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  • Oracle-监控采集表空间SQL涉及dba_free_space查询很慢

    场景: 客户有一套Oracle RAC ,现有一个监控软件,每天定时登录db执行一批次SQL,这几天采集程序无法正常采集就中断了;



    select count(*) from dba_free_space where tablespace_name='xx';


    2.1  Hint 

    参考 Queries on DBA_FREE_SPACE are Slow (Doc ID
    271169.1) 1) In release 10g, the view dba_free_space is modified to access sys.recyclebin$ also. SQL> select text from dba_views where view_name='DBA_FREE_SPACE'; TEXT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select ts.name, fi.file#, f.block#, f.length * ts.blocksize, f.length, f.file# from sys.ts$ ts, sys.fet$ f, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = f.ts# and f.ts# = fi.ts# and f.file# = fi.relfile# and ts.bitmapped = 0 union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(f) use_nl(fi) */ ts.name, fi.file#, f.ktfbfebno, f.ktfbfeblks * ts.blocksize, f.ktfbfeblks, f.ktfbfefno from sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$ktfbfe f, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = f.ktfbfetsn and f.ktfbfetsn = fi.ts# and f.ktfbfefno = fi.relfile# and ts.bitmapped <> 0 and ts.online$ in (1,4) and ts.contents$ = 0 union all select /*+ ordered use_nl(u) use_nl(fi) */ ts.name, fi.file#, u.ktfbuebno, u.ktfbueblks * ts.blocksize, u.ktfbueblks, u.ktfbuefno from sys.recyclebin$ rb, sys.ts$ ts, sys.x$ktfbue u, sys.file$ fi where ts.ts# = u.ktfbuesegtsn and u.ktfbuesegtsn = fi.ts# and u.ktfbuesegfno = fi.relfile# and u.ktfbuesegtsn = rb.ts# and u.ktfbuesegfno = rb.file# and u.ktfbuesegbno = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped <> 0 and ts.online$ in (1,4) and ts.contents$ = 0 union all select ts.name, fi.file#, u.block#, u.length * ts.blocksize, u.length, u.file# from sys.ts$ ts, sys.uet$ u, sys.file$ fi, sys.recyclebin$ rb where ts.ts# = u.ts# and u.ts# = fi.ts# and u.segfile# = fi.relfile# and u.ts# = rb.ts# and u.segfile# = rb.file# and u.segblock# = rb.block# and ts.bitmapped = 0 Note for 11g database: the dba_free_space view doesn't contain hint which could also affected by the issue. In case there
    is only few entries in recyclebin, you may want to gather underlying stats of tables/dictionary to get better performance.

    Oracle 确实上述hint 取消了!
    新建一个视图,hint加上! SQL执行时间从2分钟-> 0.015s
    缺陷: 1.新建了一个视图查询dba_free_space底层基表的记录,带来了其它的风险!
    优点: 1.开发人员无需了解内部机制hint解决的SQL性能问题,/*+ hint语法能解决但是写入到程序代码改的越多,出错的可能性越大;

    2.2 清空回收站

    2) Large number of entries in sys.recyclebin$ can slow down the select on dba_free_space. 
    3) This is a normal behavior.
    Purge the recyclebin.
    For example:
    SQL> purge recyclebin;
    Or, as SYSDBA for system wide purging.
    SQL> purge dba_recyclebin;
    You can refer to the below document for more information:
    10g Recyclebin Features And How To Disable it( _recyclebin )(Doc ID 265253.1)
    注意:在ORACLE 12C中,各个PDB和CDB之间回收站是私有的,所以对每个PDB回收站进行单独的清空。
    Note:  On 10.2/11g, the dropped table 
      does not show up in the *_TABLES views 
      does not show up in *_OBJECTS 
      does show up int the *_SEGMENT views
             The Recycle Bin is a virtual container where all dropped objects reside. Underneath the covers, the objects are occupying the same space
    as when they were created. If table EMP was created in the USERS tablespace, the dropped table EMP remains in the USERS tablespace.
    Dropped tables and any associated objects such as indexes, constraints, nested tables, and other dependant objects are not moved, they
    are simply renamed with a prefix of BIN$$. You can continue to access the data in a dropped table or even use Flashback Query against it. Each user has the same rights and privileges on Recycle Bin objects before it was dropped.
    You can view your dropped tables by querying the
    new RECYCLEBIN view. Objects in the Recycle Bin will remain in the database until the
    owner of the dropped objects decides to permanently remove them using the new PURGE command. The Recycle Bin objects are counted against
    a user's quota. But Flashback Drop is a non-intrusive feature. Objects in the Recycle Bin will be automatically purged by the space
    reclamation process if
    o A user creates a new table or adds data that causes their quota to be exceeded. o The tablespace needs to extend its file size to accommodate create/insert operations. There are no issues with dropping the table, behaviour wise. It is the same as in 8i / 9i. The space is not released immediately and is
    accounted for within the same tablespace / schema after the drop. When we drop a tablespace or a user there is NO recycling of the objects. o Recyclebin does not work for SYS owned objects #这个文档说明回收站功能SYS无法使用??? MOS文档Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later 为啥??? 测试一下 SQL> select count(*) from RECYCLEBIN$; COUNT(*) ---------- 0 SQL> create table a(id int) tablespace system; SQL> create table b(id int) tablespace sysaux; SQL> insert into a values(1); SQL> insert into b values(1); SQL> commit; SQL> drop table a; SQL> select count(*) from RECYCLEBIN$; COUNT(*) ---------- 0 SQL> drop table b; SQL> select count(*) from RECYCLEBIN$; COUNT(*) ---------- 1 SQL> select username,default_tablespace from dba_users where username='SYS'; USERNAME DEFAULT_TABLESPACE ------------------------------ ------------------------------ SYS SYSTEM SQL> select tablespace_name,CONTENTS,EXTENT_MANAGEMENT,SEGMENT_SPACE_MANAGEMENT from dba_tablespaces; TABLESPACE_NAME CONTENTS EXTENT_MAN SEGMEN ------------------------------ --------- ---------- ------ SYSTEM PERMANENT LOCAL MANUAL SYSAUX PERMANENT LOCAL AUTO UNDOTBS1 UNDO LOCAL MANUAL TEMP TEMPORARY LOCAL MANUAL USERS PERMANENT LOCAL AUTO 准确的理解是SYSTEM, 段空间手工管理的方式无法使用回收站的功能! 禁用回收站功能 Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET "_recyclebin"=FALSE SCOPE = BOTH; On 10gR2 and higher; recyclebin is a initialization parameter and bydefault its ON. We can disable recyclebin by using the following commands: SQL> ALTER SESSION SET recyclebin = OFF; SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET recyclebin = OFF;

    !DBA在清空回收站之后,我们再次查询dba_free_space 确实从2分钟->0.001s; 可以解决问题!
    缺点:1.回收站功能长期关闭,可以避免这个问题! 但是生产环境并不建议关闭这个功能!
    2.回收站功能无法关闭的情况下,无法预知什么时候有大量drop table的对象导致查询dba_free_space视图慢再次出现! 问题可能在后续不定期再次出现!

    2.3 替换视图

    dba_free_space查询目的是计算表空间剩余空间, 以及与dba_data_files 结合算表空间空间信息;
    直接替换为dba_segments 通过tablespace_name 一样可以得到结果
    SQL替换后,测试执行时间0.09s 也是很快

    2.最大的问题! 当数据库容量一直上涨,其实最后的SQL执行效率会低于dba_free_space的视图查询!!!

    2.4 其它可能性

    Query Against DBA_FREE_SPACE is Slow After Applying (Doc ID 1904677.1)    
    Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
    Some queries against the dba_free_space view perform slowly after applying the patchset
    The access path for the query shows that it performs a Full Table Scan (FTS) against the fixed table X$KTFBUE: 
    STAT #4573482064 id=19 cnt=7586689 pid=18 pos=1 obj=0 op='FIXED TABLE FULL X$KTFBUE
    (cr=102462 pr=22059 pw=0 time=129742890 us cost=1 size=151579380 card=7578969)
    ' Gathering statistics on X$KTFBUE using : EXEC dbms_stats.gather_fixed_objects_stats(); does not help. Emptying the recycle bin (RECYCLEBIN$) does not help either CHANGES Applied the patch set. CAUSE By default, statistics are not gathered for some fixed tables(X$) and thus they use defaults; it may be too expensive to gather statistics or the volatility of the tables is such that any statistics are immediately out-dated. The sys.x$ktfbue table is one such object. SOLUTION In some cases, deleting and regenerating dictionary statistics resolves the slow performance of the queries against DBA_FREE_SPACE: exec DBMS_STATS.DELETE_DICTIONARY_STATS; exec DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DICTIONARY_STATS;

    TABLE FULL X$KTFBUE 基表的全表扫描执行计划中时!
    3.可以尝试删除数据字典统计信息后,在重新收集!!! 风险比较大,网上有另外一种替代的解决方法!


    原hint:/*+ ordered use_nl(u) use_nl(fi) */



    FULL( "RB")

    FULL( "TS")

    FULL( "U")

    INDEX_RS_ASC( "FI" ("FILE$"."TS#" "FILE$"."RELFILE#"))

    LEADING( "RB" "TS" "U" "FI" )

    USE_HASH( "TS")

    USE_NL( "U")

    USE_NL( "FI")


    这样相当于就不用根据MOS 进行数据字典统计信息删除、重新收集的操作!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lvcha001/p/14395015.html
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