3.zipfile & tarfile
4.json & pickle
5.xml & configparser
python中关于时间的模块 time.
python中的时间分三类, 第一类:unix时间戳类型 time.time()就会将当前的时间换算程unix时间戳打印出来.第二类是结构化的时间,第三类是格式化后的时间字符串.下面分别举例字:
1 In [21]: import time 2 3 In [22]: time.time() #时间戳) 4 Out[22]: 1497031848.168647 5 6 In [23]: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %X') #格式化后的时间字符串 7 Out[23]: '2017-06-10 02:11:03' 8 9 In [26]: time.localtime() #格式化时间 10 Out[26]: time.struct_time(tm_year=2017, tm_mon=6, tm_mday=10, tm_hour=2, tm_min=11, tm_sec=42, tm_wday=5, tm_yday=161, tm_isdst=0)
time模块常用的是格式化为字符串的时间.有时也用到time.ctime() 函数
time模块中还有一个重要函数是sleep() 这个函数的作用是让当前进程休眠,sleep(seconds)函数接收一个整数,表示休眠多少秒,比如我们想让程序休眠5s,则使用time.sleep(5)来完成.
1 #复制目录树 2 In [30]: import shutil 3 4 In [31]: dir 5 Out[31]: <function dir> 6 7 In [32]: ls 8 getgoods.py gouwuche.zip readme.txt 9 gouwuche/ new.json 10 11 In [33]: shutil.copytree('gouwuche','gouwuche.test') 12 13 In [34]: ls 14 getgoods.py gouwuche.test/ new.json 15 gouwuche/ gouwuche.zip readme.txt 16 17 18 #拷贝文件和权限 19 In [35]: shutil.copy('readme.txt','readyou.txt') 20 21 In [36]: ls 22 getgoods.py gouwuche.test/ new.json readyou.txt 23 gouwuche/ gouwuche.zip readme.txt 24 25 #递归的删除目录 26 27 In [37]: shutil.rmtree('gouwuche.test') 28 29 In [38]: ls 30 getgoods.py gouwuche.zip readme.txt 31 gouwuche/ new.json readyou.txt
第三部分:zipfile & tarfile
zipefile 用于 使用文件压缩算法zip 操作文件的一个模块.
1 1 In [69]: import zipfile 2 2 3 3 In [70]: f=zipfile.ZipFile('test.zip','a') 4 4 5 5 In [71]: f.write('s17day01.txt') 6 6 7 7 In [72]: f.write('username.txt') 8 8 9 9 In [73]: f.close()
1 1 In [10]: l=zipfile.ZipFile('test.zip','r') 2 2 3 3 In [19]: l.namelist() 4 4 Out[19]: ['s17day01.txt', 'username.txt']
1 In [20]: rm s17day01.txt 2 3 In [21]: rm username.txt 4 5 In [22]: ls 6 test.zip 7 8 In [23]: l 9 Out[23]: <zipfile.ZipFile at 0x7f5bc457a5d0> 10 11 In [24]: l.extractall() 12 13 In [25]: ls 14 s17day01.txt test.zip username.txt
1 localhost:~/0615$ ll 2 总用量 12 3 drwxr-xr-x 3 notu notu 4096 6月 9 12:51 ./ 4 drwxr-xr-x 78 notu notu 4096 6月 9 12:43 ../ 5 drwxr-xr-x 2 notu notu 4096 6月 9 12:50 test/ 6 localhost:~/0615$ zip test.zip -e -r test/* 7 Enter password: #输入123@123 8 Verify password: #输入123@123 9 adding: test/s17day01.txt (stored 0%) 10 adding: test/username.txt (stored 0%)
1 #password.txt 文件内容 2 123456 3 654321 4 dajfk 5 aifjei 6 vlcjfkd 7 akejfk 8 kejre 9 a 10 123@123 11 kdfjke 12 kjfejfio 13 kajfoad 14 kj
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 4 import zipfile 5 """根据字典文件,暴力破解zip密码""" 6 7 def extract_zip(zfile,password): 8 try: 9 zfile.extractall(pwd=password) 10 print('password found:%s' %password) 11 return password 12 except: 13 pass 14 15 def main(): 16 zfile=zipfile.ZipFile('test.zip') 17 with open('password.txt','r') as f: 18 for password in f: 19 pw=extract_zip(zfile,password.strip().encode('utf-8')) 20 if pw: 21 print('Password=%s' %pw.decode('utf-8')) 22 break 23 else: 24 print('not found') 25 zfile.close() 26 27 28 if __name__=='__main__': 29 main()
1 localhost:~/0615$ python3.5 decry.py 2 password found:b'123@123' 3 Password=b'123@123'
(2) tarfile
1 ln[6]: import tarfile 2 3 In [7]: ls 4 decry.py password.txt test/ test.zip 5 6 In [8]: t_f=tarfile.TarFile('0615.tar','a') 7 8 In [9]: dir(t_f) 9 10 In [12]: t_f.add('test') 11 12 In [13]: t_f.add('decry.py') 13 14 In [14]: t_f.add('password.txt') 15 16 In [15]: t_f.close()
1 import tarfile 2 3 tf=tarfile.TarFile('0615.tar') 4 tf.list() 5 tf.close() 6 7 #显示结果 8 /usr/bin/python3.5 /home/notu/0615/tar_t.py 9 ?rwxr-xr-x notu/notu 0 2017-06-09 13:22:19 test/ 10 ?rw-r--r-- notu/notu 0 2017-06-09 13:23:54 test/username.txt 11 ?rw-r--r-- notu/notu 0 2017-06-09 13:23:54 test/s17day01.txt 12 ?rw-r--r-- notu/notu 622 2017-06-09 13:23:51 decry.py 13 ?rw-r--r-- notu/notu 85 2017-06-09 13:02:42 password.txt
1 import tarfile 2 3 tf=tarfile.TarFile('0615.tar') 4 tf.extractall(path='tartest') 5 tf.close() 6 7 8 #结果 9 在当前目录创建了一个tartest目录,tar包的内容被添加到tartest目录中
第四部分:json & pickle
1 #json存储变量 2 In [39]: d={'1':111} 3 In [42]: json.dumps(d) 4 Out[42]: '{"1": 111}' 5 6 In [43]: b=json.dumps(d) 7 8 In [44]: c=json.loads(b) 9 10 In [45]: c 11 Out[45]: {u'1': 111} 12 13 14 #json 将变量存储到文件中 15 In [46]: with open('a.json','w') as f: 16 ...: json.dump(b,f) 17 ...: 18 19 20 #json将变量从文件中取出 21 22 In [47]: with open('a.json','r') as f: 23 ...: d=json.load(f) 24 ...: 25 26 In [48]: d 27 Out[48]: u'{"1": 111}'
1 In [50]: import pickle 2 #将序列化的对象存到变量中. 3 4 In [51]: d={'name':'xiaoming','age':23,'sex':'mail'} 5 6 In [52]: print(type(d)) 7 <type 'dict'> 8 9 In [53]: h=pickle.dumps(d) 10 11 In [55]: print(type(h)) 12 <type 'str'> 13 14 #将序列化的数据存放到文件中 15 In [56]: with open('test.pickle','w') as f: 16 ...: pickle.dump(h,f) 17 ...: 18 19 #从文件中取出pickle对象 20 In [57]: with open('test.pickle','r') as f: 21 ...: e=pickle.load(f) 22 ...: 23 24 In [58]: e 25 Out[58]: "(dp0 S'age' p1 I23 sS'name' p2 S'xiaoming' p3 sS'sex' p4 S'mail' p5 s." 26 27 In [59]: print(type(e)) 28 <type 'str'> 29 30 #将数据从pickle数据结构中还原 31 In [60]: pickle.loads(e) 32 Out[60]: {'age': 23, 'name': 'xiaoming', 'sex': 'mail'}
第五部分:xml & configparser
1 <note> 2 <to>George</to> 3 <from>John</from> 4 <heading>Reminder</heading> 5 <body>Don't forget the meeting!</body> 6 </note>
python中可以通过 "xml.etree.ElementTree" 来操作xml文件. 下面举一个例子:
1 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 2 3 tree = ET.parse("xmltest.xml") 4 root = tree.getroot() 5 print(root.tag) 6 7 #遍历xml文档 8 for child in root: 9 print('========>',child.tag,child.attrib,child.attrib['name']) 10 for i in child: 11 print(i.tag,i.attrib,i.text) 12 13 #只遍历year 节点 14 for node in root.iter('year'): 15 print(node.tag,node.text) 16 #--------------------------------------- 17 18 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 19 20 tree = ET.parse("xmltest.xml") 21 root = tree.getroot() 22 23 #修改 24 for node in root.iter('year'): 25 new_year=int(node.text)+1 26 node.text=str(new_year) 27 node.set('updated','yes') 28 node.set('version','1.0') 29 tree.write('test.xml') 30 31 32 #删除node 33 for country in root.findall('country'): 34 rank = int(country.find('rank').text) 35 if rank > 50: 36 root.remove(country) 37 38 tree.write('output.xml') 39 40 41 42 #在country内添加(append)节点year2 43 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET 44 tree = ET.parse("a.xml") 45 root=tree.getroot() 46 for country in root.findall('country'): 47 for year in country.findall('year'): 48 if int(year.text) > 2000: 49 year2=ET.Element('year2') 50 year2.text='新年' 51 year2.attrib={'update':'yes'} 52 country.append(year2) #往country节点下添加子节点 53 54 tree.write('a.xml.swap')
linux 或windows系统中现在还保留很多ini 格式的文件.它们的样子类似这样:
1 [General] 2 StartWithLastProfile=1 3 4 [Profile0] 5 Name=default 6 IsRelative=1 7 Path=5rc9bfaq.default 8 Default=1
我们可以通过configparser 模块解析这种ini文件内容.下面看一个例子:
1 >>> import configparser 2 >>> config=configparser.ConfigParser() 3 >>> config.read('test.ini') 4 ['test.ini'] 5 6 #查看所有标题: 7 >>> config.sections() 8 ['General', 'Profile0'] 9 10 #查看某个section中的所有键 11 >>> config.options('General') 12 ['startwithlastprofile'] 13 14 #显示键值对 15 >>> config.items('General') 16 [('startwithlastprofile', '1')] 17 18 #获取某个键的值 19 >>> config.options('Profile0') 20 ['name', 'isrelative', 'path', 'default'] 21 >>> config.get('Profile0','path') 22 '5rc9bfaq.default' 23 24 #获取整数 25 >>> config.getint('Profile0','default') 26 1
1 In [24]: ls 2 getgoods.py gouwuche/ gouwuche.zip new.json readme.txt 3 4 In [25]: import hashlib 5 6 In [26]: m=hashlib.md5() #获取md5值 7 8 In [27]: m.update('gouwuche.zip') 9 10 In [28]: m.hexdigest() 11 Out[28]: '61d08dc2aa2f5c4a7f1883aaebacb63b'
1 In [8]: ls 2 getgoods.py gouwuche/ gouwuche.zip new.json readme.txt 3 4 In [9]: import hashlib 5 6 In [10]: m=hashlib.md5() 7 8 In [13]: with open('new.json','r') as f: 9 ...: for line in f: 10 ...: m.update(line) 11 ...: 12 ...: 13 14 In [14]: m.hexdigest() 15 Out[14]: '4e09be5b2afe24d13ac9afa9e70a4041' 16 17 我们使用linux系统的md5sum 计算'new.json"的值: 18 /zuoye$ md5sum new.json 19 4e09be5b2afe24d13ac9afa9e70a4041 new.json 20 21 相同的
subprocess可以使用call()和Popen() 执行系统命令,两个方法的区别是call返回命令的执行的退出码,比如在linux系统中,退出码为"0"表示命令正常结束,非"0"说明,脚本执行有问题.而"Popen"默认返回的是命令的执行结果.如下:
1 In [1]: import subprocess 2 3 In [2]: cmd='ls -l' 4 5 In [4]: cd zuoye 6 /home/notu/zuoye 7 8 In [5]: res=subprocess.call(cmd,shell=True) 9 10 11 In [6]: res 12 Out[6]: 0 13 14 可以看到返回值为0,说明命令执行成功 15 16 In [1]: import subprocess 17 18 In [2]: cmd='ls /tmp' 19 20 In [3]: res=subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) 21 22 In [4]:a= res.stdout.read().split(' ') 23 24 ln[5]:a 25 Out[14]: 26 ['config-err-GKVYcT', 27 'fcitx-socket-:0', 28 'firefox_notu', 29 'hsperfdata_notu', 30 'plugtmp', 31 'snap.0_wifi-ap_AeEGqS', 32 'ssh-N7h63RaQ4sAy', 33 'systemd-private-87c00976bf554756b13ed0f5b9cc7d8c-colord.service-U5VPAo', 34 'systemd-private-87c00976bf554756b13ed0f5b9cc7d8c-fwupd.service-8KDw74', 35 'systemd-private-87c00976bf554756b13ed0f5b9cc7d8c-rtkit-daemon.service-wwUFsF', 36 'systemd-private-87c00976bf554756b13ed0f5b9cc7d8c-systemd-resolved.service-ETg8oa', 37 'systemd-private-87c00976bf554756b13ed0f5b9cc7d8c-systemd-timesyncd.service-QYCI86', 38 'tmp86bep6xh', 39 'unity_support_test.0', 40 '']
1 In [15]: def multi(*args): 2 ...: for cmd in args: 3 ...: p=subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE) 4 ...: out=p.stdout.read().split(' ') 5 ...: print(out) 6 ...: 7 8 In [5]: for i in multi('uptime','free -m','date'): 9 ...: print(i) 10 ...: 11 [' 01:40:59 up 4:47, 1 user, load average: 0.21, 0.26, 0.33', ''] 12 [' total used free shared buff/cache available', 'Mem: 15617 1593 11368 338 2655 13367', 'Swap: 15946 0 15946', ''] 13 ['2017xe5xb9xb4 06xe6x9cx88 10xe6x97xa5 xe6x98x9fxe6x9cx9fxe5x85xad 01:40:59 CST', '']
ERROR = 40
INFO = 20
DEBUG = 10
1 logging.basicConfig(filename='access.log', 2 format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s -%(module)s: %(message)s', 3 datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p', 4 level=10) 5 6 logging.debug('debug') 7 logging.info('info') 8 logging.warning('warning') 9 logging.error('error') 10 logging.critical('critical') 11 logging.log(10,'log') #如果level=40,则只有logging.critical和loggin.error的日志会被打印