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  • Rockchip 红外遥控 调试记录



    echo 1 > sys/module/rockchip_pwm_remotectl/parameters/code_print


    1. 通过getevent 获取 Ok键的linux key event code。经确认,没有问题。暂时排除内核层问题。
    2. 检查 key layout file, 确认编写了Ok键的映射关系。
    3. 查看EventHublog,logcat -s "EventHub",发现,系统为红外输入设备匹配的KeyLayoutFile 是Generic.kl,该文件内部没有linux ok key code 到Android Ok键的映射。


    首先,kl和 kcm文件是在frameworks/native/libs/input/Keyboard.cpp中加载的。


    status_t KeyMap::load(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdenfifier,
            const PropertyMap* deviceConfiguration) {
        // 根据IDC文件中的规则查找 kl 和 kcm文件
        if (deviceConfiguration) {
            String8 keyLayoutName;
            if (deviceConfiguration->tryGetProperty(String8("keyboard.layout"),
                    keyLayoutName)) {
                status_t status = loadKeyLayout(deviceIdenfifier, keyLayoutName);
                if (status == NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
                    ALOGE("Configuration for keyboard device '%s' requested keyboard layout '%s' but "
                            "it was not found.",
                            deviceIdenfifier.name.string(), keyLayoutName.string());
            String8 keyCharacterMapName;
            if (deviceConfiguration->tryGetProperty(String8("keyboard.characterMap"),
                    keyCharacterMapName)) {
                status_t status = loadKeyCharacterMap(deviceIdenfifier, keyCharacterMapName);
                if (status == NAME_NOT_FOUND) {
                    ALOGE("Configuration for keyboard device '%s' requested keyboard character "
                            "map '%s' but it was not found.",
                            deviceIdenfifier.name.string(), keyLayoutName.string());
            if (isComplete()) {
                return OK;
        if (probeKeyMap(deviceIdenfifier, String8::empty())) {
            return OK;
        // Fall back on the Generic key map.
        // TODO Apply some additional heuristics here to figure out what kind of
        //      generic key map to use (US English, etc.) for typical external keyboards.
        if (probeKeyMap(deviceIdenfifier, String8("Generic"))) {
            return OK;
        // Try the Virtual key map as a last resort.
        if (probeKeyMap(deviceIdenfifier, String8("Virtual"))) {
            return OK;
        // Give up!
        ALOGE("Could not determine key map for device '%s' and no default key maps were found!",
        return NAME_NOT_FOUND;


    bool KeyMap::probeKeyMap(const InputDeviceIdentifier& deviceIdentifier,
            const String8& keyMapName) {
        if (!haveKeyLayout()) {
            // 加载成功的话  haveKeyLayout() 将会返回true
            loadKeyLayout(deviceIdentifier, keyMapName);
        if (!haveKeyCharacterMap()) {
            // 记载成功 haveKeyCharacterMap 将会返回true
            loadKeyCharacterMap(deviceIdentifier, keyMapName);
        return isComplete();
    inline bool isComplete() const {
    	return haveKeyLayout() && haveKeyCharacterMap();




    后面发现是因为配置文件时从 anroid M中移植过来的,有一些键值是AndroidM调试时前人添加的,而这些键值AndroidO中没有定义,导致解析 kl文件时失败,系统就默认加载了Generic.kl

    如果KL文件或者KCM文件解析过程出现错误,也会导致系统去匹配默认的配置文件,所以一定要保证 配置文件的格式及内容(比如kl文件中声明的Android key label 都能在android/keycodes.h找到对应的定义)正确。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/liutimo/p/14072782.html
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