import subprocess as t import time, os, requests, sys WEB_IP = '' # WEB_IP = '' REDIS_IP = '' REDIS_PORT = '18890' # 获取当前时间 def getCurrentTime(): return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(time.time())) # 检查 Tomcat def check_Tomcat(): var = t.getoutput("ps -ef | grep tomcat") success = False for line in var.split(" "): if '/usr/local/tomcat7/conf/' in line: success = True if not success: return False # 判断是不是 Tomcat僵死掉 try: requests.get("http://" + WEB_IP + "/dsideal_yy/adminlogin/captchaText", timeout=1) except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: return False except requests.exceptions.Timeout: return False # 判断验证码是不是能正常生成? r = requests.get("http://" + WEB_IP + "/dsideal_yy/adminlogin/captchaText") if r.status_code != 200: return False else: # 下载图片 try: r = requests.get("http://" + WEB_IP + "/dsideal_yy/adminlogin/captchaImage?text=" + r.json()['text']) with open('/usr/local/software/picture.jpg', 'wb') as file: file.write(r.content) # 用完就删除了吧 os.remove('/usr/local/software/picture.jpg') return True except Exception as err: print('Tomcat检查发现异常:' + str(err)) return False # 重新启动Tomcat def RestartTomcat(): # 准备了十秒的缓冲时间,用来将mysql和ssdb进行启动应该足够了 # 开始关闭Tomcat cmd = '/usr/local/tomcat7/bin/' os.system(cmd) print('正在关闭Tomcat...') # 休息5秒 cmd = "sleep 5" os.system(cmd) # 查找Tomcat进程并杀死进程 cmd = "ps -ef | grep 'tomcat' | grep -v grep| awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9" os.system(cmd) print('正在杀掉Tomcat...') # 休息5秒 cmd = "sleep 5" os.system(cmd) # 重新启动Tomcat cmd = '/usr/local/tomcat7/bin/' os.system(cmd) while True: r = check_Tomcat() if r: print('恭喜!Tomcat启动成功!') break else: time.sleep(1) print('Tomcat还在启动中,请稍等...' + getCurrentTime()) if __name__ == "__main__": # 创建工作目录 path = '/usr/local/software/CloudPlatformUtil/AutoDeployment/' if not os.path.exists(path): cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + path os.system(cmd) # 正常的工作目录 if os.path.abspath('.') != path: print('系统检查到不是在规定的目录下执行,正在拷贝到正确目录下!') print(sys.argv[0]) cmd = 'rm -rf ' + path + (sys.argv[0]).split('/')[-1] print(cmd) os.system(cmd) cmd='cp '+os.path.abspath('.')+'/'+sys.argv[0]+' '+path+sys.argv[0] print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # 执行测试命令 cmd = 'redis-cli -h ' + REDIS_IP + ' -p ' + REDIS_PORT + ' set a 1' while True: result = t.getoutput(cmd) if 'Connection refused' in result: print('redis连接被拒绝,服务没有开启!正在开启...' + getCurrentTime()) cmd2 = 'service redis start' os.system(cmd2) time.sleep(1) elif 'LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory' in result: print('redis正在加载中...' + getCurrentTime()) time.sleep(1) else: print('redis正常!' + getCurrentTime()) break # 重新启动Tomcat RestartTomcat() # 替换 /usr/local/tomcat7/bin/ # 检查cron中是否存在本程序的进程 # 将文件读取到内存中 foundDownload = False with open('/etc/rc.local', "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() # 删除某行 with open("/etc/rc.local", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f_w: for line in lines: if "/usr/local/tomcat7/bin/" in line: continue if "python3 /usr/local/software/CloudPlatformUtil/AutoDeployment/" in line: continue f_w.write(line) # 增加某行 with open('/etc/rc.local', 'a') as f: f.write('python3 /usr/local/software/CloudPlatformUtil/AutoDeployment/' + ' ') print('恭喜,所有动作成功完成!')