honor the confidentiality and non-competition agreements he signed when he began working for Microsoft."

    Google has emerged as a top rival for Microsoft with several notable employees having left the software giant for Google in recent months.

    Earlier Tuesday, Google announced Lee's hiring and its plans to open a China research and development center this quarter.

    "Under the leadership of Dr. Lee, with his proven track record of innovation and his passion for technology and research, the Google China R&D center will enable us to develop more innovative products and technologies for millions of users in China and around the world," Alan Eustace, Google engineering vice president, said in a statement.

    Lee, an expert in speech-recognition technology, founded Microsoft's China research lab in the late 1990s and worked at Silicon Graphics Inc. and Apple Computer before joining Microsoft.

    A Google representative was not immediately available to comment on Microsoft's legal actions.

    Google's public touting that it had hired Lee is in and of itself unique. The company rarely announces new hires, with CEO Eric Schmidt's hiring being a notable exception.

    ASAP TR.



    微软女发言人Stacy Drake在email声明中表示:“今天微软控告前任高层人员及Google公司,破坏了微软员工必须遵守保密及不作同类竞争的协议。李博士在加盟微软时曾签下有关保密及行业协议,我们请求法庭下令李博士及Google恪守协议内容。”



    在声明中,Google工程副总裁Alan Eustace指出:“李博士具有卓越的创造力,对科技研究一往情深,在他的领导下,Google中国研究中心必将为无数中国及世界各地的用户带来更多的发明创造。”



    Google公开宣布雇佣李博士一事,实属特别。 Google极少对外公布雇员聘用事宜。此前仅有的例外是对CEO(首席执行官)

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