import os import sys import pickle student_info = 'student_info' course_info = 'course_info' userinfo = 'userinfo' class Base: def __str__(self): return class Course(Base): def __init__(self,name,price,period,teacher): = name self.price = price self.period = period self.teacher = teacher def __repr__(self): return ' '.join([, self.price, self.period, self.teacher]) class Person: @staticmethod def get_from_pickle(path): with open(path,'rb') as f: while True: try : stu_obj = pickle.load(f) yield stu_obj #防止全部读出、内存消耗过大 生成器 except EOFError: break def show_courses(self): for count,course in enumerate(self.get_from_pickle(course_info),1): print(count,repr(course)) def dump_obj(self,path,obj): with open(path,'ab') as f: pickle.dump(obj,f) class Student(Person,Base): operate_lst = [ ('查看所有课程', 'show_courses'), ('选择课程', 'select_course'), ('查看已选课程', 'check_selected_course'), ('退出', 'exit')] def __init__(self,name): = name = [] def __repr__(self): # course_name = [ for course in] course_name = [str(course) for course in] return '%s %s'%(,'所选课程%s' % '|'.join(course_name)) def select_course(self): self.show_courses() num = int(input('num >>>')) for count,course in enumerate(self.get_from_pickle(course_info),1): if count == num: print('您选择了%s课程' % (course)) break else:print('没有您要找的课程') def check_selected_course(self): for course in print(,course.teacher) def exit(self): #避免频繁操作文件 退出之前一次修改 with open(student_info+'_bak', 'wb') as f2: for stu in self.get_from_pickle(student_info): if == # 如果从原文件找到了学生对象和我当前的对象是一个名字,就认为是一个人 pickle.dump(self, f2) # 应该把现在新的学生对象写到文件中 else: pickle.dump(stu, f2) # 反之,应该原封不动的把学生对象写回f2 os.remove(student_info) os.rename(student_info+'_bak',student_info) exit() @classmethod #类方法 def init(cls,name): for stu in cls.get_from_pickle(student_info): if == name: return stu else:print('没有这个学生') class Manager(Person): operate_lst = [('创建课程','create_course'), ('创建学生','create_student'), ('查看所有课程','show_courses'), ('查看所有学生','show_students'), ('查看所有学生的选课情况','show_student_course'), ('退出','exit')] def __init__(self,name): = name def create_course(self): name = input('course name : ') price = input('course price : ') period = input('course period : ') teacher = input('course teacher : ') course_obj = Course(name,price,period,teacher) self.dump_obj(course_info, course_obj) #调用父类Person的方法 (问题:未判断,创建的该对象是否存在) print('%s课程创建成功' def create_student(self): # 用户名和密码记录到userinfo文件,将学生对象存储在student_info文件 stu_name =input('student name : ') stu_pwd =input('student password : ') stu_auth = '%s|%s|Student '%(stu_name,stu_pwd) stu_obj = Student(stu_name) with open(userinfo,'a',encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(stu_auth) #存入userinfo表 self.dump_obj(student_info, stu_obj) #调用父类Person的方法 (问题:未判断,创建的该对象是否存在) print('%s学生创建成功' def show_students(self): for count,stu in enumerate(self.get_from_pickle(student_info),1): print(count,stu) #Student类的实例对象 print() 会按照 继承类Base __str__的格式输出 def show_student_course(self): for stu in self.get_from_pickle(student_info): print(repr(stu)) #Student类的实例对象 print() 会按照 __repr__的格式输入 # print(stu) 默认是Student类的实例对象 print() 会按照 继承类Base __str__的格式输出 def exit(self): exit() @classmethod #类方法 def init(cls,name): return cls(name) # 管理员的对象 返回管理员实例对象 def login(): name = input('username : ') pawd = input('password : ') with open(userinfo,encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: usr,pwd,identify = line.strip().split('|') if usr == name and pawd == pwd: return {'result':True,'name':name,'id':identify} else: return {'result':False,'name':name} ret = login() if ret['result']: print('33[1;32;40m登录成功33[0m')#sys.modules[__name__]有时我们需要将一个文件的信息(类、函数及变量)保存到文件,我们不能直接保存函数对象,而是将其转化为fn.__name__ if hasattr(sys.modules[__name__],ret['id']): # hasattr(object, name) 判断一个对象里面是否有name属性或者name方法,返回BOOL值,有name特性返回True, 否则返回False。 cls = getattr(sys.modules[__name__],ret['id'])#getattr(object, name[,default])获取对象object的属性或者方法,如果存在打印出来,如果不存在,打印出默认值,默认值可选。需要注意的是,如果是返回的对象的方法,返回的是方法的内存地址,如果需要运行这个方法,可以在后面添加一对括号。 obj = cls.init(ret['name']) # 实例化 获取实例对象进行以下对象方法的操作 while True: for id,item in enumerate(cls.operate_lst,1): #索引id以数字1开始计算 print(id,item[0]) func_str = cls.operate_lst[int(input('>>>')) - 1][1] print(func_str) if hasattr(obj,func_str): getattr(obj,func_str)() else: print('登录失败')