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  • [20191206]隐含参数_db_always_check_system_ts.txt




    SCOTT@book> @ ver1
    PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
    ------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    SYS@book> @ hide _db_always_check_system_ts
    NAME                       DESCRIPTION                                                   DEFAULT_VALUE SESSION_VALUE SYSTEM_VALUE ISSES ISSYS_MOD
    -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ----- ---------
    _db_always_check_system_ts Always perform block check and checksum for System tablespace TRUE          TRUE          TRUE         FALSE IMMEDIATE

    SYS@book> create table t tablespace system as select rownum id,'test' name from dual connect by level<=2;
    Table created.

    SYS@book> select rowid,t.* from t;
    ROWID                      ID NAME
    ------------------ ---------- ----
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAA          1 test
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAB          2 test

    SYS@book> @ rowid AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAA
        OBJECT       FILE      BLOCK        ROW ROWID_DBA            DBA                  TEXT
    ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------
         90400          1       2425          0   0x400979           1,2425               alter system dump datafile 1 block 2425

    SYS@book>  delete from t where id=1;
    1 row deleted.

    SYS@book>  alter system flush buffer_cache;
    System altered.

    SYS@book>  alter system flush buffer_cache;
    System altered.

    SYS@book> @ bh 1 2425
    ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- --------------------
    0000000084DEACF8          1       2425          1 data block         free                0          0          0          0          0          0 00000000772C2000 T
    0000000084DEACF8          1       2425          1 data block         free                0          0          0          0          0          0 00000000772C4000 T

    SYS@book> commit ;
    Commit complete.

    BBED> set dba   1,2425
            DBA             0x00400979 (4196729 1,2425)

    BBED> x /rnc *kdbr[1]
    rowdata[0]                                  @8166
    flag@8166: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
    lock@8167: 0x00
    cols@8168:    2

    col    0[2] @8169: 2
    col    1[4] @8172: test

    BBED> x /rnc *kdbr[0]
    rowdata[11]                                 @8177
    flag@8177: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
    lock@8178: 0x02
    cols@8179:    0


    BBED> assign offset 8177 =0x2c;
    Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
    ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8177     0x2c

    BBED> x /rnc *kdbr[0]
    rowdata[11]                                 @8177
    flag@8177: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
    lock@8178: 0x02
    cols@8179:    2

    col    0[2] @8180: 1
    col    1[4] @8183: test

    BBED> sum apply
    Check value for File 1, Block 2425:
    current = 0xff20, required = 0xff20

    BBED> verify
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting
    FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
    BLOCK = 2425

    Block Checking: DBA = 4196729, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x7f344dbba274
    kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
            used=44 fsc=9 avsp=8028 dtl=8072
    Block 2425 failed with check code 6110

    BBED> p ktbbh.ktbbhitl[1]
    struct ktbbhitl[1], 24 bytes                @68
       struct ktbitxid, 8 bytes                 @68
          ub2 kxidusn                           @68       0x000a
          ub2 kxidslt                           @70       0x0013
          ub4 kxidsqn                           @72       0x00004d92
       struct ktbituba, 8 bytes                 @76
          ub4 kubadba                           @76       0x00c00288
          ub2 kubaseq                           @80       0x0f0a
          ub1 kubarec                           @82       0x0e
       ub2 ktbitflg                             @84       0x0002 (NONE)
       union _ktbitun, 2 bytes                  @86
          sb2 _ktbitfsc                         @86       9
          ub2 _ktbitwrp                         @86       0x0009
       ub4 ktbitbas                             @88       0x00000000


    ORA-00607: Internal error occurred while making a change to a data block
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdBlkCheckError], [1], [2537], [6110], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

    --//因为延迟块清除,在读取该块时要写入itl槽scn号.设置提交标识.这样对于system表空间这样的块就会报错(bbed verify没有通过)
    SYS@book> alter system set "_db_always_check_system_ts"=false scope=memory ;
    System altered.

    SYS@book> @ hide "_db_always_check_system_ts"
    NAME                       DESCRIPTION                                                   DEFAULT_VALUE SESSION_VALUE SYSTEM_VALUE ISSES ISSYS_MOD
    -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ----- ---------
    _db_always_check_system_ts Always perform block check and checksum for System tablespace TRUE          FALSE         FALSE        FALSE IMMEDIATE


    SYS@book> select rowid,t.* from t;
    ROWID               ID NAME
    ------------------ --- -----
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAA   1 test
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAB   2 test


    BBED> set dba   1,2425
            DBA             0x00400979 (4196729 1,2425)

    BBED> p ktbbh.ktbbhitl[1]
    struct ktbbhitl[1], 24 bytes                @68
       struct ktbitxid, 8 bytes                 @68
          ub2 kxidusn                           @68       0x000a
          ub2 kxidslt                           @70       0x0013
          ub4 kxidsqn                           @72       0x00004d92
       struct ktbituba, 8 bytes                 @76
          ub4 kubadba                           @76       0x00c00288
          ub2 kubaseq                           @80       0x0f0a
          ub1 kubarec                           @82       0x0e
       ub2 ktbitflg                             @84       0xa000 (KTBFUPB, KTBFCOM)`
       union _ktbitun, 2 bytes                  @86
          sb2 _ktbitfsc                         @86       3
          ub2 _ktbitwrp                         @86       0x0003
       ub4 ktbitbas                             @88       0x17600426

    --//可以发现ktbitflg=0xa000(KTBFUPB, KTBFCOM),表示提交.

    BBED> verify
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting
    FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
    BLOCK = 2425

    Block Checking: DBA = 4196729, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x1f09e74
    kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
            used=44 fsc=0 avsp=8037 dtl=8072
    Block 2425 failed with check code 6110


    SYS@book> alter system set "_db_always_check_system_ts"=true scope=memory ;
    System altered.

    SYS@book> select rowid,t.* from t;
    ROWID                      ID NAME
    ------------------ ---------- ----
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAA          1 test
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAB          2 test


    SYS@book> update t set name='TEST' where id=2;
    update t set name='TEST' where id=2
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdBlkCheckError], [1], [2425], [6110], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

    SYS@book> alter system set "_db_always_check_system_ts"=false scope=memory ;
    System altered.

    SYS@book> update t set name='TEST' where id=2;
    update t set name='TEST' where id=2
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted (file # 1, block # 2425)
    ORA-01110: data file 1: '/mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf'

    SYS@book> alter system flush buffer_cache;
    System altered.

    SYS@book> update t set name='TEST' where id=2;
    1 row updated.

    SYS@book> commit ;
    Commit complete.

    SYS@book> select rowid,t.* from t;
    ROWID               ID NAME
    ------------------ --- -----
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAA   1 test

    --//实际上这个时候使用bbed verify检查还是报错.
    BBED> set dba   1,2425
            DBA             0x00400979 (4196729 1,2425)

    BBED> verify
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting
    FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
    BLOCK = 2425

    Block Checking: DBA = 4196729, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x7f756ceee274
    kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
            used=44 fsc=0 avsp=8037 dtl=8072
    Block 2425 failed with check code 6110

    --//设置_db_always_check_system_ts=false,可以绕过一些数据库块错误,实际上遇到这样的情况,最佳的方式设置read only.

    BBED> verify dba 1,2425
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting
    FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
    BLOCK = 2425

    Block Checking: DBA = 4196729, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x15b9e74
    kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
            used=44 fsc=0 avsp=8037 dtl=8072
    Block 2425 failed with check code 6110

    --//avsp= dtl-used-fsc = 8072-0 -44 = 8028

    BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=8028
    Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
    sb2 kdbhavsp                                @126      8116

    BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=8028
    sb2 kdbhavsp                                @126      8028

    BBED> sum apply
    Check value for File 1, Block 2425:
    current = 0x8014, required = 0x8014

    BBED> verify dba 1,2425
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting
    FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
    BLOCK = 2425

    Block Checking: DBA = 4196729, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
    data header at 0x16d5e74
    kdbchk: space available on commit is incorrect
            tosp=8039 fsc=0 stb=0 avsp=8028
    Block 2425 failed with check code 6111

    --// tosp = avsp+stb+fsc= 8028+0+0 = 8028
    BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhtosp=8028
    sb2 kdbhtosp                                @128      8028

    BBED> sum apply
    Check value for File 1, Block 2425:
    current = 0x802f, required = 0x802f

    BBED> verify dba 1,2425
    DBVERIFY - Verification starting
    FILE = /mnt/ramdisk/book/system01.dbf
    BLOCK = 2425


    SYS@book> alter system set "_db_always_check_system_ts"=true scope=memory ;
    System altered.

    SYS@book> update t set name='Tttt' where id=2;
    1 row updated.

    SYS@book> commit ;
    Commit complete.

    SYS@book> select rowid,t.* from t;
    ROWID                      ID NAME
    ------------------ ---------- ----
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAA          1 test
    AAAWEgAABAAAAl5AAB          2 Tttt

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lfree/p/11993512.html
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