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  • 图像边缘检测

    一 一阶微分

       函数f(x, y)的一阶微分构成梯度grad(f):,梯度幅度mag: ,梯度方向为:,梯度方向垂直于边缘方向。





       , 其误差为:

       基于以上分析,函数f(x, y)的梯度可离散化为:



      Sobel算子在Prewitt算子基础上改变了中心像素的权重,在编码中,一般会优先使用Sobel算子,这里有必要给出更大尺寸的Sobel算子,如5*5, 7*7等;

      如果对Prewitt算子进行更大尺寸扩展,直接扩展尺寸即可,但对于Sobel算子的扩展,由于各点权重不一致,还需要确定扩展后的权重值;仅考虑一个维度上的数据(1, 2, 1), 当扩展为更大尺寸时应该如何选择权重,如(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5)?







    二 二阶微分



       函数f(x, y)的二阶偏微分构成laplace算子:


       二阶微分强调灰度突变,并不 强调灰度缓慢变化区域,利用这种特性,可以将灰度突变叠加到原始图像中以实现图像边缘锐化,其方法为:


    三 Marr-Hildreth边缘检测





        将以上操作用数学表达式描述为:,其中f(x, y)为图像函数,G(x, y)为高斯函数;

        微分与卷积均为线性运算,上式可改写为:,这样就可以提前计算出(laplace of Gaussian);



       欲形成5*5拉普拉斯模板,根据公式有,带人(x, y)坐标可得出离散高斯拉普拉斯模板:


       1)在3*3区域内检测图像左/右, 上/下或对角线符号变化,若符号发生改变,则确定为过零点;


    四 Canny边缘检测






    void cannyTrace(int y,int x,int width,int widthstep,int thresh,uchar* pImageData,int* pMag)
            int y_trace[8] = {-1,-1,-1, 0,0, 1,1,1};
            int x_trace[8] = {-1, 0, 1,-1,1,-1,0,1};
            for(int k = 0;k < 8;k++)
                int yy = y + y_trace[k];
                int xx = x + x_trace[k];
                if(*(pImageData + yy * widthstep + xx) == 128 && pMag[yy * width + xx] > thresh)
                    *(pImageData + yy * widthstep + xx) = 255;
        void cannyGradHV(unsigned char* img, int* dx, int* dy, int* mag, float* theta, int width, int height)
            int widthstep = (width + 3) / 4 * 4;
            for(short y = 1; y < height - 1; ++y)
                for(short x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x)
                    *(dx + y * width + x) =  *(img + (y - 1) * widthstep + x - 1)
                                           + *(img + (y    ) * widthstep + x - 1) * 2
                                           + *(img + (y + 1) * widthstep + x - 1)
                                           - *(img + (y - 1) * widthstep + x + 1)
                                           - *(img + (y    ) * widthstep + x + 1) * 2
                                           - *(img + (y + 1) * widthstep + x + 1);
                    *(dy + y * width + x) = *(img + (y - 1) * widthstep + x - 1)
                                          + *(img + (y - 1) * widthstep + x    ) * 2
                                          + *(img + (y - 1) * widthstep + x + 1)
                                          - *(img + (y + 1) * widthstep + x - 1)
                                          - *(img + (y + 1) * widthstep + x    ) * 2
                                          - *(img + (y + 1) * widthstep + x + 1);
                    *(mag   + y * width + x) = abs(*(dx + y * width + x)) + abs(*(dy + y * width + x));
                    *(theta + y * width + x) = atan2((float)(*(dy + y * width + x)),(float)(*(dx + y * width + x)));
    void CannyCustomized(IplImage* pImage, IplImage* pCanny, float upper_threshold, float lower_threshold, bool hysteresis,  CANNY_TPYE type)
            IplImage* pFilterImage     = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pImage),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
            uchar*    pFilterImageData = (uchar*)pFilterImage->imageData;
            cvCopy(pImage, pFilterImage);
            int width  = pImage->width;
            int height = pImage->height;
            int widthstep = pImage->widthStep;
            // 梯度值与梯度方向
            int*  dx = new int[pImage->width * pImage->height];
            int*  dy = new int[pImage->width * pImage->height];
            int* mag = new int[pImage->width * pImage->height];
            float* theta = new float[pImage->width * pImage->height];
                case CANNY_HORIZONTAL_VERTICAL: cannyGradHV(pFilterImageData, dx, dy, mag, theta, pImage->width, pImage->height); break;
                case CANNY_HORIZONTAL:          cannyGradH(pFilterImageData, dx, dy, mag, theta, pImage->width, pImage->height);  break; 
                case CANNY_VERTICAL:            cannyGradV(pFilterImageData, dx, dy, mag, theta, pImage->width, pImage->height);  break; 
                case CANNY_CUSTOM:              cannyGradC(pFilterImageData, dx, dy, mag, theta, pImage->width, pImage->height);  break; 
                default:                        cannyGradHV(pFilterImageData, dx, dy, mag, theta, pImage->width, pImage->height);
            // 非极大值抑制
            IplImage* pRestrainImage     = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(pImage),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
            uchar*    pRestrainImageData = (uchar*)pRestrainImage->imageData;
            for(short y = 1; y < pFilterImage->height - 1; y++)
                for(short x = 1; x < pFilterImage->width - 1; x++)
                    int index = y * width + x;
                    if(mag[index] > 0)
                        int temp1 = 0;
                        int temp2 = 0;
                        /*        以下为图像梯度示意
                         *          g1  g2
                         *              c
                         *              g3  g4
                         *        c为当前素 梯度角度从g1 g2 之间 到 g3 g4 之间
                        if((theta[index] >=  CV_PI / 2 && theta[index]  <  CV_PI * 3 / 4) || 
                           (theta[index] >= -CV_PI / 2 && theta[index]  < -CV_PI / 4    )){
                               int g1 = mag[index + width - 1];
                               int g2 = mag[index + width    ];
                               int g3 = mag[index - width    ];
                               int g4 = mag[index - width + 1];
                               double weight = fabs((double)dx[index] / (double)dy[index]);
                               temp1 = g1 * weight + g2 * (1.0 - weight);
                               temp2 = g4 * weight + g3 * (1.0 - weight);
                        /*        以下为图像梯度示意
                         *          g1  
                         *          g2  c   g3
                         *                  g4
                         *        c为当前素 梯度角度从g1 g2 之间 到 g3 g4 之间
                        }else if((theta[index] >=  CV_PI * 3 / 4 && theta[index] < CV_PI) ||
                            (theta[index] >= -CV_PI / 4     && theta[index] < 0 )){
                               int g1 = mag[index + width - 1];
                               int g2 = mag[index - 1        ];
                               int g3 = mag[index + 1        ];
                               int g4 = mag[index - width + 1];
                               double weight = fabs((double)dy[index] / (double)dx[index]);
                               temp1 = g1 * weight + g2 * (1.0 - weight);
                               temp2 = g4 * weight + g3 * (1.0 - weight);
                        /*        以下为图像梯度示意
                         *                  g1
                         *          g3  c   g2
                         *          g4      
                         *        c为当前素 梯度角度从g1 g2 之间 到 g3 g4 之间
                        }else if((theta[index] >= 0   && theta[index] < CV_PI / 4) ||
                            (theta[index] >= -CV_PI && theta[index] < -CV_PI * 3 / 4)){
                               int g1 = mag[index + width + 1];
                               int g2 = mag[index + 1        ];
                               int g3 = mag[index - 1        ];
                               int g4 = mag[index - width - 1];
                               double weight = fabs((double)dy[index] / (double)dx[index]);
                               temp1 = g1 * weight + g2 * (1.0 - weight);
                               temp2 = g4 * weight + g3 * (1.0 - weight);
                         /*        以下为图像梯度示意
                         *              g2  g1
                         *              c   
                         *          g4  g3    
                         *        c为当前素 梯度角度从g1 g2 之间 到 g3 g4 之间
                        }else if((theta[index] >= CV_PI / 4   && theta[index] < CV_PI / 2) ||
                            (theta[index] >= -CV_PI * 3 / 4 && theta[index] < -CV_PI / 2)){
                               int g1 = mag[index + width + 1];
                               int g2 = mag[index + width    ];
                               int g3 = mag[index - width    ];
                               int g4 = mag[index - width - 1];
                               double weight = fabs((double)dx[index] / (double)dy[index]);
                               temp1 = g1 * weight + g2 * (1.0 - weight);
                               temp2 = g4 * weight + g3 * (1.0 - weight);
                        // 标记128为候选边缘
                        if(mag[index] >= temp1 && mag[index] >= temp2)
                            *(pRestrainImageData + y * widthstep + x) = 128;
            // 确定高低阈值
            short upper = upper_threshold;
            short lower = lower_threshold;
            if(upper_threshold < 1.0 || lower_threshold < 1.0)
                int hist[1024];
                memset(hist, 0, sizeof(int) * 1024);
                for(short y = 1; y < pFilterImage->height - 1; y++)
                    for(short x = 1; x < pFilterImage->width - 1; x++)
                        ++hist[mag[y * width + x]];
                int threshold = (pFilterImage->width - 2) * (pFilterImage->height - 2) * 0.85;
                if(upper_threshold > 0.01) threshold = (pFilterImage->width - 2) * (pFilterImage->height - 2) * upper_threshold;
                int sum = 0;
                for(short i = 0; i < 1024; ++i)
                    sum += hist[i];
                    if(sum > threshold)
                        upper = i;
                        lower = upper * 0.5;
                        if(lower_threshold > 0.01)
                            lower = upper * lower_threshold;
            // 根据高低阈值标记边缘
                for(short y = 0; y < pFilterImage->height; ++y)
                    for(short x = 0; x < pFilterImage->width; ++x)
                        if(*(pRestrainImageData + y * widthstep + x) == 128 && mag[y * width + x] > upper)
                            *(pRestrainImageData + y * widthstep + x) = 255;
                for(short y = 0; y < pFilterImage->height; ++y)
                    for(short x = 0; x < pFilterImage->width; ++x)
                        if(*(pRestrainImageData + y * widthstep + x) == 128 && mag[y * width + x] > upper)
                            *(pRestrainImageData + y * widthstep + x) = 255;
            // 剔除无效边缘
            for(short y = 0; y < pFilterImage->height; ++y)
                for(short x = 0; x < pFilterImage->width; ++x)
                    if(*(pRestrainImageData + y * widthstep + x) != 255)
                        *(pRestrainImageData + y * widthstep + x) = 0;
            cvCopy(pRestrainImage, pCanny);
            delete []dx;
            delete []dy;
            delete []mag;
            delete []theta;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luofeiju/p/9304282.html
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