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  • java 的 sqlHelper,改改之后也适用于不使用 EF 的 C# 项目,包含查询和建表。

    这个类用来拼接 sql。

    package com.ly.orm;
    public class Query {
        protected Query(String v) {
            sql = v;
        public String toString() {
            return sql;
        protected String sql;
        public String select(String... cols) {
            if (cols.length == 0) {
                return String.format(sql, "*");
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (String c : cols) {
                sb.append(c + ',');
            sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
            return String.format(sql, sb);
        public static class P extends Query {
            protected P(String v) {
             * @param limit_offset
             *            [0] is limit, [1] is offset.
            public Query page(int[] limit_offset) {
                return new Query(sql + " limit " + limit_offset[0] + " offset " + limit_offset[1]);
        public static F from(String body) {
            return new F(body);
        public static class F extends P {
            F(String v) {
                super("select %s from " + v);
            public F join(String v) {
                return new F(sql + " " + v);
            public W where(String v) {
                if (noe(v)) {
                    return new W(sql);
                return new W(sql + " where " + v);
            public G groupby(String v) {
                if (noe(v)) {
                    return new G(sql);
                return new G(sql + " group by " + v);
            public P orderby(String v) {
                if (noe(v)) {
                    return new P(sql);
                return new P(sql + " order by " + v);
        public static class W extends P {
            W(String v) {
            public G groupby(String v) {
                if (noe(v)) {
                    return new G(sql);
                return new G(sql + " group by " + v);
            public P orderby(String v) {
                if (noe(v)) {
                    return new P(sql);
                return new P(sql + " ordery by " + v);
        public static class G extends P {
            G(String v) {
            public H having(String v) {
                if (noe(v)) {
                    return new H(sql);
                return new H(sql + " having " + v);
            public P orderby(String v) {
                if (noe(v)) {
                    return new P(sql);
                return new P(sql + " order by " + v);
            public static class H extends P {
                H(String h) {
                public P orderby(String v) {
                    if (noe(v)) {
                        return new P(sql);
                    return new P(sql + " order by " + v);
        private static boolean noe(String v) {
            return v == null || v.trim().length() == 0;
    View Code

    这个类用来生成 sql 的条件项,包括 where having orderby limit offset,而 groupby 会改变 sql 的结构,所以不是条件项。

    package com.ly.orm;
    public class Condtions {
        protected Condtions(Condtions s) {
            if (s == null) {
            } else {
                page = s.page;
                where = s.where;
                orderby = s.orderby;
                having = s.having;
        public static class Loader {
            public static HOW page(int limit, int offset) {
                HOW r = new HOW(null);
                r.page = new int[] { limit, offset };
                return r;
            public static HOP where(String v) {
                HOP r = new HOP(null);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
            public static OPW having(String v) {
                OPW r = new OPW(null);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
            public static HPW orderby(String v) {
                HPW r = new HPW(null);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
        protected String where;
        protected String having;
        protected String orderby;
        protected int[] page;
        public static class HOP extends Condtions {
            protected HOP(Condtions s) {
            public HO page(int l, int o) {
                HO r = new HO(this);
                r.page = new int[] { l, o };
                return r;
            public HP orderby(String v) {
                HP r = new HP(this);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
            public OP having(String v) {
                OP r = new OP(this);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
        public static class OPW extends Condtions {
            protected OPW(Condtions s) {
            public OW page(int l, int o) {
                OW r = new OW(this);
                r.page = new int[] { l, o };
                return r;
            public PW orderby(String v) {
                PW r = new PW(this);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
            public OP where(String v) {
                OP r = new OP(this);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
        public static class HPW extends Condtions {
            protected HPW(Condtions s) {
            public HW page(int l, int o) {
                HW r = new HW(this);
                r.page = new int[] { l, o };
                return r;
            public HP where(String v) {
                HP r = new HP(this);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
            public PW having(String v) {
                PW r = new PW(this);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
        public static class HOW extends Condtions {
            protected HOW(Condtions s) {
            public HO where(String v) {
                HO r = new HO(this);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
            public OW having(String v) {
                OW r = new OW(this);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
            public HW orderby(String v) {
                HW r = new HW(this);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
        public class P extends Condtions {
            protected P(Condtions s) {
            public Condtions page(int l, int o) {
                Condtions r = new Condtions(this);
                r.page = new int[] { l, o };
                return r;
        public class O extends Condtions {
            protected O(Condtions s) {
            public Condtions orderby(String v) {
                Condtions r = new Condtions(this);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
        public class H extends Condtions {
            protected H(Condtions s) {
            public Condtions having(String v) {
                Condtions r = new Condtions(this);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
        public class W extends Condtions {
            protected W(Condtions s) {
            public Condtions where(String v) {
                Condtions r = new Condtions(this);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
        public class HO extends Condtions {
            protected HO(Condtions s) {
            public O having(String v) {
                O r = new O(this);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
            public H orderby(String v) {
                H r = new H(this);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
        public class HP extends Condtions {
            protected HP(Condtions s) {
            public H page(int l, int o) {
                H r = new H(this);
                r.page = new int[] { l, o };
                return r;
            public P having(String v) {
                P r = new P(this);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
        public class HW extends Condtions {
            protected HW(Condtions s) {
            public H where(String v) {
                H r = new H(this);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
            public W having(String v) {
                W r = new W(this);
                r.having = v;
                return r;
        public class OP extends Condtions {
            protected OP(Condtions s) {
            public O page(int l, int o) {
                O r = new O(this);
                r.page = new int[] { l, o };
                return r;
            public P orderby(String v) {
                P r = new P(this);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
        public class OW extends Condtions {
            protected OW(Condtions s) {
            public O where(String v) {
                O r = new O(this);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
            public W orderby(String v) {
                W r = new W(this);
                r.orderby = v;
                return r;
        public class PW extends Condtions {
            protected PW(Condtions s) {
            public P where(String v) {
                P r = new P(this);
                r.where = v;
                return r;
            public W page(int l, int o) {
                W r = new W(this);
                r.page = new int[] { l, o };
                return r;
    View Code

    两个 annotation。一个在创建表时会用到,一个在查询时会用到,留意其中的 group 。

    package com.ly.orm;
    public @interface Creating {
         * set first charactor ' ' if want to rename the column
        String desc();
        int index() default 0;
    package com.ly.orm;
    public @interface Querying {
        String name();
        String groupby() default "";
    View Code

    这个类用来转换类型到 sql 语句,这里用到了 group 关键词。自定义列名的话,Creating 中用一个空格开头。

    至于其中的 Enm,只是因为不想写 foreach。java 有人实现过伪 linq,我也写了一个伪 linq,只有一小部分,用他的吧。

    package com.ly.orm;
    import java.lang.reflect.Field;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import com.ly.linq.Enm;
    import com.ly.linq.FuncT;
    import com.ly.linq.FuncTT;
    import com.ly.linq.Pre;
    public class SqlMapper {
        public interface Mapper<T> extends FuncT<ItemLoader, T> {
        public interface ItemLoader extends FuncTT<String, Class<?>, Object> {
        public static <T> Mapper<T> load(final Class<T> cls) {
            return new Mapper<T>() {
                public T get(ItemLoader querier) {
                    T r;
                    try {
                        r = cls.newInstance();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        return null;
                    Field[] fs = cls.getDeclaredFields();
                    for (Field f : fs) {
                        if (f.getAnnotation(Ignored.class) != null) {
                        Querying anno = f.getAnnotation(Querying.class);
                        String name = anno == null ? f.getName() : anno.name();
                        Object val = querier.get(name, f.getType());
                        try {
                            f.set(r, val);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                    return r;
        public static String getCreateSQL(Class<?> cls) {
            String cols = Enm.toString(Enm.select(Enm.sort(Enm.where(cls.getFields(),
                    new Pre<Field>() {// where
                        public boolean check(Field ti) {
                            return ti.getAnnotation(Creating.class) != null;
                    }), new FuncT<Field, Integer>() {// sort
                public Integer get(Field ti) {
                    return ti.getAnnotation(Creating.class).index();
            }), new FuncT<Field, String>() {// select
                public String get(Field ti) {
                    String desc = ti.getAnnotation(Creating.class).desc();
                    if (desc.charAt(0) == ' ') {
                        return desc.substring(1);
                    return ti.getName() + ' ' + desc;
            }), ',');
            if (cols.length() == 0) {
                return cols;
            Creating c = cls.getAnnotation(Creating.class);
            String table = c != null ? c.desc() : cls.getSimpleName();
            return String.format("create table %s(%s);", table, cols);
        public static String getQuerySQL(Class<?> cls, Condtions p) {
            ArrayList<String> fuck = Enm.notNull(Enm.select(cls.getDeclaredFields(), getQueryingColName));
            String[] c = new String[fuck.size()];
            Querying q = cls.getAnnotation(Querying.class);
            String b = q == null ? cls.getSimpleName() : q.name();
            String g = q == null ? null : q.groupby();
            String h = g == null || g.trim().length() == 0 ? null : p.having;
            return Query.from(b).where(p.where).groupby(g).having(h).orderby(p.orderby).page(p.page).select(c);
        private static FuncT<Field, String> getQueryingColName = new FuncT<Field, String>() {
            public String get(Field ti) {
                if (ti.getAnnotation(Ignored.class) != null) {
                    return null;
                Querying q = ti.getAnnotation(Querying.class);
                return q == null ? ti.getName() : q.name();
    View Code

    这个是 android 中 SQLiteOpenHelper 子类的局部代码,query(类型,可选条件)就可以返回这个类型的集合,方便的很。

        public <T> ArrayList<T> query(Class<T> cls, Condtions sql, String... selectionArgs) {
            return query(cls, SqlMapper.getQuerySQL(cls, sql), selectionArgs);
        public <T> ArrayList<T> query(Class<T> cls, String sql, String... selectionArgs) {
            Cursor c = getReadableDatabase().rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs);
            ArrayList<T> r = new ArrayList<T>();
            Mapper<T> mapper = SqlMapper.load(cls);
            while (c.moveToNext()) {
            return r;
        private static ItemLoader getItem(final Cursor c) {
            return new ItemLoader() {
                public Object get(String col, Class<?> t1) {
                    int i = c.getColumnIndex(col);
                    if (i < 0) {
                        return null;
                    if (t1.equals(int.class)) {
                        return c.getInt(i);
                    if (t1.equals(double.class)) {
                        return c.getDouble(i);
                    if (t1.equals(long.class)) {
                        return c.getLong(i);
                    if (t1.equals(short.class)) {
                        return c.getShort(i);
                    if (t1.equals(float.class)) {
                        return c.getFloat(i);
                    if (t1.equals(byte[].class)) {
                        return c.getBlob(i);
                    return c.getString(i);
        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
            for (Class<?> t : tables) {

     不想写任何字符串!但 java 没办法。

    linq + DynamicLinq,想怎么写就怎么写,大家快转 C# 吧!

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ly45/p/6221091.html
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