Use the Workplace Care Management app
This article provides step-by-step instructions to case managers in the organization for using the Workplace Care Management app to manage employee cases.
To assist Health and Safety Leads, and to help ensure proper case handling, this app implements a four-step process. The current stage of an employee case is clearly depicted in the business process flow on the employee case form. Employee cases will be managed through the following process stages:
Open – In this stage, you record basic information about the case. At this moment, you as a Health and Safety Lead also become the case manager.
Investigating – In this stage, you perform steps to ensure that employee checks and screenings are being completed in accordance with company policy. The result of these checks is a clear instruction to the employee. When this is communicated to the employee, the case is moved to the next stage.
Monitoring – After the investigating stage is complete and the employee has been given instructions or guidelines, they're monitored until they're healthy enough to be eligible to return to the workplace.
Resolve – This is the wrap-up stage for the case, where you can enter closing remarks.
You use this app to:
App at a glance
The left pane lists all the components available in the Employee Cases area.
App components
The Workplace Care Management app has the following components:
Employee cases
Dashboard - Gives you a dashboard where you can track the status of employee cases.
Employee Case - List of all the employees. Employees are contacts. In the Employee Cases component, we have three views with different filters:
My Employee Cases: Filtered by owner and only shows active cases. This is the default view.
Active Employee Cases: Shows all the active employee cases. An employee case is considered active when the status field value is set to active. Active Employee Cases are limited to one per employee.
Closed Employee Cases: Shows all the closed employee cases. An employee case is considered closed when it is made inactive either by the case manager or through the process.
Master data
Employee - List of all the employees. Employees are contacts.
Case managers - List of all the users who have access to the Employee Cases area.
Getting started with the Workplace Care Management app
Employee safety is the main goal for Health and Safety Leads. You use this app to decide whether to revoke an employee's ability to check in to the workplace. The goal of the care management is to provide a clear insight into the work backlog and to make sure that the same process is used to manage all cases.
At the case level, no additional personal or privacy-related information is stored or gathered. The case must be regarded as a checklist that proper procedures have been applied.
Manage employee and case managers master data
Manage employees
You can create a new employee contact if the contact doesn't exist.
To create an employee contact
Select Employee in the left pane, and then select New.
Enter appropriate values in the fields:
Field Description User ID Enter the employee user ID. First Name Enter the first name of the employee. Middle Name Enter the middle name of the employee. Last Name Enter the last name of the employee. Default Facility Select the employees default facility. Default Area Select default area. Assigned Area Select an assigned area for the employee. Email Enter an employee email address. Business Phone Enter the employee mobile or phone number. Preferred Method of Contact Select the method of contact the employee prefers from the drop-down list. Contact Type Select the contact type. For example, select Employee. -
Select Save & Close. The newly created record is available in the Active Contacts view.
To edit the record, select it, update the values, and then select Save & Close.
Manage case managers
Access to employee cases is restricted to only part of the organization. You can view a list of case managers who can manage employee cases.
To view the list of case managers
Select Case Managers in the left pane.
Select the user record you're interested.
Select Save & Close.
To edit the record, select it, update the values, and then select Save & Close.
Manage employee cases
The following illustration of the case manager process explains how a case is created and managed by capturing different data at various stages to identify, investigate, and resolve the case. When a case manager is notified, an employee case is created. The employee case is taken through stages where you get more details and perform a screening (investigating), provide instructions (monitoring), and close the case (resolved).
Employee case creation
Case managers are the resource who manages employee cases.
Select Employee Cases from the left pane, and then select New.
Enter the employee name for the new case.
Save the record.
Managing a case – moving a case through the process stages
This is the first process stage. The Health and Safety Lead starts the case and can verify that all basic information is available. The Health and Safety Lead becomes the case manager and will verify the employee details and assign the case to a different case manager. The key pieces of data to be captured and recorded before moving to the next stage are:
Health & Safety Lead - Case manager owning the case.
In this process stage, the case manager contacts the employee to verify how the employee is feeling, and continues to investigate by capturing and recording the case-related data and updating fields on the case form. The key pieces of data to be captured and recorded before moving to the next stage are:
Employee Contacted (Yes/No)
Screened (Yes/No)
Risk Assessment
In this process stage, the case manager monitors and manages the cases, ensuring that guidance or instructions that were provided are being followed and that expected target dates for being eligible to return to work are updated for the employee. This stage can be regarded as a holding stage, meaning that it's clear when the next moment of contact will be and when the case needs to be followed up on. The key pieces of data to be captured and recorded before moving to the next stage are:
Employee Instructions Provided (Yes/No)
Case manager can inform an employee that the facility is not available to enter for a while. When the Facility Access Available is set to No, the employee won't be able to get a day pass. When you inform that the facility access is not available on an employee case, you'll be able to give Employee Instructions that are visible in the app. With the Facility Access Available Date, you can inform when the employee will be able to get a day pass again, a flow will automatically reset Facility Access Available when the date is reached.
In this process stage, the case manager completes the process by resolving the case, and selects Finish. After the process is finished, the employee case becomes inactive. The inactive employee case is then considered completed. The key pieces of data to be captured and recorded are:
Employee Instructions Provided (Yes/No)
Complete employee case
After you complete the process and select Finish in the business process flow, the employee cases become inactive. You can also make employee cases inactive for certain reasons if the employee case is no longer being worked on. In that case, you can deactivate the employee case from the command bar.
Manual contact tracing
To facilitate manual contact tracing and tracking possible exposures, three elements have been added to the employee case form:
- Exposures
- Case Facilities
- Case Contacts
When accounting for the whereabouts of an employee, the system stores valuable information in the form of bookings and attestations. That is why those records can be linked to a case. When doing so, a background process is triggered. This process does two things:
- Creates a case facility record for that day.
- Creates case contacts for all the other employees that were:
- In the same area as that person (ten points).
- In the same entry window for that facility (if applicable) (five points).
- On the same floor as that person (three points).
These case contacts must be regarded as suggestions and can then be cleared by the case manager.
Case contact record that are created as suggestions do not include guests that were registered.
Case contact suggestions only work for facilities where the capacity management option has been enabled. See the Facility Manager app article for guidance on how to setup floors and areas.
Link an employee attestation record
To link an employee attestation record to a case:
- Open employee cases record and select Exposures tab.
- In the grid, select Add Existing Employee Attestation.
- Use the lookup to search for the employee attestation records for the employee under investigation.
- Select the applicable employee attestation records and then select Add.
The employee attestation record is now linked to the case record. This triggers the background suggestion process that creates case contact suggestions that can assist in the manual contact tracing procedure.
Each employee attestation record can only be linked to a single case record. If the duplicate detection rules have been set up, there can also be only one active case per employee. This prevents duplicate work.
Case facilities
As part of the investigation, a case manager might need to register which facilities are involved in the case. When you open an employee case, this can be done on the Case Facilities tab.
On the Case Facilities tab, select New Case Facility to relate a facility to the case record. When the record is created, select the record and select Edit to add the following details:
Field | Description |
Date From | Enter the start date of the employee visiting that facility. |
Date To | Enter the end date of the employee visiting that facility. |
Comment | Enter additional information, when applicable. |
When a case facility record is added as part of the suggestion process, both the Date From and Date To fields will be set to the day of the attestation.
Case contacts
An employee under investigation might have contacted with one or more colleagues. This type of information can be captured in the Case Contacts tab.
On the Case Contacts tab, select New Case Contact to relate an employee to the case record. When the record is created, select the record and select Edit to add the following details:
Field | Description |
Exposure score | whole number used to sort the suggestions based on estimated exposure. |
Risk Assessment | Provides an easy way to prioritize other employees based on their interactions with the employee under investigation. |
Employee Case | Refers to an open case for the employee. By default the lookup will filter on active cases for the employee. If the record is added as a system suggestion, this field will be filled if only one active case exists. |
Comment | Enter additional information, when applicable. |
A case can be directly created from a case contact record. To do so, select the record in the subgrid and then select Create Case.
Create Case option is only visible when a record is selected. The following actions are performed:
- A new employee case gets created.
- The new employee case is linked to the case contact record.
- The new employee case has the employee of the case contact record entered.
- The new employee case is assigned to the current user.
- The user is navigated to the newly created record.
- The new employee case number is entered in the employee case field on the contact record.
- The case contact record is deactivated with status Case Created.
A case manager can enter additional information. Select Save & Close to return to the original employee case record.
Exposure score
Exposure score is calculated when the system generates case contacts as suggestions when a case manager links an employee attestation record. The system creates one record per person. If a person shares area, entry window, or floor through multiple attestations, the exposure score on the existing record is increased.
For each day, case contacts get points only for the highest category applicable. For example, if a case contact suggestion shared area on one day (ten points) and shared entry window on another day (five points), the total exposure score for that case contact would be 15.
The exposure score functionality is purely as a means to sort the suggestions based on proximity to the employee under investigation.
Case contact status
A Case Contact has three status options:
- To be evaluated (Active)
- Case Created (Inactive)
- Evaluated (Inactive)
With these three status options, case manager has the ability to clearly indicate which case contacts have been traced and how they have been dealt with.
Overview of employee cases
For managing the whole process from beginning to end, you can use the Workplace Care Management dashboard. You'll find the dashboard under Dashboards. The dashboard is separated with two different sections, on the top you'll see the list of four different views that show different aspects on the employee cases and on the bottom it shows charts to get a quick overview.
My High Risk Employee Cases: Shows the employee cases that are on high risk.
My Employee Cases due for Contact: Shows the employee cases that aren't contacted yet for over a day.
My Employee Cases due for Investigation: Shows the employee cases that aren't investigated yet for over a day.
My Outstanding Employee Cases: Shows the employee cases outstanding for more than two weeks.
Employee Cases by Risk Level: Shows employee cases by risk level.
Employee Cases by Duration: Shows employee cases by duration over days.