1 def getResponse(url):# 使用requests获取Response 2 headers = { 3 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.182 Safari/537.36' 4 } 5 response = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers) 6 return response 7 8 def getHTMLBySelenium(url):# 使用selenium获取页面的page_text 9 try: 10 chrome_options =Options() 11 chrome_options.add_argument('--headless') 12 browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/chromedriver_win32/chromedriver.exe', options=chrome_options) 13 browser.get(url) 14 time.sleep(2) 15 page_text = browser.page_source 16 browser.quit() 17 return page_text 18 except Exception as e: 19 return '' 20 21 def getBlog(url):# 获取页面内容 22 try: 23 page_text = getHTMLBySelenium(url) 24 tree = etree.HTML(page_text) 25 allText = tree.xpath('//body//text()') 26 text = ' '.join(allText) 27 title = url.replace('/', '_') 28 title = title.replace('.', '_') 29 title = title.replace(':', '_') 30 with open('全站/' + title + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: 31 fp.write(text) 32 except Exception as e: 33 return
def getLinks(url): try: page_text = getHTMLBySelenium(url) tree = etree.HTML(page_text) all_href = tree.xpath('//a') links = [] for href in all_href: link = href.xpath('./@href') if len(link) == 0: continue link = link[0] if link.startswith('https://blog.csdn.net'): links.append(link) return links except Exception as e: return []
urls = set()# 存储已经被操作过的URL temp1 = set()# 存储正在被操作的URL temp2 = set()# 存储新获取的URL temp1.add('url')# 程序最开始的分析的页面,可以是网站首页URL while temp1:# temp1不为空则程序一直运行 for url in temp1: if url in urls:# url在urls 代表这条url已经被处理 continue doSomeThing(url)# 处理url for link in getLinks(url):# 分析url表示的页面中有哪些其他的URL if link in urls: continue if link in temp2: continue temp2.add(link) # temp1中url处理完毕 # 将temp2内容赋给temp1,并清空temp2 temp1 = temp2.copy() temp2.clear()
首先是我们用什么保存获取的链接,我最开始使用的是 set 并将urls,temp1,temp2分别用一个文本文件做备
是上面的辅助函数我都用 try ... except... 的原因。
按照上述思路我完成了第一版的代码,set + 文本文件,然后程序在周末跑了两天之后,我周一发现程序把电
脑内存跑满了(win10 + 16G内存)电脑卡死了,然后强制关机重启之后我看了一下存储URL的文件,程序最
# ---- 用pymysql 操作数据库 def get_connection(): conn = pymysql.connect(host=host, port=port, db=db, user=user, password=password) return conn #打开数据库连接 conn = get_connection()
cnt = 1
loop = 2
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor1 = conn.cursor()
cursor2 = conn.cursor()
while True: print(f'Loop {loop}') loop += 1 # 遍历temp1 cursor1.execute("select * from csdn_temp1") while True: temp1Res = cursor1.fetchone() # temp1 遍历完成 if temp1Res is None: #表示已经取完结果集 break print (temp1Res) url = temp1Res[0] url = re.sub('[u4e00-u9fa5]', '', url) cursor.execute("select * from csdn_urls where url = %s", [url]) urlsRes = cursor.fetchone() # 已经抓过这一条链接 continue if urlsRes is not None: continue #if cnt % 100 == 0: #print(url) cnt += 1 sql = "insert ignore into csdn_urls values(%s)" cursor.execute(sql,(url)) conn.commit() with open('urls.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(url) fp.write(' ') getBlog(url) links = getLinks(url) #toTemp2Urls = [] for link in links: # 已经抓过这一条链接 或者 temp2 已经有了这一链接 continue cursor.execute("select * from csdn_urls where url = %s", [link]) urlsRes = cursor.fetchone() if urlsRes is not None: continue cursor2.execute("select * from csdn_temp2 where url = %s", [link]) temp2Res = cursor2.fetchone() if temp2Res is not None: continue #toTemp2Urls.append(link) sql = "insert ignore into csdn_temp2 values(%s)" link = re.sub('[u4e00-u9fa5]', '', link) cursor2.execute(sql,(link)) conn.commit() with open('temp2.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write(link) fp.write(' ') #sql="insert ignore into csdn_temp2 values(%s)" #cursor2.executemany(sql,toTemp2Urls) conn.commit() #toTemp2Urls = [] conn.commit() cursor.execute("rename table csdn_temp1 to csdn_temp") conn.commit() cursor.execute("rename table csdn_temp2 to csdn_temp1") conn.commit() cursor.execute("rename table csdn_temp to csdn_temp2") conn.commit() # 删除temp2数据 cursor.execute("delete from csdn_temp2") conn.commit() os.rename('temp1.txt', 'temp3.txt') os.rename('temp2.txt', 'temp1.txt') os.rename('temp3.txt', 'temp2.txt') with open('temp2.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp: fp.write('')