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  • D堆的实现


    public class DHeap {  
        public static final int INIT_CAPACITY = 10;  
        private int[] mArray;  
        private int mLength;  
        private final int mD;  
        public DHeap(int d) {  
            mArray = new int[INIT_CAPACITY + 1];  
            mLength = 0;  
            mD = d;  
        public int getParentIndex(int index) {  
            return (index - 2 + mD) / mD;  
        public int getChildIndex(int pIndex, int childIndex) {  
            return mD * (pIndex - 1) + 2 + childIndex;  
        private void expandArray(int length) {  
            int[] arr = new int[length];  
            System.arraycopy(mArray, 1, arr, 1, mLength);  
            mArray = arr;  
         * 自下而上,把value放到最后一个,然后一直和其父节点交换,找到合适的位置 
        public void insert(int value) {  
            if (mLength >= mArray.length - 1) {  
                expandArray(mArray.length * 2);  
            mArray[++mLength] = value;  
            int index = mLength;  
            int parentIndex = getParentIndex(index);  
            while (parentIndex > 0) {  
                int currentValue = mArray[index];  
                int parentValue = mArray[parentIndex];  
                if (currentValue < parentValue) {  
                    mArray[parentIndex] = currentValue;  
                    mArray[index] = parentValue;  
                    index = parentIndex;  
                    parentIndex = getParentIndex(index);  
                } else {  
        public void deleteMin() {  
            if (mLength <= 0) {  
            } else if (mLength == 1) {  
            } else {  
                mArray[1] = mArray[mLength];  
                int index = 1;  
                while (true) {  
                    int value = mArray[index];  
                    int minIndex = -1;  // 最小孩子的数组索引  
                    boolean lastLevel = false;  // 是否已经到了最底层  
                    int firstChildIndex = getChildIndex(index, 0);  
                    int lastChildIndex = firstChildIndex + mD;  
                    for (int childIndex = firstChildIndex; childIndex < lastChildIndex; childIndex++) {  // 找到最小的孩子  
                        if (childIndex > mLength) {  // 已经到了最后一个  
                            lastLevel = true;  
                        int childValue = mArray[childIndex];  
                        if (value > childValue) {  
                            value = childValue;  
                            minIndex = childIndex;  
                    if (minIndex < 0) {  // 已经符合d堆的性质,不须要置换了  
                    } else { // 须要置换  
                        mArray[minIndex] = mArray[index];  
                        mArray[index] = value;  
                        index = minIndex;  
                    if (lastLevel) {    // 已经到了最底层  

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