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  • 使用Sql Server Management Studio 2008将数据导出到Sql文件中

    最近需要将一个Sql Server 2005数据库中的数据导出,为了方便,就希望能导出成Sql文件,里面包含的数据是由Insert 语句组成的。

    在Sql Server Management Studio 2005 中(包括之前Sql Server2000 的企业管理器),只能把表结构导出到Sql脚本文件中,没办法把数据导出到Sql脚本文件中。

    Sql Server  Management Studio 2008中增加了这个功能,因此我们可以利用2008的Management Studio工具连接2005的数据库,从而导出想要的脚本。

    1.使用Sql Server Management Studio 2008 连接数据库。







    注意:这里一定要使用Sql Server Management  Studio 2008,其它版本不行。



    附上一份非Sql server 导出数据的Sp

     2:  create PROCEDURE [dbo].[UspOutputData]    
     3:  @tablename sysname    
     4:  AS    
     5:  declare @column varchar(2000)    
     6:  declare @columndata varchar(2000)    
     7:  declare @sql varchar(8000)    
     8:  declare @xtype tinyint    
     9:  declare @name sysname    
    10:  declare @objectId int    
    11:  declare @objectname sysname    
    12:  declare @ident int    
    13:  set nocount on    
    14:  -- 判?斷?對?象?是?否?存?在?   
    15:  set @objectId=object_id(@tablename)    
    16:  if @objectId is null    
    17:  begin    
    18:  print 'The object not exists'    
    19:  return    
    20:  end    
    22:  set @objectname=rtrim(object_name(@objectId))    
    23:  if @objectname is null or charindex(@objectname,@tablename)=0    
    24:  begin    
    25:  print 'object not in current database'    
    26:  return    
    27:  end    
    28:  -- 判?斷?對?象?是?否?是?table    
    29:  if OBJECTPROPERTY(@objectId,'IsTable') < > 1    
    30:  begin    
    31:  print 'The object is not table'    
    32:  return    
    33:  end    
    35:  select @ident=status&0x80 from syscolumns where id=@objectid and status&0x80=0x80    
    36:  if @ident is not null    
    37:  print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT '+@TableName+' ON'    
    39:  declare syscolumns_cursor cursor   
    40:  for select c.name,c.xtype from syscolumns c where c.id=@objectid order by c.colid    
    41:  open syscolumns_cursor    
    42:  set @column=''    
    43:  set @columndata=''    
    44:  fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype    
    45:  while @@fetch_status < >-1    
    46:    begin    
    47:      if @@fetch_status < >-2    
    48:        begin    
    50:            begin    
    51:              set @column=@column+case when len(@column)=0 then'' else ','end+@name     
    52:              set @columndata=@columndata+case when len(@columndata)=0 then '' else ','','','end    
    53:                  +case when @xtype in(167,175) then '''''''''+'+@name+'+''''''''' --varchar,char    
    54:                        when @xtype in(231,239) then '''N''''''+'+@name+'+''''''''' --nvarchar,nchar    
    55:                        when @xtype=61 then '''''''''+convert(char(23),'+@name+',121)+''''''''' --datetime    
    56:                        when @xtype=58 then '''''''''+convert(char(16),'+@name+',120)+''''''''' --smalldatetime    
    57:                        when @xtype=36 then '''''''''+convert(char(36),'+@name+')+''''''''' --uniqueidentifier    
    58:                        else @name end    
    59:            end    
    60:        end    
    61:      fetch next from syscolumns_cursor into @name,@xtype    
    62:    end    
    63:  close syscolumns_cursor    
    64:  deallocate syscolumns_cursor    
    65:  set @sql='set nocount on select ''insert '+@tablename+'('+@column+') values(''as ''--'','+@columndata+','')'' from '+@tablename    
    66:  print '--'+@sql    
    67:  exec(@sql)     
    69:  if @ident is not null    
    70:  print 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT '+@TableName+' OFF'    
    72:  GO
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mmmhhhlll/p/1711381.html
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