the problem is from pat,which website is
and the source code is as followed.
#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<queue> using namespace std; const int maxx = 32; typedef struct Tree { Tree *le; Tree *ri; int data; }Tree; Tree *root; int pos[maxx],in[maxx]; void printLevelOrder(Tree *root) { queue<Tree*> que; Tree *tr = NULL; que.push(root); bool flg = true; while (!que.empty()) { tr = (Tree *)que.front(); que.pop(); if (tr == NULL) continue; if (flg) { printf("%d",tr->data); flg = false; }else { printf(" %d",tr->data); } que.push(tr->le); que.push(tr->ri); } printf(" "); } //构造树pl为后序序列的左边界pr为其右边界 //il为中续遍历的左边界ir为其右边界 Tree *buildTree(int pl,int pr,int il,int ir) { if (pl > pr)return NULL; int p = il; while (in[p] != pos[pr]) { ++p; } Tree *tree = (Tree *)malloc(sizeof(Tree)); tree->data = pos[pr]; tree->le = buildTree(pl,pr-ir+p-1,il,p-1); tree->ri = buildTree(pr-ir+p,pr-1,p+1,ir); return tree; } int main(){ int n,i; Tree *root; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;++i){ scanf("%d",&pos[i]); } for(i=0;i<n;++i){ scanf("%d",&in[i]); } root=buildTree(0,n-1,0,n-1); printLevelOrder(root); return 0; }
the main function is rebuild the tree,which is a recursive function;and it is important to find
the left side and the right side from both postOrder and InOrder!Therefore ,we can use these argument to build the tree recursively.