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function enforceNum(_node) {
_node.live("keyup blur", function() {
$(_node).val($(_node).val().replace(/[^0-9-]+/, ''));
function CurentTime() {
var now = new Date();
var year = now.getFullYear(); //年
var month = now.getMonth() + 1; //月
var day = now.getDate(); //日
// var hh = now.getHours(); //时
// var mm = now.getMinutes(); //分
var clock = year + "";
if(month < 10)
clock += "0";
clock += month + "";
if(day < 10)
clock += "0";
clock += day ;
var ss=ran_Arr([0,1,2]);
function ran_Arr(oArr) {
var temp_x; //临时交换数
var tArr = oArr.slice(0);//新数组,复制原数组
var random_x;
for(var i=oArr.length;i>0;i--) {
random_x = Math.floor(Math.random()*i); // 取得一个随机整数
temp_x = tArr[random_x];
tArr[random_x] = tArr[i-1];
tArr[i-1] = temp_x;
return tArr; //返回新数组
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修复 IE6 PNG 问题
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//执行JPlaceHolder zte_PlaceHolder .init(); * * jQuery placeholder, fix for IE6,7,8,9 * @author JENA * @since 20131115.1504 * @website ishere.cn */ var zte_PlaceHolder = { //检测 _check : function(){ return 'placeholder' in document.createElement('input'); }, //初始化 init : function(){ if(!this._check()){ this.fix(); } }, //修复 fix : function(){ jQuery(':input[placeholder]').each(function(index, element) { var self = $(this), txt = self.attr('placeholder'); self.wrap($('<div></div>').css({position:'relative', zoom:'1', border:'none', background:'none', padding:'none', margin:'none'})); var pos = self.position(), h = self.outerHeight(true), paddingleft = self.css('padding-left'); var holder = $('<span></span>').text(txt).css({position:'absolute', left:'30px', top:'20px', height:h, lienHeight:h, paddingLeft:paddingleft, color:'#aaa'}).appendTo(self.parent()); self.focusin(function(e) { holder.hide(); }).focusout(function(e) { if(!self.val()){ holder.show(); } }); holder.click(function(e) { holder.hide(); self.focus(); }); }); } };
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