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  • 栈实现逆波兰表达式


    2015-04-05 Lover雪儿

      1 //逆波兰表达式
      2 #include <stdio.h>
      3 #include <stdlib.h>
      4 #include <math.h>
      5 #include <ctype.h>
      7 #define STACK_INIT_SIZE        20    //初始栈大小
      8 #define STACK_INCREMENT        10  //扩充栈时每次增加的内存
      9 #define MAXBUFFER            10  //缓冲区
     11 typedef double ElemType;            //栈中的数据类型
     12 typedef struct {
     13     ElemType *base;
     14     ElemType *top;
     15     int stackSize;
     16 }sqStack;
     18 //初始化栈
     19 void init_stack(sqStack *s){
     20     s->base = (ElemType *)malloc(STACK_INIT_SIZE * sizeof(ElemType));
     21     if(!s->base)
     22         exit(-1);
     23     s->top = s->base;
     24     s->stackSize = STACK_INIT_SIZE;
     25 }
     26 //入栈
     27 void push(sqStack *s,ElemType e){
     28     if(s->top - s->base >= s->stackSize){    //检测栈是否已满
     29         //若是已满,则自动扩大栈空间
     30         s->base = (ElemType *)realloc(s->base, (s->stackSize + STACK_INCREMENT)*sizeof(ElemType));
     31         if(!s->base)
     32             exit(-1);
     33     }
     34     *(s->top) = e;
     35     s->top++;
     36 }
     37 //出栈
     38 void pop(sqStack *s, ElemType *e){
     39     if(s->top == s->base){
     40         return ;
     41     }
     42     *e = *(--(s->top));
     43 }
     44 //求栈数据的个数,由于我们不会对其修改,故此处不需传指针
     45 int  stack_len(sqStack s){
     46     return (s.top - s.base); //返回数据的个数    
     47 }
     49 int main(void){
     50     sqStack s;
     51     char c;
     52     double d,e;
     53     char str[MAXBUFFER];
     54     int i = 0;
     56     init_stack(&s);
     58     printf("请按逆波兰表达式输入待计算数据,数据与运算符之间的空格隔开,以#作为结束标志:
    例如4 5 + #
     59     scanf("%c",&c);
     60     while(c != '#'){
     61         while(isdigit(c) || c=='.'){  //判断字符是否为数字 ASCII是否为48-58之间
     62             str[i++] = c;
     63             str[i]='';
     64             if(i >= 10){
     65                 printf("输入的单个数据过大!请重新输入
     66             }
     67             scanf("%c",&c);
     68             if(c == ' '){
     69                 //单个数据输入结束,应该转换为dobule数据
     70                 d = atof(str);        //将字符串转换为float型 数据
     71                 printf("入栈 %f
     72                 push(&s,d);
     73                 i = 0;
     74                 break;
     75             }
     76         }
     77         switch (c){
     78         case '+':
     79                 pop(&s,&e);
     80                 pop(&s,&d);
     81                 printf("+入栈 %f + %f = %f
     82                 push(&s,d+e);
     83                 break;
     84         case '-':
     85                 pop(&s,&e);
     86                 pop(&s,&d);
     87                 printf("-入栈 %f - %f = %f
     88                 push(&s,d-e);
     89                 break;
     90         case '*':
     91                 pop(&s,&e);
     92                 pop(&s,&d);
     93                 printf("*入栈 %f * %f = %f
     94                 push(&s,d*e);
     95                 break;
     96         case '/':
     97                 pop(&s,&e);
     98                 pop(&s,&d);
     99                 if(e != 0){
    100                     printf("/入栈 %f / %f = %f
    101                     push(&s,d/e);
    102                 }else{
    103                     printf("
    104                     return -1;
    105                 }
    106                 break;
    107         }
    108         scanf("%c",&c);
    109     }
    111     pop(&s,&d);        //将最终的计算结果弹出
    112     printf("
    计算结果为: %f
    113     return 0;
    114 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lihaiyan/p/4394195.html
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