phpMyAdmin or phpPgAdmin - BitNami documentation
phpMyAdmin or phpPgAdmin
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Enable secure remote access through SSH
By default phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are not accessible from the outside for security reasons. In order to access them, you can create an SSH tunnel to Apache, sending your requests to your webserver from (localhost).
You should follow these steps to create the tunnel:
1. Get your SSH private key if you don't have it already. More info
2. Create the tunnel.
- If you are in Linux or Mac you can run the following in a console in your local machine (using your Public DNS instead of
$ ssh -N -L 8888: -i bitnami-hosting.pem
- If you are using Windows, you can use Putty:
- Follow the steps described here
- Before opening the connection. Go to Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels, enter the values below and click "Add" button:
- Source port: "8888"
- Destination: "localhost:80"
- Click Open
3. While the tunnel is active you can connect to the web application at or in your browser. The default login is:
- username: root ("administrator" for legacy versions) for MySQL or postgres for PostgreSQL database.
- password: bitnami (for BitNami AMIs), <application password> (for BitNami Cloud Hosting)
Take a look at this link about how to get your application password for BCH servers