坚持做一件事真的好难~ 决定重新写博客的时候想着一定要坚持一个周一篇,然而....
写了egret 半年了,伴随着今天最后一个egret棋牌游戏上线,也就宣告着我的egret生涯暂时告一段落了,今天写点东西算是纪念一下吧。
对于egret 锁屏js休眠的问题,由于egret的这种机制,往往会导致用户在锁屏后(或者切出去之后)再进来就会发现游戏画面渲染出现错乱,可能要等到下个阶段渲染改组件的时候才恢复;
Utils.activationDoc = function (status) {
//兼容写法 var hiddenProperty = 'hidden' in document ? 'hidden' : 'webkitHidden' in document ? 'webkitHidden' : 'mozHidden' in document ? 'mozHidden' : null; var visibilityChangeEvent = hiddenProperty.replace(/hidden/i, 'visibilitychange'); var hiddenTime = null; var showTime = null; var onVisibilityChange = function () {if (!document[hiddenProperty]) { //激活做点什么 } else { //非激活做点什么 } } document.addEventListener(visibilityChangeEvent, onVisibilityChange); }
// TypeScript file class ReconnectingWebSocket { //These can be altered by calling code public debug:boolean = false; //Time to wait before attempting reconnect (after close) public reconnectInterval:number = 1000; //Time to wait for WebSocket to open (before aborting and retrying) public timeoutInterval:number = 2000; //Should only be used to read WebSocket readyState public readyState:number; //Whether WebSocket was forced to close by this client private forcedClose:boolean = false; //Whether WebSocket opening timed out private timedOut:boolean = false; //List of WebSocket sub-protocols private protocols:string[] = []; //The underlying WebSocket private ws:WebSocket; private url:string; /** * Setting this to true is the equivalent of setting all instances of ReconnectingWebSocket.debug to true. */ public static debugAll = false; //Set up the default 'noop' event handlers public onopen:(ev:Event) => void = function (event:Event) {}; public onclose:(ev:CloseEvent) => void = function (event:CloseEvent) {}; public onconnecting:() => void = function () {}; public onmessage:(ev:MessageEvent) => void = function (event:MessageEvent) {}; public onerror:(ev:ErrorEvent) => void = function (event:ErrorEvent) {}; constructor(url:string, protocols:string[] = []) { this.url = url; this.protocols = protocols; this.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING; this.connect(false); } public connect(reconnectAttempt:boolean) { this.ws = new WebSocket(this.url, this.protocols); this.onconnecting(); this.log('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'attempt-connect', this.url); var localWs = this.ws; var timeout = setTimeout(() => { this.log('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'connection-timeout', this.url); this.timedOut = true; localWs.close(); this.timedOut = false; }, this.timeoutInterval); this.ws.onopen = (event:Event) => { clearTimeout(timeout); this.log('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onopen', this.url); this.readyState = WebSocket.OPEN; reconnectAttempt = false; this.onopen(event); }; this.ws.onclose = (event:CloseEvent) => { clearTimeout(timeout); this.ws = null; if (this.forcedClose) { this.readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED; this.onclose(event); } else { this.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING; this.onconnecting(); if (!reconnectAttempt && !this.timedOut) { this.log('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onclose', this.url); this.onclose(event); } setTimeout(() => { this.connect(true); }, this.reconnectInterval); } }; this.ws.onmessage = (event) => { this.log('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onmessage', this.url, event.data); this.onmessage(event); }; this.ws.onerror = (event) => { this.log('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'onerror', this.url, event); this.onerror(event); }; } public send(data:any) { if (this.ws) { this.log('ReconnectingWebSocket', 'send', this.url, data); return this.ws.send(data); } else { throw 'INVALID_STATE_ERR : Pausing to reconnect websocket'; } } /** * Returns boolean, whether websocket was FORCEFULLY closed. */ public close():boolean { if (this.ws) { this.forcedClose = true; this.ws.close(); return true; } return false; } /** * Additional public API method to refresh the connection if still open (close, re-open). * For example, if the app suspects bad data / missed heart beats, it can try to refresh. * * Returns boolean, whether websocket was closed. */ public refresh():boolean { if (this.ws) { this.ws.close(); return true; } return false; } private log(...args: any[]) { if (this.debug || ReconnectingWebSocket.debugAll) { console.debug.apply(console, args); } } }