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  • 分析 Android 4.4.4 设备的 存储空间监控


    如果你在使用Android手机时有过把memory填满或者即将填满的经历,也许你会注意到在这种情况下手机的Notifications栏会有“Storagespacerunningout”的通知。当点开该通知你会发现Setting–>Storage settings –>Device memory 下会有如下提示:Not enoughstorage space.




    try {
        Slog.i(TAG, “Device Storage Monitor”);
        new DeviceStorageMonitorService(context));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        reportWtf(“starting DeviceStorageMonitor service”, e);

        * Constructor to run service. initializes the disk space threshold value
        * and posts an empty message to kickstart the process.
        public DeviceStorageMonitorService(Context context) {

            mLastReportedFreeMemTime = 0;
            mContext = context;
            mResolver = mContext.getContentResolver();

            //create StatFs object
            mDataFileStats = new StatFs(DATA_PATH.getAbsolutePath()); //获取Data分区信息;
            mSystemFileStats = new StatFs(SYSTEM_PATH.getAbsolutePath()); //获取System分区信息;
            mCacheFileStats = new StatFs(CACHE_PATH.getAbsolutePath()); //获取Cache分区信息

            //initialize total storage on device,初始化设备 总空间信息;
            mTotalMemory = (long)mDataFileStats.getBlockCount() *

            mStorageLowIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW);

            mStorageOkIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK);

            mStorageFullIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_FULL);

            mStorageNotFullIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_NOT_FULL);

            // cache storage thresholds

            final StorageManager sm = StorageManager.from(context);
            mMemLowThreshold = sm.getStorageLowBytes(DATA_PATH);

            mMemFullThreshold = sm.getStorageFullBytes(DATA_PATH);

            mMemCacheStartTrimThreshold = ((mMemLowThreshold*3)+mMemFullThreshold)/4;
            mMemCacheTrimToThreshold = mMemLowThreshold
                    + ((mMemLowThreshold-mMemCacheStartTrimThreshold)*2);
            mFreeMemAfterLastCacheClear = mTotalMemory;


            mCacheFileDeletedObserver = new CacheFileDeletedObserver();



        private final void checkMemory(boolean checkCache) {
            //if the thread that was started to clear cache is still running do nothing till its
            //finished clearing cache. Ideally this flag could be modified by clearCache
            // and should be accessed via a lock but even if it does this test will fail now and
            //hopefully the next time this flag will be set to the correct value.

           //如果线程 正在清除缓存CACHE_PATH ,那么不进行空间检查
            if(mClearingCache) {
                if(localLOGV) Slog.i(TAG, "Thread already running just skip");
                //make sure the thread is not hung for too long
                long diffTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - mThreadStartTime;
                if(diffTime > (10*60*1000)) {
                    Slog.w(TAG, "Thread that clears cache file seems to run for ever");
            } else {

                restatDataDir(); //重新计算3个分区的剩余空间大小;
                if (localLOGV)  Slog.v(TAG, "freeMemory="+mFreeMem);

                //post intent to NotificationManager to display icon if necessary
                if (mFreeMem < mMemLowThreshold) {
                    if (checkCache) {
                        // We are allowed to clear cache files at this point to
                        // try to get down below the limit, because this is not
                        // the initial call after a cache clear has been attempted.
                        // In this case we will try a cache clear if our free
                        // space has gone below the cache clear limit.
                        if (mFreeMem < mMemCacheStartTrimThreshold) {
                            // We only clear the cache if the free storage has changed
                            // a significant amount since the last time.
                            if ((mFreeMemAfterLastCacheClear-mFreeMem)
                                    >= ((mMemLowThreshold-mMemCacheStartTrimThreshold)/4)) {
                                // See if clearing cache helps
                                // Note that clearing cache is asynchronous and so we do a
                                // memory check again once the cache has been cleared.
                                mThreadStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                mClearSucceeded = false;
                                clearCache(); //如果剩余空间低于mMemLowThreshold,先做一次缓存清理;
                    } else { // checkCache = false;
                        // This is a call from after clearing the cache.  Note
                        // the amount of free storage at this point.
                        mFreeMemAfterLastCacheClear = mFreeMem;
                        if (!mLowMemFlag) {
                            // We tried to clear the cache, but that didn't get us
                            // below the low storage limit.  Tell the user.
                            Slog.i(TAG, "Running low on memory. Sending notification");
                            sendNotification(); //如果空间仍然低于mMemLowThreshold, 发送广播并 在状态来设置一个 警告通知
                            mLowMemFlag = true;
                        } else {
                            if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, "Running low on memory " +
                                    "notification already sent. do nothing");
                } else { //else mFreeMem mMemLowThreshold
                    mFreeMemAfterLastCacheClear = mFreeMem;
                    if (mLowMemFlag) { 如果 剩余空间 不小于mMemLowThreshold,且已经设置了mLowMemFlag,则 取消空间不足广播。
                        Slog.i(TAG, "Memory available. Cancelling notification");
                        mLowMemFlag = false;
                if (mFreeMem < mMemFullThreshold) {
                    if (!mMemFullFlag) {
                        sendFullNotification(); //如果空间已满,则发送空间已满的广播;
                        mMemFullFlag = true;
                } else {
                    if (mMemFullFlag) {
                        cancelFullNotification(); //如果 空间不满 且已经发送了空间已满的广播,则在此取消。
                        mMemFullFlag = false;
            if(localLOGV) Slog.i(TAG, "Posting Message again");
            //keep posting messages to itself periodically
            postCheckMemoryMsg(true, DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL); //DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL为1分钟,即每1分钟 会触发一次检查;


        private final void clearCache() {
            if (mClearCacheObserver == null) { //创建一个CachePackageDataObserver对象, 当PMS清理完空间时会回调该对象的onRemoveCompleted函数;
                // Lazy instantiation
                mClearCacheObserver = new CachePackageDataObserver();
            mClearingCache = true; //设置mClearingCache的值为true,表示我们正在清理空间;
            try {
                if (localLOGV) Slog.i(TAG, "Clearing cache");
                IPackageManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("package")). //调用PMS的freeStorageAndNotify函数以清理空间,这个函数在分析PMS时再介绍;
                        freeStorageAndNotify(mMemCacheTrimToThreshold, mClearCacheObserver);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to get handle for PackageManger Exception: "+e);
                mClearingCache = false;
                mClearSucceeded = false;

    CachePackageDataObserver是DSMS定义的内部类,其onRemoveCompleted函数很简单,就是重新发送消息DEVICE_MEMORY_WHAT  (postCheckMemoryMsg(false, 0);),让DSMS再检测一次存储空间。如果剩余空间小于10%,则发送sendNotification()提示 storage space running out。

        class CachePackageDataObserver extends IPackageDataObserver.Stub {

            public void onRemoveCompleted(String packageName, boolean succeeded) {
                mClearSucceeded = succeeded;
                mClearingCache = false;
                if(localLOGV) Slog.i(TAG, " Clear succeeded:"+mClearSucceeded
                        +", mClearingCache:"+mClearingCache+" Forcing memory check");
                postCheckMemoryMsg(false, 0);

    在检查存储空间时,首先判断如果线程正在清除缓存CACHE_PATH ,那么不进行空间检查。否则重新计算3个分区的剩余空间大小。如果剩余空间低于百分比10%,如果需要做缓存清理,先做一次缓存清理;清理完毕后会再次进行新一轮的checkMemory,如果剩余空间低于百分比10%并不用做缓存清理并且没有发通知,则发送通知告诉用户内部空间超出最低值10%,如果此时空间百分比正常,但已发送通知,则将通知取消。同样的,如果空间已满,大于full的临界值,则发送空间已满的广播;空间不满且已经发送了空间已满的广播,则取消。最后会每1分钟会触发一次检查空间checkMemory。

    做一下onRemoveCompleted动作,该动作发送检查空间的消息【postCheckMemoryMsg(false, 0);这里的false就是不再执行clearCache】,然后handle处理该消息DEVICE_MEMORY_WHAT,再次进入checkMemory(false),发送通知告诉用户storage space running out,空間剩10%時會出現该提示。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liulaolaiu/p/11744511.html
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