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  • [c][netCDF]官方c语言例子




    在父组中创建两个共享维“ x”和“ y”,并在不同子组中创建一些netCDF变量。 变量将包括化合物和枚举类型,以及一些新的原子类型,例如无符号的64位整数。文件存储在simple_nc4.nc中。










    /* Copyright 2019 University Corporation for Atmospheric
       Research/Unidata.  See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use. */
     * @file
     * @ingroup tutorial
     * A more complex example of writing a netCDF file.
     * This is an example program which writes some 4D pressure and
     * temperatures. It is intended to illustrate the use of the netCDF C
     * API. The companion program pres_temp_4D_rd.c shows how to read the
     * netCDF data file created by this program.
     * @author Ed Hartnett
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <netcdf.h>
    /* This is the name of the data file we will create. */
    #define FILE_NAME "pres_temp_4D.nc"
    /* We are writing 4D data, a 2 x 6 x 12 lvl-lat-lon grid, with 2
       timesteps of data. */
    #define NDIMS 4
    #define NLAT 6
    #define NLON 12
    #define LAT_NAME "latitude"
    #define LON_NAME "longitude"
    #define NREC 2
    #define REC_NAME "time"
    #define LVL_NAME "level"
    #define NLVL 2
    /* Names of things. */
    #define PRES_NAME "pressure"
    #define TEMP_NAME "temperature"
    #define UNITS "units"
    #define DEGREES_EAST "degrees_east"
    #define DEGREES_NORTH "degrees_north"
    /* These are used to construct some example data. */
    #define SAMPLE_PRESSURE 900
    #define SAMPLE_TEMP 9.0
    #define START_LAT 25.0
    #define START_LON -125.0
    /* For the units attributes. */
    #define UNITS "units"
    #define PRES_UNITS "hPa"
    #define TEMP_UNITS "celsius"
    #define LAT_UNITS "degrees_north"
    #define LON_UNITS "degrees_east"
    #define MAX_ATT_LEN 80
    /* Handle errors by printing an error message and exiting with a
     * non-zero status. */
    #define ERR(e) {printf("Error: %s
    ", nc_strerror(e)); return 2;}
       /* IDs for the netCDF file, dimensions, and variables. */
       int ncid, lon_dimid, lat_dimid, lvl_dimid, rec_dimid;
       int lat_varid, lon_varid, pres_varid, temp_varid;
       int dimids[NDIMS];
       /* The start and count arrays will tell the netCDF library where to
          write our data. */
       size_t start[NDIMS], count[NDIMS];
       /* Program variables to hold the data we will write out. We will only
          need enough space to hold one timestep of data; one record. */
       float pres_out[NLVL][NLAT][NLON];
       float temp_out[NLVL][NLAT][NLON];
       /* These program variables hold the latitudes and longitudes. */
       float lats[NLAT], lons[NLON];
       /* Loop indexes. */
       int lvl, lat, lon, rec, i = 0;
       /* Error handling. */
       int retval;
       /* Create some pretend data. If this wasn't an example program, we
        * would have some real data to write, for example, model
        * output. */
       for (lat = 0; lat < NLAT; lat++)
          lats[lat] = START_LAT + 5.*lat;
       for (lon = 0; lon < NLON; lon++)
          lons[lon] = START_LON + 5.*lon;
       for (lvl = 0; lvl < NLVL; lvl++)
          for (lat = 0; lat < NLAT; lat++)
         for (lon = 0; lon < NLON; lon++)
            pres_out[lvl][lat][lon] = SAMPLE_PRESSURE + i;
            temp_out[lvl][lat][lon] = SAMPLE_TEMP + i++;
       /* Create the file. */
       if ((retval = nc_create(FILE_NAME, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid)))
       /* Define the dimensions. The record dimension is defined to have
        * unlimited length - it can grow as needed. In this example it is
        * the time dimension.*/
       if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, LVL_NAME, NLVL, &lvl_dimid)))
       if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, LAT_NAME, NLAT, &lat_dimid)))
       if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, LON_NAME, NLON, &lon_dimid)))
       if ((retval = nc_def_dim(ncid, REC_NAME, NC_UNLIMITED, &rec_dimid)))
       /* Define the coordinate variables. We will only define coordinate
          variables for lat and lon.  Ordinarily we would need to provide
          an array of dimension IDs for each variable's dimensions, but
          since coordinate variables only have one dimension, we can
          simply provide the address of that dimension ID (&lat_dimid) and
          similarly for (&lon_dimid). */
       if ((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, LAT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, 1, &lat_dimid,
       if ((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, LON_NAME, NC_FLOAT, 1, &lon_dimid,
       /* Assign units attributes to coordinate variables. */
       if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, lat_varid, UNITS,
                     strlen(DEGREES_NORTH), DEGREES_NORTH)))
       if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, lon_varid, UNITS,
                     strlen(DEGREES_EAST), DEGREES_EAST)))
       /* The dimids array is used to pass the dimids of the dimensions of
          the netCDF variables. Both of the netCDF variables we are
          creating share the same four dimensions. In C, the
          unlimited dimension must come first on the list of dimids. */
       dimids[0] = rec_dimid;
       dimids[1] = lvl_dimid;
       dimids[2] = lat_dimid;
       dimids[3] = lon_dimid;
       /* Define the netCDF variables for the pressure and temperature
        * data. */
       if ((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, PRES_NAME, NC_FLOAT, NDIMS,
                    dimids, &pres_varid)))
       if ((retval = nc_def_var(ncid, TEMP_NAME, NC_FLOAT, NDIMS,
                    dimids, &temp_varid)))
       /* Assign units attributes to the netCDF variables. */
       if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, pres_varid, UNITS,
                     strlen(PRES_UNITS), PRES_UNITS)))
       if ((retval = nc_put_att_text(ncid, temp_varid, UNITS,
                     strlen(TEMP_UNITS), TEMP_UNITS)))
       /* End define mode. */
       if ((retval = nc_enddef(ncid)))
       /* Write the coordinate variable data. This will put the latitudes
          and longitudes of our data grid into the netCDF file. */
       if ((retval = nc_put_var_float(ncid, lat_varid, &lats[0])))
       if ((retval = nc_put_var_float(ncid, lon_varid, &lons[0])))
       /* These settings tell netcdf to write one timestep of data. (The
         setting of start[0] inside the loop below tells netCDF which
         timestep to write.) */
       count[0] = 1;
       count[1] = NLVL;
       count[2] = NLAT;
       count[3] = NLON;
       start[1] = 0;
       start[2] = 0;
       start[3] = 0;
       /* Write the pretend data. This will write our surface pressure and
          surface temperature data. The arrays only hold one timestep worth
          of data. We will just rewrite the same data for each timestep. In
          a real application, the data would change between timesteps. */
       for (rec = 0; rec < NREC; rec++)
          start[0] = rec;
          if ((retval = nc_put_vara_float(ncid, pres_varid, start, count,
          if ((retval = nc_put_vara_float(ncid, temp_varid, start, count,
       /* Close the file. */
       if ((retval = nc_close(ncid)))
       printf("*** SUCCESS writing example file %s!
    ", FILE_NAME);
       return 0;
    View Code


    /* Copyright 2006-2011 University Corporation for Atmospheric
    Research/Unidata. See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use. */
     * @file
     * @ingroup tutorial
     * Example program for reading a 4D netCDF file
     * This is an example which reads some 4D pressure and
     * temperatures. The data file read by this program is produced by the
     * companion program pres_temp_4D_wr.c. It is intended to illustrate
     * the use of the netCDF C API.
     * This is part of the netCDF package. Full documentation of the netCDF can be found at
     * http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs.
     * @author Ed Hartnett
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <netcdf.h>
    /* This is the name of the data file we will read. */
    #define FILE_NAME "E:/pres_temp_4D.nc"
    /* We are reading 4D data, a 2 x 6 x 12 lvl-lat-lon grid, with 2
       timesteps of data. */
    #define NDIMS 4
    #define NLAT 6
    #define NLON 12
    #define LAT_NAME "latitude"
    #define LON_NAME "longitude"
    #define NREC 2
    #define REC_NAME "time"
    #define LVL_NAME "level"
    #define NLVL 2
    /* Names of things. */
    #define PRES_NAME "pressure"
    #define TEMP_NAME "temperature"
    #define UNITS "units"
    #define DEGREES_EAST "degrees_east"
    #define DEGREES_NORTH "degrees_north"
    /* These are used to calculate the values we expect to find. */
    #define SAMPLE_PRESSURE 900
    #define SAMPLE_TEMP 9.0
    #define START_LAT 25.0
    #define START_LON -125.0
    /* For the units attributes. */
    #define UNITS "units"
    #define PRES_UNITS "hPa"
    #define TEMP_UNITS "celsius"
    #define LAT_UNITS "degrees_north"
    #define LON_UNITS "degrees_east"
    #define MAX_ATT_LEN 80
    /* Handle errors by printing an error message and exiting with a
     * non-zero status. */
    #define ERR(e) {printf("Error: %s
    ", nc_strerror(e)); return 2;}
       int ncid, pres_varid, temp_varid;
       int lat_varid, lon_varid;
       /* The start and count arrays will tell the netCDF library where to
          read our data. */
       size_t start[NDIMS], count[NDIMS];
       /* Program variables to hold the data we will read. We will only
          need enough space to hold one timestep of data; one record. */
       float pres_in[NLVL][NLAT][NLON];
       float temp_in[NLVL][NLAT][NLON];
       /* These program variables hold the latitudes and longitudes. */
       float lats[NLAT], lons[NLON];
       /* Loop indexes. */
       int lvl, lat, lon, rec, i = 0;
       /* Error handling. */
       int retval;
       /* Open the file. */
       if ((retval = nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)))
       /* Get the varids of the latitude and longitude coordinate
        * variables. */
       if ((retval = nc_inq_varid(ncid, LAT_NAME, &lat_varid)))
       if ((retval = nc_inq_varid(ncid, LON_NAME, &lon_varid)))
       /* Read the coordinate variable data. */
       if ((retval = nc_get_var_float(ncid, lat_varid, &lats[0])))
       if ((retval = nc_get_var_float(ncid, lon_varid, &lons[0])))
       /* Check the coordinate variable data. */
       for (lat = 0; lat < NLAT; lat++)
          if (lats[lat] != START_LAT + 5.*lat)
         return 2;
       for (lon = 0; lon < NLON; lon++)
          if (lons[lon] != START_LON + 5.*lon)
         return 2;
       /* Get the varids of the pressure and temperature netCDF
        * variables. */
       if ((retval = nc_inq_varid(ncid, PRES_NAME, &pres_varid)))
       if ((retval = nc_inq_varid(ncid, TEMP_NAME, &temp_varid)))
       /* Read the data. Since we know the contents of the file we know
        * that the data arrays in this program are the correct size to
        * hold one timestep. */
       count[0] = 1;
       count[1] = NLVL;
       count[2] = NLAT;
       count[3] = NLON;
       start[1] = 0;
       start[2] = 0;
       start[3] = 0;
       /* Read and check one record at a time. */
       for (rec = 0; rec < NREC; rec++)
          start[0] = rec;
          if ((retval = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, pres_varid, start, 
                          count, &pres_in[0][0][0])))
          if ((retval = nc_get_vara_float(ncid, temp_varid, start,
                          count, &temp_in[0][0][0])))
          /* Check the data. */
          i = 0;
          for (lvl = 0; lvl < NLVL; lvl++)
         for (lat = 0; lat < NLAT; lat++)
            for (lon = 0; lon < NLON; lon++)
               if (pres_in[lvl][lat][lon] != SAMPLE_PRESSURE + i) 
              return 2;
               if (temp_in[lvl][lat][lon] != SAMPLE_TEMP + i) 
              return 2;

    printf("pres_in:lvl%d,lat%d,lon%d :value %f ", lvl, lat, lon, pres_in[lvl][lat][lon]);
    printf("temp_in:lvl%d,lat%d,lon%d :value %f ", lvl, lat, lon, temp_in[lvl][lat][lon]);

       } /* next record */
       /* Close the file. */
       if ((retval = nc_close(ncid)))
       printf("*** SUCCESS reading example file pres_temp_4D.nc!
       return 0;

    打开文件  nc_open(FILE_NAME, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)


    nc_inq_varid(ncid, LAT_NAME, &lat_varid)

    nc_inq_varid(ncid, LON_NAME, &lon_varid)


    nc_get_var_float(ncid, lat_varid, &lats[0])


    nc_inq_varid(ncid, PRES_NAME, &pres_varid)


    nc_get_vara_float(ncid, pres_varid, start, count, &pres_in[0][0][0])

    这里有两个参数比较重要:count 和 start

    count[0] = 1;
    count[1] = NLVL;
    count[2] = NLAT;
    count[3] = NLON;

    start[0] = 0;
    start[1] = 0;
    start[2] = 0;
    start[3] = 0;




    有的时候还需要经过scale factor和add offset两步操作才能获取需要的值。


    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon0 :value 900.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon0 :value 9.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon1 :value 901.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon1 :value 10.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon2 :value 902.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon2 :value 11.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon3 :value 903.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon3 :value 12.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon4 :value 904.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon4 :value 13.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon5 :value 905.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon5 :value 14.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon6 :value 906.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon6 :value 15.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon7 :value 907.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon7 :value 16.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon8 :value 908.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon8 :value 17.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon9 :value 909.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon9 :value 18.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon10 :value 910.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon10 :value 19.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat0,lon11 :value 911.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat0,lon11 :value 20.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon0 :value 912.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon0 :value 21.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon1 :value 913.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon1 :value 22.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon2 :value 914.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon2 :value 23.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon3 :value 915.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon3 :value 24.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon4 :value 916.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon4 :value 25.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon5 :value 917.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon5 :value 26.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon6 :value 918.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon6 :value 27.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon7 :value 919.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon7 :value 28.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon8 :value 920.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon8 :value 29.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon9 :value 921.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon9 :value 30.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon10 :value 922.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon10 :value 31.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat1,lon11 :value 923.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat1,lon11 :value 32.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon0 :value 924.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon0 :value 33.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon1 :value 925.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon1 :value 34.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon2 :value 926.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon2 :value 35.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon3 :value 927.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon3 :value 36.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon4 :value 928.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon4 :value 37.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon5 :value 929.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon5 :value 38.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon6 :value 930.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon6 :value 39.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon7 :value 931.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon7 :value 40.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon8 :value 932.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon8 :value 41.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon9 :value 933.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon9 :value 42.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon10 :value 934.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon10 :value 43.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat2,lon11 :value 935.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat2,lon11 :value 44.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon0 :value 936.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon0 :value 45.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon1 :value 937.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon1 :value 46.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon2 :value 938.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon2 :value 47.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon3 :value 939.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon3 :value 48.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon4 :value 940.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon4 :value 49.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon5 :value 941.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon5 :value 50.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon6 :value 942.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon6 :value 51.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon7 :value 943.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon7 :value 52.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon8 :value 944.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon8 :value 53.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon9 :value 945.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon9 :value 54.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon10 :value 946.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon10 :value 55.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat3,lon11 :value 947.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat3,lon11 :value 56.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon0 :value 948.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon0 :value 57.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon1 :value 949.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon1 :value 58.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon2 :value 950.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon2 :value 59.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon3 :value 951.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon3 :value 60.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon4 :value 952.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon4 :value 61.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon5 :value 953.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon5 :value 62.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon6 :value 954.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon6 :value 63.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon7 :value 955.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon7 :value 64.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon8 :value 956.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon8 :value 65.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon9 :value 957.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon9 :value 66.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon10 :value 958.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon10 :value 67.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat4,lon11 :value 959.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat4,lon11 :value 68.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon0 :value 960.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon0 :value 69.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon1 :value 961.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon1 :value 70.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon2 :value 962.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon2 :value 71.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon3 :value 963.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon3 :value 72.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon4 :value 964.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon4 :value 73.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon5 :value 965.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon5 :value 74.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon6 :value 966.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon6 :value 75.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon7 :value 967.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon7 :value 76.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon8 :value 968.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon8 :value 77.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon9 :value 969.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon9 :value 78.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon10 :value 970.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon10 :value 79.000000
    pres_in:lvl0,lat5,lon11 :value 971.000000
    temp_in:lvl0,lat5,lon11 :value 80.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon0 :value 972.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon0 :value 81.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon1 :value 973.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon1 :value 82.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon2 :value 974.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon2 :value 83.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon3 :value 975.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon3 :value 84.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon4 :value 976.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon4 :value 85.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon5 :value 977.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon5 :value 86.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon6 :value 978.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon6 :value 87.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon7 :value 979.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon7 :value 88.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon8 :value 980.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon8 :value 89.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon9 :value 981.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon9 :value 90.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon10 :value 982.000000
    temp_in:lvl1,lat0,lon10 :value 91.000000
    pres_in:lvl1,lat0,lon11 :value 983.000000
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