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  • Centos 编译LEDE/OpenWrt


    在OpenWrt 18.06.0之后, 需要使用Centos7编译.

    1. 安装依赖软件


    yum install subversion binutils bzip2 gcc gcc-c++ gawk gettext flex ncurses-devel zlib-devel zlib-static make patch unzip perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker glibc glibc-devel glibc-static quilt ncurses-libs sed sdcc intltool sharutils bison wget git-core openssl-devel xz

    除此以外, 建议加上 glib2-devel

    2. 编译升级gcc

    Centos6自带的gcc版本只到4.4.7, 不支持c++11, 必须升级. 参考 这篇文章 升级到gcc 6.4.0

    3. 导出最新源码

    例如在home下的用户目录下, 新建一个lede目录, 然后在此目录下执行, 然后将source目录更名为 source_master

    git clone https://git.lede-project.org/source.git

    注意: 编译将在此目录下执行, 根据官方文档的要求, 路径中要避免出现空格等特殊字符, 以免编译失败

    Update 2018-08-12 LEDE与原OpenWRT合并后, 代码主干URL变成了

    git clone https://git.openwrt.org/openwrt/openwrt.git/


    $ git tag
    $ git checkout -b v18.06.1 v18.06.1


    1. 当git代码库有更新时, 更新源码

    git pull

    2. 更新组件源

    # 更新组件源
    ./scripts/feeds update -a
    # 安装所有组件, 安装后, 在make menuconfig中才可以选择
    ./scripts/feeds install -a
    # 安装指定组件
    ./scripts/feeds install <PACKAGENAME>

    Update 2018-08-12: 在编译 v18.06.0 时, 出现了 time checking failed的错误

    Checking 'wget'... ok.
    Checking 'time'... failed.
    Checking 'perl'... ok.
    Build dependency: Please install GNU 'time' or BusyBox 'time' that supports -f

    经检查, 检查语句是

    $ grep -rnw './' -e 'that supports -f'
    ./include/prereq-build.mk:141:$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,time,Please install GNU 'time' or BusyBox 'time' that supports -f, 
    $ more include/prereq-build.mk 
    $(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,time,Please install GNU 'time' or BusyBox 'time' that supports -f, 
            gtime --version 2>&1 | grep GNU, 
            time --version 2>&1 | grep GNU, 
            busybox time 2>&1 | grep -- '-f FMT'))

    而 time 命令是bash shell内建的, 无法更改, 故下载了最新版的gnu time编译安装并ln -s为 gtime 命令, 这样检查就通过了

    $ wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/time/time-1.9.tar.gz
    $ tar zxvf time-1.9.tar.gz
    $ ./configure
    $ make
    $ sudo make install
    $ ln -s /usr/local/bin/time /usr/bin/gtime

    3. 设置编译目标设备以及包含的组件, 主要是两个命令

    # 重置默认的设备和组件
    make defconfig
    # 进入配置界面
    make menuconfig

    使用make menuconfig时, 需要注意的

    • 常用的mt7620/7621芯片所属的target位于 Target System -> MediaTek Ralink MIPS
    • 设置之后, 除了save到.config_[device name]以外, 还需要设置到.config, 否则编译时因为.config没变, 你的设置不会生效

    Update 2018-11-23:

    在make menuconfig之后在开始编译之前, 现在增加了一个步骤, 在编译前进行下载

    # download all dependency source files before final make, enables multi-core compilation);
    make download 


    1. 执行编译命令行

    make -j2 V=s
    # -j2 表示用2核, 根据当前机器配置而定
    # V=s 表示显示详细输出

    2. 如果需要后台进行, 使用

    nohup make -j2 V=s > ~/lede/logs/20171011.log 2>&1 &

    Updated 2018-08-12: 编译v18.06.0, 会出现"b2a_base64() argument 1 must be string or read-only buffer, not bytearray" 错误, 经google查询发现这是python2.6的一个bug, 在python2.7以后已经修复, 但是在Centos6.8下, 多次尝试包括编译安装python2.7并alias python到python2.7依然无法将默认的python环境改为2.7, 最后放弃Centos6, 重建Centos7虚机进行编译


    1. 编译时因网络问题下载失败


    2. 编译transmission时出现 config.status: error: cannot find input file: `po/Makefile.in.in' 错误



    1. 极路由二 HC5761
    使用 r5040-f98f83e版本代码编译, 工作正常
      问题: 除了5GHz的wlan. 在目前的kernel 4.9.x 上尚未找到解决办法.

    2. 小米路由MINI
    使用 r5040-f98f83e版本代码编译, 工作正常

    3. NeWiFi D1
    使用 r5040-f98f83e版本代码编译, 工作正常
      问题: 不能软重启(即在Luci界面或命令行通过reboot重启), 经查是因为32M flash带来的问题, 可以通过补丁修复, 不过无所谓了...

    Update 2018-08-02:

    NeWiFi D1不能reboot的原因是其闪存MX25L25635F被系统当成了MX25L25635E来处理, MX25L25635F是支持无状态4字节读写的, 但是MX25L25635E不支持. 因为这两个型号使用的是同样的硬件ID, 所以系统无法区分.

    http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/lede-bugs/2018-April/007687.html : "The Newifi D1 has most likely a MX25L25635**F**. But the MX25L25635E and MX25L25635F share the same "hardware id" 0xc22019, therefore can't be distinguished and are handled as MX25L25635E by the kernel. The MX25L25635F supports stateless 4-byte read and write (you can use SPI_NOR_4B_OPCODES). Where the MX25L25635E does **not** support any stateless 4-byte command."

    对应的补丁在 https://forum.lede-project.org/t/newifi-d1-unable-to-reboot/7910/10 . 补丁修改的是 drivers/mtd/spi-nor/spi-nor.c 文件, 对于内核版本为4.14的, 具体的操作是在编译前, 创建一个0101-d1-reboot.patch, 放到 target/linux/ramips/patches-4.14 目录下.

    Update 2018-11-23:

    把make menuconfig里面勾选的自定义项都记录一下

    Base System
      -*- block-mount........................... Block device mounting and checking
      <*> blockd......................................... Block device automounting
    Kernel modules
            <*> kmod-fs-ext4..................................... EXT4 filesystem support │ │ 
            <*> kmod-fs-msdos................................... MSDOS filesystem support │ │ 
            -*- kmod-fs-nfs................................ NFS filesystem client support │ │ 
            -*- kmod-fs-nfs-common......................... Common NFS filesystem modules │ │ 
            <*> kmod-fs-nfs-v3............................ NFS3 filesystem client support │ │ 
            <*> kmod-fs-nfs-v4............................ NFS4 filesystem client support │ │ 
            <*> kmod-fs-ntfs..................................... NTFS filesystem support │ │ 
            -*- kmod-fs-vfat..................................... VFAT filesystem support │
        Native Language Support
            <*> kmod-nls-cp936......................... Codepage 936 (Simplified
            <*> Other language support
        USB Support
                 <*> kmod-usb-ohci............................... Support for OHCI controllers │ │ 
                 -*- kmod-usb-storage..................................... USB Storage support │ │ 
                 <*> kmod-usb-storage-extras.................... Extra drivers for usb-storage │ │ 
                 <*> kmod-usb-uhci............................... Support for UHCI controllers │ │ 
                 <*> kmod-usb2................................... Support for USB2 controllers │ │ 
                 <*> kmod-usb3................................... Support for USB3 controllers │ │ 
            <*> luci................... LuCI interface with Uhttpd as Webserver (default)
                 <*> Chinese (zh-cn)
                 <*> English
            <*> luci-app-adblock................................ LuCI support for Adblock
            <*> luci-app-aria2.................................... LuCI Support for Aria2
            <*> luci-app-samba.................... Network Shares - Samba SMB/CIFS module │ │ 
            <*> luci-app-shsdowsocks-libev............ LuCI Support for shsdowsocks-libev
            <*> luci-app-statistics
            <*> luci-app-qos
            <*> luci-app-transmission...................... LuCI Support for Transmission
            <*> luci-app-upnp................. Universal Plug & Play configuration module
                 <*> transmission-daemon-openssl............. BitTorrent client (with OpenSSL) │ │ 
                 <*> transmission-remote-openssl............. BitTorrent client (with OpenSSL) │ │ 
                 <*> transmission-web........................ BitTorrent client (webinterface) │ │
        File Transfer
            <*> aria2....................................... lightweight download utility │ │ 
            Aria2 Configuration  --->                                               │
                     SSL Library (OpenSSL)  --->                                               │ │ 
                 [*] Enable Bittorrent Support (NEW)                                           │ │ 
                 [*] Enable JSON-RPC over WebSocket Support (NEW)          
            <*> vsftpd............................... Fast and secure FTP server (no TLS)
            <*> wget............... Non-interactive network downloader (with SSL support)
       Web Servers/Proxies
            -*- shsdowsocks-libev-config................ shsdowsocks-libev config scripts │ │ 
            <*> shsdowsocks-libev-ss-local.................... shsdowsocks-libev ss-local │ │ 
            -*- shsdowsocks-libev-ss-redir.................... shsdowsocks-libev ss-redir │ │ 
            <*> shsdowsocks-libev-ss-rules.................... shsdowsocks-libev ss-rules │ │ 
            <*> shsdowsocks-libev-ss-server.................. shsdowsocks-libev ss-server │ │ 
            <*> shsdowsocks-libev-ss-tunnel.................. shsdowsocks-libev ss-tunnel │
       <*> adblock... Powerful adblock script to block ad/abuse domains by using DNS
       <*> iftop............................. display bandwith usage on an interface
       <*> ipset....................................... IPset administration utility │ │ 
       <*> ipset-dns................. A lightweight DNS forwarder to populate ipsets │ │
       <*> samba36-server................................. Samba 3.6 SMB/CIFS server │ │ 
                (-1)  Maximum level of compiled-in debug messages (NEW)                    
            <*> fdisk.................................... manipulate disk partition table
            <*> gdisk............ GPT aware disk manipulation utility for interactive use
            <*> hd-idle..................... Another idle-daemon for attached hard drives
            <*> hdparm........................... Hard disk drive configuration utilitity
            <*> e2fsprogs
        <*> usbutils................................... USB devices listing utilities

    如果需要sd/tf card支持, 还需要勾选 Kernel modules - Other modules -> kmod-mmc 、kmod-mmc-over-gpio、kmod-sdhci、kmod-sdhci-7620 最后这个sdhci-7620实测必须勾选, 编译NeWiFi D1的固件时如果不勾选这项, 启动时无内置TF卡的demsg mmc信息, 勾选后的固件就可以正确识别.

    Update 2020-02-02 编译迅雷下载宝时, 容易出现Image is too big的警告, 这是因为这个型号没有正确设置image size, 对应文件是 target/linux/ramips/image/mt7621.mk
    修改其中的timecloud配置, 增加IMAGE_SIZE一行

    define Device/timecloud
      DTS := Timecloud
      IMAGE_SIZE := $(ralink_default_fw_size_16M)
      DEVICE_TITLE := Thunder Timecloud
      DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb3
    TARGET_DEVICES += timecloud


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/milton/p/7655524.html
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