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  • 对旋转矩阵R做(行)初等变换会发生什么?





    图1 测试1

     图2 测试2


    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <Eigen/Eigen>
    #include <Eigen/Geometry>
    #include <Eigen/Core>
    #include <vector>
    #include <math.h>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace Eigen;
    Eigen::Quaterniond euler2Quaternion(const double roll, const double pitch, const double yaw)
        Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(roll, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
        Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(yaw, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
        Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(pitch, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
        Eigen::Quaterniond q = rollAngle * yawAngle * pitchAngle;
        cout << "Euler2Quaternion result is:" << endl;
        cout << "x = " << q.x() << endl;
        cout << "y = " << q.y() << endl;
        cout << "z = " << q.z() << endl;
        cout << "w = " << q.w() << endl << endl;
        return q;
    Eigen::Vector3d Quaterniond2Euler(const double x, const double y, const double z, const double w)
        Eigen::Quaterniond q;
        q.x() = x;
        q.y() = y;
        q.z() = z;
        q.w() = w;
        Eigen::Vector3d euler = q.toRotationMatrix().eulerAngles(2, 1, 0);
        cout << "Quaterniond2Euler result is:" << endl;
        cout << "x = " << euler[2] << endl;
        cout << "y = " << euler[1] << endl;
        cout << "z = " << euler[0] << endl << endl;
        return euler;
    Eigen::Matrix3d Quaternion2RotationMatrix(const double x, const double y, const double z, const double w)
        Eigen::Quaterniond q;
        q.x() = x;
        q.y() = y;
        q.z() = z;
        q.w() = w;
        Eigen::Matrix3d R = q.normalized().toRotationMatrix();
        cout << "Quaternion2RotationMatrix result is:" << endl;
        cout << "R = " << endl << R << endl << endl;
        return R;
    Eigen::Quaterniond rotationMatrix2Quaterniond(Eigen::Matrix3d R)
        Eigen::Quaterniond q = Eigen::Quaterniond(R);
        cout << "RotationMatrix2Quaterniond result is:" << endl;
        cout << "x = " << q.x() << endl;
        cout << "y = " << q.y() << endl;
        cout << "z = " << q.z() << endl;
        cout << "w = " << q.w() << endl << endl;
        return q;
    Eigen::Matrix3d euler2RotationMatrix(const double roll, const double pitch, const double yaw)
        Eigen::AngleAxisd rollAngle(roll, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
        Eigen::AngleAxisd yawAngle(yaw, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY());
        Eigen::AngleAxisd pitchAngle(pitch, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX());
        Eigen::Quaterniond q = rollAngle * yawAngle * pitchAngle;
        Eigen::Matrix3d R = q.matrix();
        cout << "Euler2RotationMatrix result is:" << endl;
        cout << "R = " << endl << R << endl << endl;
        return R;
    Eigen::Vector3d RotationMatrix2euler(Eigen::Matrix3d R)
        Eigen::Matrix3d m;
        m = R;
        Eigen::Vector3d euler = m.eulerAngles(0, 1, 2);
        cout << "RotationMatrix2euler result is:" << endl;
        cout << "x = " << euler[2] << endl;
        cout << "y = " << euler[1] << endl;
        cout << "z = " << euler[0] << endl << endl;
        return euler;
    Eigen::Matrix3d matrixTransion(Eigen::Matrix3d& R)
        Eigen::Matrix3d M(R);
        //M(0, 2) = R(0, 1) * (-1) * 3 + R(0, 2);
        //M(1, 2) = R(1, 1) * (-1) * 3 + R(1, 2);
        //M(2, 2) = R(2, 1) * (-1) * 3 + R(2, 2);
        M(2, 0) = R(0, 0)*3 + R(2, 0);
        M(2, 1) = R(0, 1)*3 + R(2, 1);
        M(2, 2) = R(0, 2)*3 + R(2, 2);
        return M;
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        //this is euler2Quaternion transform function,please input your euler angle//
        //euler2Quaternion(2.55356, - 0.751701, -35.1082);    //-0.0148858, -0.00671055, -1.30948
        //Eigen::Quaterniond q = Eigen::Quaterniond(-0.00482526, 0.00153114, 0.997521, -0.0701826);
        //cout << " test q:: "<< endl;
        //cout << "x = " << q.x() << endl;
        //cout << "y = " << q.y() << endl;
        //cout << "z = " << q.z() << endl;
        //cout << "w = " << q.w() << endl << endl;
        //this is Quaternion2Euler transform function,please input your euler angle//
        //Quaterniond2Euler(0, 0, 0, 1);
        //this is Quaternion2RotationMatrix transform function,please input your Quaternion parameter//
        //Quaternion2RotationMatrix(0, 0, 0, 1);
        //this is euler2RotationMatrix transform function,please input your euler angle for the function parameter//
        Eigen::Matrix3d R = euler2RotationMatrix(-0.0148858, -0.00671055, -1.30948);
        Eigen::Matrix3d M = matrixTransion(R);
        //this is rotationMatrix2Quaterniond transform function,please input your RotationMatrix parameter like following//
        //this is RotationMatrix2euler transform function,please input your euler angle for the function parameter//
        return 0;

      结论:变换前后欧拉角和四元数变化了,这说明旋转矩阵R 是不能做初等变换的,而且齐次变换矩阵T(RT)也是不能做初等变换的。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lovebay/p/13181153.html
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