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  • I2C控制器的Verilog建模之一







      (c)关于ACK和NACK。这里站在主机角度,每次读写都应该等待ACK,这一点肯定是没错的。其实NACK是主机在结束最后一个比特之后结束信号之间由主机产生NACK。关于这一点的解释,这里贴出ADI工程师的回答:”In Read Mode, the highest subaddress register contents continue to be output until the master device issues a no-acknowledge. This indicates the end of a read. A no-acknowledge condition is where the SDA line is not pulled low on the ninth pulse.I think this is what you are referring to.  A master NACK during the read back byte stops the read back.  In absolute I2C standards probably not but for this part it's ok since you can only access one register at a time and the subaddress register does not auto-increment so doing another byte read will just return the same byte you just read.  A stop essentially kills the transaction anyways.  This is an older device.“



      1 `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
      2 `define SIM
      3 `define SYS_CLK    50000000
      4 `define I2C_CLK    100000
      5 `define I2C_DIV    `SYS_CLK/`I2C_CLK
      6 `define ADV7180
      7 `define SCLK_CNT_WIDTH    9
      8 module i2c_controller(
      9                                 sys_clk,
     10                                 sys_rst_n,
     11                                 sys_wreq_i,
     12                                 reg_addr_i,
     13                                 sys_data_i,
     14                                 i2c_idle_o,
     15                                 i2c_ack_o,
     16                                 i2c_sclk,
     17                                 i2c_sdat
     18                                 );
     19 input sys_clk;
     20 input sys_rst_n;
     21 input sys_wreq_i;
     22 input [7:0] reg_addr_i;    //从机寄存器地址
     23 input [7:0] sys_data_i;    //待写的数据
     24 output i2c_idle_o;        //模块空闲
     25 output i2c_ack_o;    //非I2C的ACK,模块的ack
     26 output i2c_sclk;
     27 inout i2c_sdat;
     28 `ifdef ADV7180
     29     parameter DEVICE_READ = 8'h40;        //器件读操作地址
     30     parameter DEVICE_WRITE = 8'h41;        //器件写操作地址
     31 `endif
     33 `ifdef SIM
     34         parameter ST_WIDTH = 56;
     35         parameter IDLE = "IDLE...",
     36                         START1 = "START1.",
     37                         SET_SLAVE = "SET_SLA",
     38                         ACK1 = "ACK1...",
     39                         SET_REG = "SET_REG",
     40                         ACK2 = "ACK2...",
     41                         WR_DATA = "WR_DATA",
     42                         ACK3 = "ACK3...",
     43                         STOP = "STOP...";
     45 `else
     46         `define FSM    9
     47         parameter ST_WIDTH = 9;
     48         parameter IDLE = `FSM'b0_0000_0001,
     49                         START1 =  `FSM'b0_0000_0010,    //写操作一共有1个start,读操作一共2个start
     50                         SET_SLAVE =  `FSM'b0_0000_0100,
     51                         ACK1 =  `FSM'b0_0000_1000,
     52                         SET_REG =  `FSM'b0_0001_0000,
     53                         ACK2 =  `FSM'b0_0010_0000,
     54                         WR_DATA =  `FSM'b0_0100_0000,
     55                         ACK3 =  `FSM'b0_1000_0000,
     56                         STOP =  `FSM'b1_0000_0000;
     57 `endif
     60 reg [`SCLK_CNT_WIDTH-1:0] sclk_cnt = 0;
     61 always @ (posedge sys_clk) begin
     62 if(1'b0 == sys_rst_n) sclk_cnt <= 0;
     63 else if(sclk_cnt < `I2C_DIV-1) sclk_cnt <= sclk_cnt + 1'd1;
     64 else sclk_cnt <= 0;
     65 end
     67 `define SCLK_POS    (sclk_cnt == `SCLK_CNT_WIDTH'd499)
     68 `define SCLK_HIGH    (sclk_cnt == `SCLK_CNT_WIDTH'd124)
     69 `define SCLK_NEG    (sclk_cnt == `SCLK_CNT_WIDTH'd249)
     70 `define SCLK_LOW    (sclk_cnt == `SCLK_CNT_WIDTH'd374)
     72 assign i2c_sclk = (sclk_cnt <= `SCLK_CNT_WIDTH'd249)?1'b1:1'b0;
     74 //caputre the posedge of sys_wreq_i;
     75 reg sys_wreq_r0 = 0;
     76 always @ (posedge sys_clk) begin
     77 if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)    sys_wreq_r0 <= 0;
     78 else sys_wreq_r0 <= sys_wreq_i;
     79 end
     80 wire do_wreq = sys_wreq_i & ~sys_wreq_r0;
     81 //generate the wr_start;
     82 reg wr_start = 0;
     83 always @ (posedge sys_clk) begin
     84 if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)    wr_start <= 0;
     85 else if(i2c_ack_o == 1'b1) wr_start <= 0;
     86 else if(do_wreq)    wr_start <= 1;
     87 else wr_start <= wr_start;
     88 end
     89 //FSM
     90 reg [7:0] data2slave = 0;
     91 reg sdat_r = 1;
     92 reg link = 0;        //控制三态口读写方向,默认为读方向0,写时为1
     93 reg [3:0] bit_cnt = 4'd0;
     94 reg [ST_WIDTH-1:0] c_st = IDLE;
     95 reg [ST_WIDTH-1:0] n_st = IDLE;
     96 //FSM-1
     97 always @ (posedge sys_clk) begin
     98 if(1'b0 == sys_rst_n) c_st <= IDLE;
     99 else c_st <= n_st;
    100 end
    101 //fsm-2
    102 //实际的状态转移中ack[2:0]比物理等待的ack少四分之一
    103 always @ (*) begin
    104     n_st = IDLE;
    105     case(c_st)
    106     IDLE:begin
    107                 n_st = ((wr_start == 1'b1)&&(`SCLK_HIGH))?START1:IDLE;end
    108     START1:begin
    109                     n_st = (`SCLK_LOW)?SET_SLAVE:START1;end    //sclk为高电平中心时转移
    110     SET_SLAVE:begin
    111                             n_st = ((`SCLK_LOW)&&(bit_cnt == 4'd8))?ACK1:SET_SLAVE;end//数据在低电平是更新
    112     ACK1:begin 
    113                 n_st = (`SCLK_NEG)?SET_REG:ACK1;end//为保证下一步设置寄存器,提前1/4进入下一个状态
    114     SET_REG:begin
    115                         n_st = ((`SCLK_LOW)&&(bit_cnt == 4'd8))?ACK2:SET_REG;end//数据在低电平是更新
    116     ACK2:begin
    117                     n_st = (`SCLK_NEG)?WR_DATA:ACK2;end//为保证下一步设置寄存器,提前1/4进入下一个状态
    118     WR_DATA:begin
    119                         n_st = ((`SCLK_LOW)&&(bit_cnt == 4'd8))?ACK3:WR_DATA;end
    120     ACK3:begin
    121                     n_st = (`SCLK_NEG)?STOP:ACK3;end
    122     STOP:begin
    123                     n_st = (`SCLK_NEG)?IDLE:STOP;end
    124     default:begin
    125                     n_st = IDLE;end
    126     endcase
    127 end
    128 //FSM-3
    129 always @ (posedge sys_clk) begin
    130 if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0) begin
    131                                 link <= 1'd1;
    132                                 data2slave <= 8'd0;
    133                                 bit_cnt <= 4'd0;
    134                                 sdat_r <= 1'd1;
    135                                 end
    136 else begin
    137     case(c_st)
    138     IDLE:begin
    139                                 link <= 1'd1;
    140                                 data2slave <= DEVICE_WRITE;
    141                                 bit_cnt <= 4'd0;
    142                                 sdat_r <= 1'd1;
    143                                 end
    144     START1:begin
    145                                 link <= 1'd1;
    146                                 bit_cnt <= 4'd1;
    147                                 data2slave <= (`SCLK_LOW)?data2slave<<1:data2slave;
    148                                 sdat_r <= (`SCLK_LOW)?data2slave[7]:1'd0;    //pull down,由于data2slave缓存一级的缘故,需要提前在START里输出第MSB位
    149                                 end
    150     SET_SLAVE:begin
    151                             if(`SCLK_LOW) begin
    152                                     link <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?1'b0:1'b1;    //释放数据总线
    153                                     bit_cnt <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?4'd0:bit_cnt+1'd1;
    154                                     data2slave <= {data2slave[6:0],1'd0};//左移一位
    155                                     sdat_r <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?1'd1:data2slave[7];end
    156                             else begin
    157                                     link <= link;
    158                                     bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
    159                                     data2slave <= data2slave;
    160                                     sdat_r <= sdat_r;end
    161                         end
    162     ACK1:begin
    163                                 link <= 1'd0;
    164                                 data2slave <= (`SCLK_POS)?reg_addr_i:data2slave;    //读入待写的寄存器地址
    165                                 bit_cnt <= 4'd0;
    166                                 sdat_r <= 1'd1;
    167                                 end
    168     SET_REG:begin
    169                             if(`SCLK_LOW) begin
    170                                     link <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?1'b0:1'b1;    //释放数据总线
    171                                     bit_cnt <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?4'd0:bit_cnt+1'd1;
    172                                     data2slave <= {data2slave[6:0],1'd0};//左移一位
    173                                     sdat_r <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?1'd1:data2slave[7];end
    174                             else begin
    175                                     link <= link;
    176                                     bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
    177                                     data2slave <= data2slave;
    178                                     sdat_r <= sdat_r;end
    179                         end
    180     ACK2:begin
    181                                 link <= 1'd0;
    182                                 data2slave <= (`SCLK_POS)?sys_data_i:data2slave;    //读入待写的寄存器地址
    183                                 bit_cnt <= 4'd0;
    184                                 sdat_r <= 1'd1;
    185                                 end
    186     WR_DATA:begin
    187                             if(`SCLK_LOW) begin
    188                                     link <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?1'b0:1'b1;    //释放数据总线
    189                                     bit_cnt <= (bit_cnt == 4'd8)?4'd0:bit_cnt+1'd1;
    190                                     data2slave <= {data2slave[6:0],1'd0};//左移一位
    191                                     sdat_r <= data2slave[7];end
    192                             else begin
    193                                     link <= link;
    194                                     bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
    195                                     data2slave <= data2slave;
    196                                     sdat_r <= sdat_r;end
    197                         end
    198     ACK3:begin
    199                     link <= 1'd0;
    200                     sdat_r <= 1'd0;//预先拉低
    201                     bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
    202                     data2slave <= data2slave;end
    203     STOP:begin
    204                     link <= (`SCLK_LOW)?1'b1:link;
    205                     bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
    206                     data2slave <= data2slave;
    207                     sdat_r <= (`SCLK_HIGH)?1'b1:sdat_r;end
    208     default:begin
    209                                 link <= 1'd1;
    210                                 data2slave <= 8'd0;
    211                                 bit_cnt <= 4'd0;
    212                                 sdat_r <= 1'd1;
    213                                 end
    214     endcase
    215     end
    216 end
    217 //assign
    218 assign i2c_sdat = (link == 1'b1)?sdat_r:8'hzz;
    219 assign i2c_idle_o = (c_st == IDLE)?1'b1:1'b0;
    220 assign i2c_ack_o = ((c_st == STOP)&&(`SCLK_NEG))?1'b1:1'b0;
    224 endmodule


    `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
    `define LUT_WIDTH    4
    module adv7180_config(
    input sys_clk;
    input sys_rst_n;
    input i2c_ack_i;
    output sys_wreq_o;
    output [7:0] sys_data_o;
    output [7:0] reg_addr_o;
    output config_done_o;
    //generate wreq_o
    reg sys_wreq_o = 0;
    reg [`LUT_WIDTH-1:0] lut_index = 0;
    reg [15:0] lut_data = 0;
    always @ (posedge sys_clk) begin
    if(1'b0 == sys_rst_n) begin
                                    sys_wreq_o <= 1;
                                    lut_index <= 0;end
    else if((i2c_ack_i == 1'b1)&&(config_done_o == 1'b0)) begin
                                    sys_wreq_o <= 1;
                                    lut_index <= lut_index + 1'd1;end
    else begin
            sys_wreq_o <= 0;
            lut_index <= lut_index;end
    assign config_done_o = (lut_index == `LUT_WIDTH'd15)?1'b1:1'b0;
    assign sys_data_o = lut_data[7:0];
    assign reg_addr_o = lut_data[15:8];
    always @ (*) begin
        `LUT_WIDTH'd0:lut_data <= 16'h2330;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd1:lut_data <= 16'h4161;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd2:lut_data <= 16'hf22a;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd3:lut_data <= 16'ha344;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd4:lut_data <= 16'h4353;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd5:lut_data <= 16'h1325;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd6:lut_data <= 16'h6546;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd7:lut_data <= 16'h7657;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd8:lut_data <= 16'h8565;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd9:lut_data <= 16'h9357;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd10:lut_data <= 16'h1450;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd11:lut_data <= 16'h1311;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd12:lut_data <= 16'h1542;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd13:lut_data <= 16'h1133;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd14:lut_data <= 16'h1134;
        `LUT_WIDTH'd15:lut_data <= 16'h1965;


     1 `timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
     2 module tb_i2c();
     3 reg sys_clk;
     4 reg sys_rst_n;
     5 initial begin
     6 sys_clk = 1;
     7 sys_rst_n = 0;
     8 #100 sys_rst_n = 1;
     9 end
    11 always begin
    12 #10 sys_clk=~sys_clk;end
    14 wire i2c_sclk;
    15 wire sys_wreq;
    16 wire [7:0] reg_addr;
    17 wire [7:0] sys_data;
    18 wire i2c_idle;
    19 wire i2c_ack;
    20 wire i2c_sdat;
    21 i2c_controller            u0(
    22                                 .sys_clk( sys_clk ),
    23                                 .sys_rst_n( sys_rst_n ),
    24                                 .sys_wreq_i( sys_wreq ),
    25                                 .reg_addr_i( reg_addr ),
    26                                 .sys_data_i( sys_data ),
    27                                 .i2c_idle_o( i2c_idle ),
    28                                 .i2c_ack_o( i2c_ack ),
    29                                 .i2c_sclk( i2c_sclk),
    30                                 .i2c_sdat( i2c_sdat )
    31                                 );
    33 wire config_done;
    34 adv7180_config                u1(
    35                                     .sys_clk( sys_clk ),
    36                                     .sys_rst_n( sys_rst_n ),
    37                                     .i2c_ack_i( i2c_ack ),
    38                                     .sys_wreq_o( sys_wreq ),
    39                                     .sys_data_o( sys_data ),
    40                                     .reg_addr_o( reg_addr ),
    41                                     .config_done_o( config_done )
    42                                     );
    46 endmodule
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/loadomain/p/3247517.html
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