[TestNG] [Error]
Cannot find class in classpath
先cd 到工程目录,
java -cp "lib/testng-6.9.10.jar:bin:lib/:target/test-classes/" -Djava.ext.dirs=lib org.testng.TestNG testSuits/testSuitExample_android.xml
lib bin target都是工程下的文件夹,
详细的如何下dos prompt下执行TestNG见下面链接:
You need to have the testng.jar
under classpath.
try C:projectfred> java -cp "path-tojar/testng.jar:path_to_yourtest_classes" org.testng.TestNG testng.xml
Under linux I ran this command and it would be some thing similar on Windows either
test/bin# java -cp ".:../lib/*" org.testng.TestNG testng.xml
Directory structure:
/bin - All my test packages are under bin including testng.xml
/src - All source files are under src
/lib - All libraries required for the execution of tests are under this.
Once I compile all sources they go under bin directory. So, in the classpath I need to specify contents of bin directory and all the libraries like testng.xml, loggers etc over here. Also copy testng.xml to bin folder if you dont want to specify the full path where the testng.xml is available.
-- testng.xml
-- testclasses
-- Properties files if any.
-- testng.jar
-- log4j.jar
Go to the folder MyProject
and type run the java command like the way shown below:-
java -cp ".: C:Program Filesjbdevstudio4studioplugins*" org.testng.TestNG testng.xml
I believe the testng.xml file is under C:UsersmeworkspaceMyProject
if not please give the full path for testng.xml