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  • SNLO说明书 英文版

    This software package can be obtained on the web at


    FONT TEST: If the text below appears legible, the APLPLUS font is installed correctly:

    Your font is installed correctly.

    If the message "Your font is installed correctly" is not legible above, you must manually install the included APLPLUS.TTF font. To do so, right click the font in Windows Explorer and select "Install" from the context menu. Alternatively, open the Fonts tab in the Control Panel and find the "Install" button from the File menu, or right click on the background of the window and select "Install New Font" from the context menu and select the APLPLUS.TTF file, which can be found in your SNLO installation path.



    Fixed bug in CLBO introduced in version 57

    For a quick introduction to SNLO, please see SNLO.PDF.

    MEMORY Management

    The SNLO shortcut allocates 200 MB of memory by default. The amount of memory allocated can easily be changed by editing the shortcut used to call the SNLO executable.

    To do so, right click the shortcut and select properties from the popup menu. Select the shortcut tab and make the following changes to the command line and startup directory. The command line is "newmix snlo.w3 200m". The startup directory must be the directory where you put the SNLO files (C:SNLO is default). The
    200m on the command line indicates that the workspace is allowed 200 MB of memory. If you are returned to program manager without seeing the SNLO menu window when you double click the SNLO icon, try reducing the value 100m to 50m and retry (the number value must be a whole number, not decimal like 6.1). If that works, increase the value incrementally to the largest setting that is compatible with your system. Some of the modeling functions such as 2D mixing or broad band OPO require lots of memory, so if you are using these, allocate as much memory as you can afford.

    UNINSTALLATION procedure: When you run the "Uninstall SNLO.exe" executable, all traces of SNLO should be removed from your computer. Some files may be left over in your installation directory which may be removed if you wish.

    All *.DAT files in the SNLO directory are data output files and can be deleted to recover drive space.


    To run under LINUX and wine use the command: wine newmix.exe SNLO.w3 100m


    1. SNLO doesn't launch. Available memory is probably exceeded or something is wrong with the shortcut. To check for memory problems, try closing other applications. If that doesn't work, try rebooting Windows. If that doesn't work try reducing the memory allocation in the command line that launches SNLO to 12m (see installation instructions above) and, if that works, gradually increase it to the needed level. If you only use the crystal selection functions, you do not need to allocate much memory. If you model 2D mixing processes you need lots. If memory overload is not the problem, check to make sure all of the files are in the same directory and that directory is the one specified as the startup directory in the shortcut properties. Also make sure the command line does not point to a different directory.
    2. Fonts are messed up. Try reinstalling the APL font. If you cannot install the font you probably do not have administrative rights on your computer. Beg your computer support folks for help.
    3. You get the 'out of memory' error message (probably when running one of the memory hogs such as the 2D mixing or broad band OPO models). Increase the memory allocated to SNLO by changing the SNLO shortcut properties (see installation notes above).
    4. SNLO crashes when it tries to plot something!
    This is caused by security settings in Windows which disable data execution (this is known as Data Execution Prevention, or DEP). Unfortunately, SNLO was written in APL which uses a very old runtime environment which apparently doesn't play nicely with DEP during plotting operations. In order to let SNLO plot, you'll have to tell Windows to either make an exception for "newmix.exe" or disable DEP altogether. The former is the more secure option. The directions to create a DEP exception are similar for the versions of Windows with this feature. In order to make an exception for newmix.exe in
    Windows 7:
    you'll have to navigate through seven layers of menus as follows:
    Control Panel>> System>> Advanced system settings >>
    Advanced >> Performance>> Data Execution Prevention
    Windows Vista:
    Control Panel>> System and Maintenance >> System >>
    Advanced System Settings>> Performance >> Settings >>
    Data Execution Prevention
    Windows XP:
    Control Panel>> Performance and Maintenance>> System>>
    Advanced>> Performance Settings >>
    Data Execution Prevention
    5. For other problems email me at arlee.smith@as-photonics.com


    This software is continuously updated. For the latest version,
    check website http://www.as-photonics.com/SNLO, or contact me:

    email arlee.smith@as-photonics.com

    If you have difficulty with the software, please email me (telephone only if desperate) with details and I will try to fix bugs or advise you on proper use of the package. If you have suggestions for improvements or for useful functions to add, I would like to hear about them also.

    If your use of this package contributes significantly to a scientific publication, please reference it in the paper as
    "SNLO version xx nonlinear optics code available from A. V. Smith, AS-Photonics, Albuquerque, NM."


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