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protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { //转码 request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/html"); //调用底层查询表月份的集合 SPayDAO sp = new SPayDAO(); List<Object> lss = sp.getMonth(); //System.out.println(lss); List<Month> ls = new ArrayList<Month>(); for(int i=0;i<lss.size();i++) { Month m = new Month(); m.setPayID(i); m.setPayMonth(lss.get(i).toString()); ls.add(m); } String json = JSONArray.toJSONString(ls); response.getWriter().println(json); }
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { //转码 request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("text/html"); //接受月份 String date = request.getParameter("date"); System.out.println("date="+date); String msg = "{'success':true,'message':'保存成功'}"; if(date != null) { try { SPayDAO sp = new SPayDAO(); sp.unite(date); } catch(Exception e) { msg = "{'success':false,'message':'访问失败'}"; } response.getWriter().print(msg); } else { msg = "{'success':false,'message':'没有要生成的工资'}"; response.getWriter().print(msg); } }
package com.hanqi.dao; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistryBuilder; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry; import com.hanqi.entity.Basic; import com.hanqi.entity.Deal; import com.hanqi.entity.KqMonthkaoqin; import com.hanqi.entity.Rank; import com.hanqi.entity.Rate; import com.hanqi.entity.SPay; public class SPayDAO { Configuration cfg = null; ServiceRegistry sr = null; SessionFactory sf = null; Session se =null; Transaction tr = null; public SPayDAO()//注册服务 { //1.加载配置文件 cfg = new Configuration().configure(); //2.注册服务 sr = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder() .applySettings(cfg.getProperties()).build(); } //初始化 private void init() { try { sf= cfg.buildSessionFactory(sr); } catch(Exception e) { //1.加载配置文件 cfg = new Configuration().configure(); //2.注册服务 sr = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder() .applySettings(cfg.getProperties()).build(); sf= cfg.buildSessionFactory(sr); } se = sf.openSession(); tr = se.beginTransaction();//启动事物 } //提交和释放 private void destroy() { try { tr.commit();//提交事务 } catch(Exception e) { //1.加载配置文件 cfg = new Configuration().configure(); //2.注册服务 sr = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder() .applySettings(cfg.getProperties()).build(); sf= cfg.buildSessionFactory(sr); se = sf.openSession(); tr = se.beginTransaction(); tr.commit();//提交事务 } se.close(); sf.close(); } //联合查询 public void unite(String date) { double zhengchang = getZhengchangJiaban(); double zhoumo = getzhoumo(); double jiaqi = getJiaqi(); double chidao = getChidao (); double zaotui = getZaotui(); double kuanggong = getKuanggong(); List<Rate> rate = getRate(); init(); System.out.println("uwef="+date); List<KqMonthkaoqin> lb = se.createQuery("from KqMonthkaoqin where zhuangtai= 0 and to_char(kaoqinmonth,'yyyy-MM')=?") .setString(0, date).list() ; System.out.println(lb); SPay sp = new SPay(); for(KqMonthkaoqin k : lb) { sp.setPayid(date+k.getStaffid());//获取并写入工资表的薪资编号 sp.setYuangongid(k.getStaffid());//获取员工id sp.setEmployeename(getName(k.getStaffid()));;//员工姓名 //基本工资 double jb = getSalary(Integer.parseInt(getLevels(k.getStaffid()))); sp.setJibengongzi( jb); //加班总金额 double zc = zhengchang*k.getJiaban(); double zm = zhoumo*k.getZhoumojiaban(); double jq = jiaqi*(k.getJiejiarijiaban()); double z = zc+zm+jq ; sp.setJiaban(z); //请假 sp.setQingjia(k.getQingjia()); //迟到 sp.setChidao(chidao*(k.getChidao())); //早退 sp.setZaotui(zaotui*(k.getZaotui())); //旷工 sp.setKuanggong(kuanggong*k.getKuanggong()); //五险 sp.setWuxian(jb*0.1); //公积金 sp.setGongjijin(jb*0.08); //全勤 if(k.getChidao()!=0 || k.getZaotui() != 0 || k.getQingjia() != 0 ||k.getKuanggong() !=0) { sp.setQuanqin(getquanqin()); } else { sp.setQuanqin(0); } //应发工资 double yingfa = jb+z-(jb*0.1+jb*0.08); sp.setYingfa(yingfa); //纳税 double nashui = 0; //判断是否纳税 if(yingfa-rate.get(0).getStartpay()<=0) { } else { for(int i=0; i<rate.size();i++) { double qzd = rate.get(i).getStartpay(); double money = rate.get(i).getMoney(); double tax = rate.get(i).getTax(); double kouchu = rate.get(i).getKouchu(); if(yingfa-qzd<money) { nashui=((yingfa-qzd)*tax-kouchu); System.out.println("起征点="+qzd); System.out.println("应纳税所得额="+money); System.out.println("税率="+tax); System.out.println("扣除数="+kouchu); break; } } sp.setNashui(nashui); } //实发工资 sp.setShifa((jb+z-(jb*0.1+jb*0.08))-nashui); sp.setZhuangtai('0'); sp.setHedui('0'); getSave(sp); getzhuangtai(k.getId());//调用更改考勤表状态的方法 } destroy(); } //提交保存SPay public void getSave(SPay spay) { init(); se.save(spay); destroy(); } //改变考勤表的状态 public void getzhuangtai(String id) { init(); KqMonthkaoqin kaoqin = (KqMonthkaoqin)se.get(KqMonthkaoqin.class, id); kaoqin.setZhuangtai(1); destroy(); } //查询Rate税率表 public List<Rate> getRate() { init(); List<Rate> rtn = new ArrayList<Rate>(); rtn=se.createQuery("from Rate order by money asc").list(); destroy(); return rtn; } //查询考勤表里状态是0 的月份 public List<Object> getMonth() { init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); li = se.createQuery("select distinct to_char(kaoqinmonth,'yyyy-MM') from KqMonthkaoqin where zhuangtai='0' ").list(); destroy(); return li; } //根据考勤表的员工id查询员工表的姓名 public String getName(String yuangongid) { init(); String rtn = ""; List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); li = se.createQuery("select name from Basic where yuangongid = ? ") .setString(0, yuangongid) .list() ; if(li.size()>0) { rtn = li.get(0).toString(); } destroy(); destroy(); return rtn; } //根据员工编号查询员工等级 public String getLevels(String yuangongid) { init(); String rtn = ""; List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); li = se.createQuery("select jibie from Basic where yuangongid = ? and zhuangtai = '在职'") .setString(0, yuangongid) .list() ; if(li.size()>0) { rtn = li.get(0).toString(); } destroy(); return rtn; } //根据等级查询员工基本工资 public int getSalary(int levels) { init(); int rtn =0; List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); li = se.createQuery("select salary from Rank where levels = ?") .setLong(0, levels).list(); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString()); } destroy(); return rtn; } //查询全勤奖励 public int getquanqin() { int rtn =0; init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); li = se.createQuery("select quanqin from Deal where state='1'") .list(); System.out.println("list.size = " + li.size()); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = (Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString())); } destroy(); return rtn; } //获取Deal表的正常加班单价 public int getZhengchangJiaban() { int rtn =0; init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); //查询启用状态下正常加班的金额 li = se.createQuery("select zhengban from Deal where state='1'") .list(); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = (Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString())); } destroy(); return rtn; } //获取周末加班单价 public int getzhoumo() { int rtn =0; init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); //查询启用状态下周末加班的金额 li = se.createQuery("select zhouban from Deal where state='1'") .list(); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = (Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString())); } destroy(); return rtn; } //获取节假日加班 public int getJiaqi() { int rtn =0; init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); //查询启用状态下节假日加班的金额 li = se.createQuery("select jieban from Deal where state='1'") .list(); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = (Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString())); } destroy(); return rtn; } //获取迟到金额 public int getChidao () { int rtn =0; init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); //查询启用状态下迟到一次的金额 li = se.createQuery("select chidao from Deal where state='1'") .list(); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = (Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString())); } destroy(); return rtn; } //获取早退 public int getZaotui() { int rtn =0; init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); //查询启用状态下迟到一次的金额 li = se.createQuery("select zaotui from Deal where state='1'") .list(); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = (Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString())); } destroy(); return rtn; } //获取旷工 public int getKuanggong() { int rtn =0; init(); List<Object> li = new ArrayList<Object>(); //查询启用状态下旷工一次的金额 li = se.createQuery("select kuanggong from Deal where state='1'") .list(); if(li.size()>0) { rtn = (Integer.parseInt(li.get(0).toString())); } destroy(); return rtn; } //获取分页数据集合列表 public List<SPay> getPageList(int page , int rows,String sort,Map<String,String> where) { init(); //创建基础HQL语句 String sql = "from SPay where 1=1"; //判断传递的的参数 String yuangongid = where.get("yuangongid_s"); if(yuangongid != null && !yuangongid.equals("")) { sql += " and yuangongid "; } //排序 if(sort != null && !sort.equals("")) { sql += " order by " + sort; } //得到HQL //并判断查询条件 Query q = se.createQuery(sql); if(yuangongid != null && !yuangongid.equals("") ) { q.setString("yuangongid", yuangongid);//引号的内容必须跟上面引号后的别名一致 } System.out.println("yuangongid="+yuangongid); List<SPay> rtn = new ArrayList<SPay>(); rtn = q.setMaxResults(rows)//每页行数 .setFirstResult((page-1)*rows).list();//其实页码 destroy(); return rtn; } //获取数据条数 public int getTotal(Map<String,String> where) { int rtn= 0; init(); //创建基础HQL语句 String sql = "select count(1) from SPay where 1=1"; //判断传递的的参数 String yuangongid_s = where.get("yuangongid_s"); if(yuangongid_s != null && !yuangongid_s.equals("")) { sql += " and yuangongid )";//and前面加空格 } //得到HQL //并判断查询条件 Query q = se.createQuery(sql); if(yuangongid_s != null && !yuangongid_s.equals("") ) { q.setString("yuangongid", yuangongid_s); //引号的内容必须跟上面引号后的别名一致 } //获取Query对对象,定义集合并实例化 List<Object> lo = q.list(); if(lo != null && lo.size() > 0) { rtn = Integer.parseInt(lo.get(0).toString());//转换成int并赋值 } destroy(); return rtn; } }