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  • [20190909]完善vim的bccacl插件.txt






    --//而我在bc -l下执行如下:

    " strip trailing 0s in decimals
    " let answer = substitute (answer, '.(d*[1-9])0+', '.1', "")
    " strip trailing 0s in decimals
    let answer = substitute (answer, '.(d*[1-9])0+$', '.1', "")

    " escape chars for shell
    if has("unix")
        let str = escape (str, '*();&><|^')
        let str = escape (str, '*();&><|')

    "" calculate from insertmode
    inoremap =: = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines()<CR>a
    "" calculate from insertmode
    inoremap =: = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(0)<CR>a


    $ cat bccalc.vim
    "" calculate expression entered on command line and give answer, e.g.:
    " :Calculate sin (3) + sin (4) ^ 2
    command! -nargs=+ Calculate echo "<args> = " . Calculate ("<args>",0)

    "" calculate expression from selection, pick a mapping, or use the Leader form
    "vnoremap ;bc "ey`>:call CalcLines()<CR>
    "vnoremap <Leader>bc "ey`>:call<SID>CalcBC(1)<CR>

    vnoremap ;bc "ey`>:call CalcLines(0)<CR>
    vnoremap ;10 "ey`>:call CalcLines(10)<CR>
    vnoremap ;16 "ey`>:call CalcLines(16)<CR>

    vnoremap ;22 "ey`>:call CalcLines(22)<CR>
    vnoremap ;dba "ey`>:call CalcLines(22)<CR>

    vnoremap ;32 "ey`>:call CalcLines(32)<CR>
    vnoremap ;scn "ey`>:call CalcLines(32)<CR>

    vnoremap ;ss "ey`>:call CalcLines(10016)<CR>
    vnoremap ;rr "ey`>:call CalcLines(20016)<CR>
    vnoremap ;hd "ey`>:call CalcLines(30016)<CR>

    "" calculate expression on current line, pick a mapping, or use the Leader
    nnoremap  <Leader>bx <Esc>A <Esc>"eyy$:call CalcLines(0)<CR>
    nnoremap  <Leader>bc <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(0)<CR>

    " convert hexdecimal to decimal
    nnoremap  <Leader>10 <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(10)<CR>

    " convert decimal to hexdecimal
    nnoremap  <Leader>16 <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(16)<CR>

    " split dba(10) to file# and block#
    nnoremap  <Leader>22  <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(22)<CR>
    nnoremap  <Leader>dba <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(22)<CR>

    " split scn(10) into scn_wrap,scn_base
    nnoremap  <Leader>32  <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(32)<CR>
    nnoremap  <Leader>scn <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(32)<CR>

    " convert scn_wrap,scn_base(10) or scn_wrap,scn_base(16 to 10 or 16 base
    nnoremap  <Leader>ss <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(10016)<CR>

    " convert file#,block#(10) or file#,block#(16) to 10 or 16 base
    nnoremap  <Leader>rr <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(20016)<CR>

    " convert hexdecimal to decimal or decimal to hexdecimal
    nnoremap  <Leader>hd <Esc>A = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(30016)<CR>

    "nnoremap  <Leader>bc "eyy$:call<SID>CalcBC(0)<CR>
    "" calculate from insertmode
    inoremap =: = <Esc>"eyy:call CalcLines(0)<CR>a

    " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    "  Calculate:
    "    clean up an expression, pass it to bc, return answer
    function! Calculate (s,flag)
        let has_hex = 0
        let str = a:s

        " remove newlines and trailing spaces
        let str = substitute (str, " ",   "", "g")
        let str = substitute (str, 's*$', "", "g")

        " sub common func names for bc equivalent
        let str = substitute (str, 'csins*(',  's (', 'g')
        let str = substitute (str, 'ccoss*(',  'c (', 'g')
        let str = substitute (str, 'catans*(', 'a (', 'g')
        let str = substitute (str, "clns*(",   'l (', 'g')
        let str = substitute (str, 'clogs*(',  'l (', 'g')
        let str = substitute (str, 'cexps*(',  'e (', 'g')

        " alternate exponitiation symbols
        let str = substitute (str, '**', '^', "g")
        let str = substitute (str, '`', '^',    "g")
        let str = substitute (str, '^', '^^^^',    "g")

        " escape chars for shell
        if has("unix")
            let str = escape (str, '*();&><|^')
            let str = escape (str, '*();&><|')

        let preload = exists ("g:bccalc_preload") ? g:bccalc_preload : ""

        " run bc
        " return str
        " let answer = system ("echo " . str . " | bc -l " . preload)

        if a:flag == 0
             let answer = system ("echo " . str . " | bc -l " . preload)
             " let answer = answer . "   ". str

        if a:flag == 10
            let str = substitute (str, "0x", "", "g")
            let str = toupper ( str )
            let answer = system ("echo ibase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)

        if a:flag == 16
            let answer = system ("echo obase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
            let answer = "0x" . tolower ( answer )

        let has_hex = Check_hex( str )

        if a:flag == 22
            if has_hex == 1
                let str = toupper ( str )
                let str = substitute (str, "0x", "", "g")
                " 0x400000 hexdecimal = 4194304 (10) = 2^22(10)
                let answer  = system ("echo ibase=16 ;" . str . "/400000" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo ibase=16 ;" . str . "%400000" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer  = system ("echo " . str . "/4194304" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo " . str . "%4194304" . " | bc " . preload)
            " let answer = "set dba " . answer . "," . answer1
            let answer = "set dba " . answer . "," . answer1 ." = alter system dump file " . answer . " block " . answer1

        if a:flag == 32
            if has_hex == 1
                let str = toupper ( str )
                let str = substitute (str, "0x", "", "g")
                " 0x100000000 hexdecimal = 4294967296(10) = 2^32(10)
                let answer  = system ("echo ibase=16 ;" . str . "/100000000" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo ibase=16 ;" . str . "%100000000" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer2 = system ("echo obase=16 ;ibase=16 ;" . str . "/100000000" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer3 = system ("echo obase=16 ;ibase=16 ;" . str . "%100000000" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer  = system ("echo " . str . "/4294967296" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo " . str . "%4294967296" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer2 = system ("echo obase=16 ;" . str . "/4294967296" . " | bc " . preload)
                let answer3 = system ("echo obase=16 ;" . str . "%4294967296" . " | bc " . preload)
            " let answer = "scn_wrap,scn_base: " . answer . " " . answer1
            let answer = "scn_wrap,scn_base(10): " . answer . "," . answer1 . " =scn_wrap,scn_base(16): " . "0x" . tolower (answer2) . "," . "0x" . tolower(answer3)

        if a:flag == 10016
            if has_hex == 1
                let str = toupper ( str )
                let str = substitute (str, "0x", "", "g")
                " 0x100000000 hexdecimal = 4294967296(10) = 2^32(10)
                let str = substitute (str, "[,.]", "*100000000+", "g")
                let answer  = system ("echo obase=10 ;ibase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo obase=16 ;ibase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer = "scn_wrap,scn_base(10): " . answer . " = scn_wrap,scn_base(16): " . "0x" . tolower (answer1)
                let str = substitute (str, "[,.]", "*4294967296+", "g")
                let answer  = system ("echo " . str . " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo obase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer = "scn_wrap,scn_base(10): " . answer . " = scn_wrap,scn_base(16): " . "0x" . tolower (answer1)

        if a:flag == 20016
            if has_hex == 1
                let str = toupper ( str )
                let str = substitute (str, "0x", "", "g")
                " 0x400000 hexdecimal = 4194304 (10) = 2^22(10)
                let str = substitute (str, "[,.]", "*400000+", "g")
                let answer  = system ("echo obase=10 ;ibase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo obase=16 ;ibase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer = "file#,block#(10): " . answer . " = file#,block#(10): " . "0x" . tolower (answer1)     
                let str = substitute (str, "[,.]", "*4194304+", "g")
                let answer  = system ("echo " . str . " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer1 = system ("echo obase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer = "file#,block#(10): " . answer . " = file#,block#(16): " . "0x" . tolower (answer1)

        if a:flag == 30016
            if has_hex == 1
                let str = substitute (str, "0x", "", "g")
                let str = toupper ( str )
                let answer = system ("echo ibase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer = system ("echo obase=16 ;" . str .  " | bc -l " . preload)
                let answer = "0x" . tolower ( answer )

        " strip newline
        let answer = substitute (answer, " ", "", "g")

        " strip trailing 0s in decimals
        " let answer = substitute (answer, '.(d*[1-9])0+', '.1', "")
        let answer = substitute (answer, '.(d*[1-9])0+$', '.1', "")

        return answer

    " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    " CalcLines:
    " take expression from lines, either visually selected or the current line,
    " pass to calculate function, echo or past answer after '='
    function! CalcLines(flag)

        let has_equal = 0

        " remove newlines and trailing spaces
        let @e = substitute (@e, " ", "",   "g")
        let @e = substitute (@e, 's*$', "", "g")

        " if we end with an equal, strip, and remember for output
        if @e =~ "=$"
            let @e = substitute (@e, '=$', "", "")
            let has_equal = 1

        " if there is another equal in the line, assume chained equations, remove
        " leading ones
        let @e = substitute (@e, '^.+=', '', '')

        let answer = Calculate (@e,a:flag)

        " append answer or echo
        if has_equal == 1
            exec "normal a" . answer
            echo "answer = " . answer

    " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    " Check_hex:
    " Check if the string contains 0x, a, b, c, d, e, f  return has_hex=1
    function! Check_hex(str)
        let has_hex = 0
        let ss = a:str
        let ss = tolower ( ss )

        if ss =~ "0x"
            let has_hex = 1
            return has_hex

        if ss =~ "a"
            let has_hex = 1
            return has_hex

        if ss =~ "b"
            let has_hex = 1
            return has_hex

        if ss =~ "c"
            let has_hex = 1

        if ss =~ "d"
            let has_hex = 1
            return has_hex

        if ss =~ "e"
            let has_hex = 1
            return has_hex

        if ss =~ "f"
            let has_hex = 1
            return has_hex


    1.输入算式,按<esc> c,也可以在插入模式下输入=:(当然要快,慢了就无效了)。
      如果算式最后是有=,可以按<esc> x
    2.10 对应的是16进制转10进制
      16 对应的是10进制转16进制
      hd 猜测双向转化(简单记忆: h表示16,d表示d),10->16 or 16->10.可能不对,如果16进制没有abcdef 0x等字符,当作10->16计算.
    3. r 对应是file#,block#转化为10,16进制数, 注意参数也是猜测.
    4.ss 对应是scn_wrap,scn_base转化为10,16进制数,注意参数也是猜测.

    4229121 = 0x408801                                                  (输入16)
    0x408801 = 4229121                                                  (输入10)
    408801 = 4229121                                                    (输入10)
    0x408801 = 4229121                                                  (输入hd)
    408801 = 0x63ce1                                                    (输入hd,注:因为无法判别输入10还是16进制,输入变量当)
    4229121 = set dba 1,34817 = alter system dump file 1 block 34817    (输入22 或者 dba)
    1,34817 = file#,block#(10): 4229121 = file#,block#(16): 0x408801    (输入 r)
    34817 = 0x8801                                                      (输入16)
    0x1.0x8801 = file#,block#(10): 4229121 = file#,block#(10): 0x408801 (输入 r)

    1.8801 = file#,block#(10): 4203105 = file#,block#(16): 0x402261     (输入 r,无法判别输入参数是10还是16进制,当10进制处理)
    4203105 = set dba 1,8801 = alter system dump file 1 block 8801      (输入22 或者 dba)
    0x1.8801 = file#,block#(10): 4229121 = file#,block#(10): 0x408801   (输入 r)

    12884914013 = scn_wrap,scn_base(10): 3,12125 =scn_wrap,scn_base(16): 0x3,0x2f5d      (输入32 或者 scn)
    3,12125 = scn_wrap,scn_base(10): 12884914013 = scn_wrap,scn_base(16): 0x300002f5d    (输入ss)
    0x3,0x2f5d = scn_wrap,scn_base(10): 12884914013 = scn_wrap,scn_base(16): 0x300002f5d (输入ss)
    3.2f5d = scn_wrap,scn_base(10): 12884914013 = scn_wrap,scn_base(16): 0x300002f5d     (输入ss)

    1+34+3 = 38                                                         (输入c)
    1+34+3 = 38                                                         (输入x,在算式最后有等号的情况下)
    1+34+3                                                              (输入x,在算式没有等号的情况下,在提示行显示结果)
    1+34+3 = 38                                                         (在插入模式下输入等号后快速输入:,可以直接输出结果。)


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lfree/p/11494848.html
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