using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public enum CTRotationType { Uniform, AccelerateUniformly }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class CTRotation : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { if (isRotating) { executeRotate(); } } bool isRotating = false; Quaternion definedRotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0,0); Vector3 rotateVector = new Vector3(1,0,0); float rotateVelocity = 0; float accelerateDuration = 0; float leftDuration = 0; float rotateDuration = 0; int rotateAxis = 0; float angleRange = 0; float deltaRotate = 0;//0; // acceleration when it is in the accelerating process. float rotateAcceleration = 0; CTRotationType rotateType; //int RotateType = 0; private void initRotateArgument( float _initAngleRange, int _initRotateAxis, float _initRotateDuration) { rotateAxis = _initRotateAxis; rotateDuration = _initRotateDuration; leftDuration = _initRotateDuration; angleRange = _initAngleRange; rotateType = CTRotationType.Uniform; } public void RotateTo(float _angleRange, int _axis, float _duration) { print("in the rotateto"); isRotating = false; rotateType = CTRotationType.Uniform; //RotateType = 0; initRotateArgument(_angleRange, _axis, _duration); switch(rotateAxis) { case 0: //rotate around X axis { rotateVector = Vector3.right; break; } case 1://rotate around Y axis { rotateVector = Vector3.up; break; } case 2://rotate around Z axis { rotateVector = Vector3.forward; break; } default: break; } deltaRotate = angleRange/rotateDuration; isRotating = true; } public void RotateTo(float _angleRange, int _axis, float _duration, float _accelerateDuration) { isRotating = false; rotateType = CTRotationType.AccelerateUniformly; //RotateType = 1; rotateAcceleration = 1/((rotateDuration - accelerateDuration)*accelerateDuration); initRotateArgument(_angleRange, _axis, _duration); switch(rotateAxis) { case 0: //rotate around X axis { rotateVector = Vector3.right; break; } case 1://rotate around Y axis { rotateVector = Vector3.up; break; } case 2://rotate around Z axis { rotateVector = Vector3.forward; break; } default: break; } accelerateDuration = _accelerateDuration; // deltaRotate = angleRange/(_duration - _accelerateDuration*2); isRotating = true; } void executeRotate() { switch (rotateType) { //case 0://CTMoveType.Uniform: case CTRotationType.Uniform: uniformRotate(); break; //case 1://CTMoveType.AccelerateUniformly: case CTRotationType.AccelerateUniformly: accelerateRotate(); break; } leftDuration -= Time.deltaTime; /* if (leftDuration <= 0) { transform.position = targetPosition; isMoving = false; }*/ } private void accelerateRotate() { print(leftDuration); if (leftDuration > (rotateDuration - accelerateDuration)) { rotateVelocity = (float)((angleRange*(rotateDuration - leftDuration))*rotateAcceleration); // transform.Rotate(rotateVelocity * Time.deltaTime*rotateVector, Space.World); transform.Rotate(rotateVelocity * rotateVector*Time.deltaTime, Space.World); } else if (leftDuration > accelerateDuration) { rotateVelocity = (float)((angleRange*accelerateDuration)*rotateAcceleration); transform.Rotate(rotateVelocity*rotateVector*Time.deltaTime, Space.World); } else if (leftDuration > 0) { rotateVelocity= (float)((angleRange*leftDuration)*rotateAcceleration); transform.Rotate(rotateVelocity*rotateVector*Time.deltaTime, Space.World); } else isRotating = false; } private void uniformRotate() { print(leftDuration); //if(leftDuration) if(leftDuration > 0) { transform.Rotate(rotateVector*deltaRotate*Time.deltaTime, Space.World); //transform.Rotate(rotateVector * Time.deltaTime*deltaRotate, Space.World); } else isRotating = false; } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class TestRotationScript : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } void OnGUI () { CTRotation ttscript; CTChangeAlpha colorScript; GameObject testObject = GameObject.Find("TestCube"); //Component testObjectScript = testObject.GetComponent("CRotation"); ttscript = (CTRotation)testObject.GetComponent("CTRotation"); colorScript = (CTChangeAlpha)testObject.GetComponent("CTChangeAlpha"); if (GUI.Button (new Rect (20,40,80,20), "UniRotate")) { ttscript.RotateTo(3600f, 2, 2f); } if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,60,80,20),"AccRotate")){ ttscript.RotateTo(3600f, 2, 2f, 0.5f); } if(GUI.Button(new Rect(20,80,80,20),"Color")){ colorScript.ColorTo(2,5.0f); } } }