cuda kdtree
前言:将kdtree 查询部分移植到GPU端,在很多应用中对提高算法的执行效率很有帮助,本文使用英伟达GPU语言cuda,完成了kdtree GPU端的移植。
步骤比较简单:1、cpu端 创建kdtree; 2、迁移kdtree node 节点到GPU端;3、GPU端实现临近检索 (注:里面会有很多处理小技巧,望相互学习)
// #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include "cuda_runtime.h" #include "device_launch_parameters.h" #include <math.h> #include "cuda_kdtree.h" void CheckCUDAError(const char *msg) { cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError(); if (cudaSuccess != err) { fprintf(stderr, "Cuda error: %s: %s. ", msg, cudaGetErrorString(err)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// __device__ float distance3d(float* pt1, float* pt2) { float temp = sqrtf( (pt1[0] - pt2[0])*(pt1[0] - pt2[0]) + (pt1[1] - pt2[1])*(pt1[1] - pt2[1]) + (pt1[2] - pt2[2])*(pt1[2] - pt2[2])); return temp; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// __device__ int findLeafNode_GPU(float* searchPoint,int current_node ,int node_num, CUDA_KDNode* kdnode_vector) { if (node_num == 0) { //std::cout << "CUDA_KDNode is empty ..." << std::endl; return -1; } while (true) { if (kdnode_vector[current_node].left == -1 && kdnode_vector[current_node].right == -1) //leaf node { break; } int slipnum0 = 1; slipnum0 = kdnode_vector[current_node].dim; switch (slipnum0) { case 1: if (searchPoint[0] < kdnode_vector[current_node].split_value) { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].left; } else { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].right; } break; case 2: if (searchPoint[1] < kdnode_vector[current_node].split_value) { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].left; } else { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].right; } break; case 3: if (searchPoint[2] < kdnode_vector[current_node].split_value) { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].left; } else { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].right; } break; } } return current_node; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// __device__ int findNode_GPU(float* searchPoint, float searchRadius, int current_node, int node_num, CUDA_KDNode* kdnode_vector) { if (node_num == 0) { //std::cout << "CUDA_KDNode is empty ..." << std::endl; return -1; } while (true) { if (kdnode_vector[current_node].left == -1 || kdnode_vector[current_node].right == -1) //leaf node { break; } int slipnum0 = 1; slipnum0 = kdnode_vector[current_node].dim; float dis_temp = fabs(searchPoint[slipnum0 - 1] - kdnode_vector[current_node].split_value); if (dis_temp < searchRadius) { break; } if (searchPoint[slipnum0-1] < kdnode_vector[current_node].split_value) { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].left; } else { current_node = kdnode_vector[current_node].right; } } return current_node; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// __device__ int searchRadius_GPU( float* pointCloud,int* pt_indexs, int node_num, CUDA_KDNode* kdnode_vector, float* searchPoint,float searchRadius, int* searchIndex, float* searchDistance) { if (node_num == NULL) { //std::cout << "CUDA_KDNode is empty ..." << std::endl; return -1; } int current_node = 0; //根节点 int templeafnode = 0;// findNode_GPU(searchPoint, searchRadius, current_node, node_num, kdnode_vector); float distanceTemp = 0.0; int temp = 0; for (int j = 0; j < kdnode_vector[templeafnode].numOfData; j++) { float pt2[3]; pt2[0] = pointCloud[3 * pt_indexs[kdnode_vector[templeafnode].start_index + j]]; pt2[1] = pointCloud[3 * pt_indexs[kdnode_vector[templeafnode].start_index + j] + 1]; pt2[2] = pointCloud[3 * pt_indexs[kdnode_vector[templeafnode].start_index + j] + 2]; distanceTemp = distance3d(searchPoint, pt2); if (searchRadius > distanceTemp && temp < maxN) { searchIndex[temp] = pt_indexs[kdnode_vector[templeafnode].start_index + j]; searchDistance[temp] = distanceTemp; temp++; } } while (true) { int indexTemp = -1; float tempdis; int changetimes = 0; if (temp == 0) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < temp-1; i++) { if (searchDistance[i] > searchDistance[i + 1]) { tempdis = searchDistance[i]; searchDistance[i] = searchDistance[i + 1]; searchDistance[i + 1] = tempdis; indexTemp = searchIndex[i]; searchIndex[i] = searchIndex[i + 1]; searchIndex[i + 1] = indexTemp; changetimes++; } } if (changetimes == 0) { break; } } return temp; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <int BLOCK_SIZE> __global__ void runKNNSearchRadius_GPU(float* pointCloud, int* pt_indexs, int node_num, CUDA_KDNode* kdnode_vector,float searchRadius, int* searchIndex_d, float* searchDistance_d) { int searchIndex[maxN]; float searchDistance[maxN]; for (int i = 0; i < maxN; i++) { searchIndex[i] = -999; searchDistance[i] = 999.; } int Row = blockIdx.y * BLOCK_SIZE + threadIdx.y; int Col = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE + threadIdx.x; float searchPoint[2]; searchPoint[0] = Col * 1.0 / imgWidth_d; searchPoint[1] = (imgHeight_d - Row) * 1.0 / imgHeight_d; int searchNum = searchRadius_GPU( pointCloud, pt_indexs, node_num, kdnode_vector, searchPoint, searchRadius, searchIndex, searchDistance); int threadId = Row * imgWidth_d + Col; for (int i = 0; i < maxN; i++) { searchIndex_d[maxN*threadId + i] = searchIndex[i]; searchDistance_d[maxN*threadId + i] = searchDistance[i]; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CUDA_KDTREE::~CUDA_KDTREE() { cudaFree(m_gpu_nodes); cudaFree(m_gpu_indexes); cudaFree(m_gpu_points); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CUDA_KDTREE::createKDTree(std::vector<Point3d>& pointCloud, vector<CUDA_KDNode>& cpu_nodes, vector<int>& indexes) { kd::KDTree<Point3d> tree; tree.setInputPointCloud(pointCloud); tree.setNumOfLeafData(100); tree.buildKDTree(); std::queue<kd::kdnode*> kdnodePtrQue; kdnodePtrQue.push(tree.ptree->root); std::vector<kd::kdnode*> kdnode_vect; //go through kdtree node int node_t = 0; while (!kdnodePtrQue.empty()) { kd::kdnode* tempkdnode = kdnodePtrQue.front(); if (tempkdnode==NULL) { kdnodePtrQue.pop(); continue; } tempkdnode->node_index = node_t; kdnode_vect.push_back(tempkdnode); CUDA_KDNode gpu_node_temp; gpu_node_temp.dim = tempkdnode->dim; gpu_node_temp.nodelr = tempkdnode->nodelr; gpu_node_temp.numOfData = tempkdnode->numOfData; gpu_node_temp.split_value = tempkdnode->split_value; cpu_nodes.push_back(gpu_node_temp); kdnodePtrQue.pop(); if (tempkdnode->left!=NULL) { kdnodePtrQue.push(tempkdnode->left); } if (tempkdnode->right != NULL) { kdnodePtrQue.push(tempkdnode->right); } node_t++; } int index_t = 0; for (int i = 0; i < node_t; i++) { if (kdnode_vect[i]->father==NULL) cpu_nodes[i].father = -1; else cpu_nodes[i].father = kdnode_vect[i]->father->node_index; if (kdnode_vect[i]->left == NULL) cpu_nodes[i].left = -1; else cpu_nodes[i].left = kdnode_vect[i]->left->node_index; if (kdnode_vect[i]->right == NULL) cpu_nodes[i].right = -1; else cpu_nodes[i].right = kdnode_vect[i]->right->node_index; cpu_nodes[i].start_index = index_t; index_t += cpu_nodes[i].numOfData; for (int j = 0; j < cpu_nodes[i].numOfData; j++) { indexes.push_back(kdnode_vect[i]->data[j]); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CUDA_KDTREE::search(std::vector<Point3d>& pointCloud, vector<CUDA_KDNode>& cpu_nodes, vector<int>& indexes, int* queries_indexes, float *queries_dists) { // Create the nodes again on the CPU, laid out nicely for the GPU transfer int m_num_index = indexes.size(); int num_nodes = cpu_nodes.size(); int point_num = pointCloud.size(); //int* queries_indexes = NULL; //float *queries_dists = NULL; //queries_indexes = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * imgHeight_d * imgWidth_d* maxN); //queries_dists = (float*)malloc(sizeof(int) * imgHeight_d * imgWidth_d* maxN); int* searchIndex_d = NULL; float* searchDistance_d = NULL; cudaMalloc((void**)&m_gpu_nodes, sizeof(CUDA_KDNode)*num_nodes); cudaMalloc((void**)&m_gpu_indexes, sizeof(int)*m_num_index); cudaMalloc((void**)&m_gpu_points, sizeof(float) * 3 * point_num); cudaMalloc((void**)&searchIndex_d, sizeof(int) * imgHeight_d * imgWidth_d* maxN); cudaMalloc((void**)&searchDistance_d, sizeof(float) * imgHeight_d * imgWidth_d* maxN); cudaMemcpy(m_gpu_nodes, &cpu_nodes[0], sizeof(CUDA_KDNode) * num_nodes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); cudaMemcpy(m_gpu_indexes, &indexes[0], sizeof(int) * m_num_index, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); cudaMemcpy(m_gpu_points, &pointCloud[0], sizeof(float) * 3 * point_num, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); int BLOCK_SIZE = 16; // Setup execution parameters dim3 block(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE); //16*16 或者 32*32 block大小 dim3 grid(imgWidth_d / block.x, imgHeight_d / block.y); //计算grid 大小 runKNNSearchRadius_GPU<16><<<grid, block>>> (m_gpu_points, m_gpu_indexes, num_nodes, m_gpu_nodes, 0.02, searchIndex_d, searchDistance_d); cudaError_t cudaStatus; cudaStatus = cudaGetLastError(); // cudaDeviceSynchronize waits for the kernel to finish, and returns // any errors encountered during the launch. cudaStatus = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); cudaMemcpy(&queries_indexes[0], searchIndex_d, sizeof(int)*imgHeight_d * imgWidth_d* maxN, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaMemcpy(&queries_dists[0], searchDistance_d, sizeof(float)*imgHeight_d * imgWidth_d* maxN, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); CheckCUDAError("CreateKDTree"); // free cudaFree(searchIndex_d); cudaFree(searchDistance_d); return 0; }