1 """ 2 做一个桌面应用搜索程序 3 """ 4 import tkinter as tk 5 from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog 6 import os 7 8 root = tk.Tk() 9 root.title('搜索程序') 10 root.geometry('600x300') 11 12 # 布局组件 13 searchFrame = tk.Frame() 14 searchFrame.pack() 15 16 # 标签1 17 tk.Label(searchFrame, text='关键字:').pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) 18 searchKey = tk.Entry(searchFrame) 19 searchKey.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) 20 21 # 标签2 22 tk.Label(searchFrame, text='文件类型:').pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) 23 searchType = tk.Entry(searchFrame) 24 searchType.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) 25 26 # 标签3 27 searchButton = tk.Button(searchFrame,text='搜索') 28 searchButton.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10, pady=10) 29 30 # 标签4 31 searchListBox = tk.Listbox(root, width=80) 32 searchListBox.pack(side=tk.LEFT, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) 33 34 # 标签5 35 searchScrollBar = tk.Scrollbar(root) 36 searchScrollBar.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) 37 38 def search(): 39 fileCounts = [] 40 key = searchKey.get() 41 fileType = searchType.get() 42 if not key: 43 messagebox.showinfo(title='出错了!', message='请输入正确的关键字!') 44 return 45 if not fileType: 46 messagebox.showinfo(title='出错了!', message='请输入正确的文件类型!') 47 return 48 if key and fileType: 49 print('开始执行搜索!') 50 fn = filedialog.askdirectory() 51 # 开始遍历选取的文件夹 52 for rootPath, dirs, files in os.walk(fn): 53 # 遍历文件 54 for file in files: 55 if file.endswith(fileType): 56 # if (key in file) and (file.endswith(fileType)): # 条件是key 57 fileCounts.append(file) 58 searchListBox.insert(tk.END, rootPath + '\\' + file) 59 searchListBox.insert(tk.END, '总共搜索到:' + str(len(fileCounts)) + '条!') 60 61 searchButton.config(command=search) 62 # 设置滚动条样式 63 searchListBox.config(yscrollcommand=searchScrollBar.set) 64 searchScrollBar.config(command=searchListBox.yview) 65 66 def resultsDisplay(event): 67 print('条目被点击了!') 68 # 获取当前被选中的条目 69 selected = searchListBox.curselection()[0] # 获取键值 70 # 获取选中文件的路径 71 selectedFilePath = searchListBox.get(selected) 72 # 获取文件内容 73 content = open(selectedFilePath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8').read() 74 75 # 新建top窗口 76 top = tk.Toplevel() 77 top.title('查看内容') 78 # top.geometry('300x300') 79 80 # 新建标签 81 text = tk.Text(top) # 布局到top窗口上 82 text.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=True) 83 # 将获取到的内容插入到text窗口 84 text.insert(tk.END, content) 85 86 # 滚动条 87 sb = tk.Scrollbar(top) # 布局到top窗口 88 sb.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, fill=tk.Y) 89 # 设置滚动条的方式 90 sb.config(command=text.yview) 91 text.config(yscrollcommand=sb.set) 92 93 94 searchListBox.bind('<Double-Button-1>', resultsDisplay) 95 tk.mainloop()