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  • 《C与指针》第三章练习


    1.What is the range for characters and the various integer types on your machine?


    answer : Depends,look in <limits.h> for the definitions,The location of this include file may vary; on UNIX system it is typically found in the directory /usr/include. For Borland compilers,look in the include directory found where the compiler was installed.


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    int main(void)
        printf("char: %d
        printf("int : %d
        printf("long int: %d
    ",sizeof(long int));
        printf("SCHAR_MIN: %d	 SCHAR_MAX: %d
        printf("INT_MIN: %d	 INT_MAX:%d
        printf("LONG_MIN: %g	 LONG_MAX:%g
        return 0;
    char: 1
    int : 4
    long int: 8
    SCHAR_MIN: -128     SCHAR_MAX: 127
    INT_MIN: -2147483648     INT_MAX:2147483647
    LONG_MIN: 0     LONG_MAX:-5.48612e+303

    2.What is the range for each of the floating-point types on your machine?


    answer : Depends,look in <float.h> for the definitions,See above for the location for this file.


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <float.h>
    int main(void)
        printf("FLT_MAX:%g	 FLT_MIN:%g
        printf("DBL_MAX:%g	 DBL_MIN:%g
        return 0;
    FLT_MAX:3.40282e+38     FLT_MIN:1.17549e-38
    DBL_MAX:1.79769e+308     DBL_MIN:2.22507e-308

    3. Suppose you are writing a program that must run on two machines whose default integers are different sizes; 16 bits and 32 bits, The size of long integers on these machines is 32 bits and 64 bits, respectively(分别的), Some of the values used in this program are small enough to fit in a default integer on either machine, but some values are large enought to require 32 bits,One possible solution is to simply use long integers for all values,but this approach wastes time and space on the 16-bit machine for those values that would fit in 16 bits and wastes time and space on the 32-bit machine as well.How can you write the declarations for these variables so that they are the right size for both machines? The correct approach avoids the raced to modify these declarations when compiling the program on either machine.Hint:Try including a header file that contains declarations specific to each particular machine.


    answer : Declare integer variables that must be a particular size with names like int8 ,int16, int32 ,For integers that you want to be the default size,use names like defint8, defint16, defint32 depending on the largest value they must hold,Then create a file called int_size.h for each machine containning typedef's that select the best integer size for each of your names,On a typical 32-bit machine this file would contain:


    typedef signed char     int8;
    typedef short int       int16;
    typedef int             int32;
    typedef int             defint8;
    typedef int             defint16;
    typedef int             defint32;

    On a typical machine with 16-bit integers,the file would contain:


    typedef signed char     int8;
    typedef int                    int16;
    typedef long int            int32;
    typedef int                    defint8;
    typedef int                    defint16;
    typedef long int            defint32;

    #define's could also be used.


    4.Suppose you have a program that assign(赋予) a long integer variable to a short integer variable,What happen when you compile this program?What happens when you run it? Do you think that other compilers will give the same results?


    answer : Many compilers will give a warning message.The standard defines the runtime behavior roughly(大约) this way:If the value to be assigned is small enough to fit in the shorter variable,its value is preserved;otherwise,it is implementation dependent.The carefully worded description implies(暗示) that the implementation may simply discard(丢弃) the high-order bits that don't fit,which on most machines gives the most efficient object code.This is obviously not portable(方便).


    5.Suppose you have a program that assigns a double variable to a float.What happens when you compile this program?What happens when you run it?


    answer : When you compile it,you may get a warning message.The runtime behavior is defined in much the same manner as for integers: If the value fits in the smaller variable,it works;otherwise it is implementation dependent.With floating-point values,though(然而),a value "doesn't fit" only if its exponent(指数) is larger than the shorter type can hold. if the exponent fits.there is still the mantissa(尾数).which might have more significance(有效位) than the shorter type can maintian.In this case,the value is replaced with nearest value that can be represented in the shorter variable;it is implementation dependent whether this rounds(四舍五入),truncates(截去),or does something else.


    6.Write a declaration for an enumeration that defines values for coins,using the symbols PENNY,NICKEL,and so forth.



    enum Change{ PENNY = 1,NICKEL = 5, DIME = 10,
             QUARTER = 25, HALF_DOLLAR = 50, DOLLAR = 100};

    7.What is printed by this fragment(片段) of code?


    enum Liquid{OUNCE = 1,CUP = 8,PINT = 16,
                QUART = 32,GALLON = 128};
    enum Liquid jar;
    jar = QUART;
    jar = jar + PINT;

    answer : The variable jar is an enumerated type,but its value is actually an integer,However,the printf format code %s is used to print strings,not integers,Consequently,the output cannot be determined.Had the format code been %d,then the output would have been:32 48.


    main.c:10:8: warning: format ‘%s’ expects argument of type ‘char *’, but argument 2 has type ‘unsigned int

    8.Does your C implementation allow string literals to be modified by the program?Are there any compiler options that allow the modification of string literals to be enabled or disabled?


    answer: Depends on the implementation;consult(查询) the documentation.


      main(   int   argn,   char*   argv[]   )   
              char*   szStringA   =   "Hello,world!";   
              char*   szStringB   =   "Hello,world!";   
              *szStringA   =   '-';   
              puts(   szStringB   );   
              return   0;   
    //ANSI   C明确说明:修改字符串常量,效果是未定义的。   
    /*  首先我们得清楚,如何才能得到字符串常量?
    只有一种方式:char* szString = “Hello,world!”;
    那么char szString[] = “Hello,world!”;
    */ //试试下面代码: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main( int argn, char* argv[] ) { char szStringA[] = "Hello,world!"; char szStringB[] = "Hello,world!"; szStringA[0] = '-'; puts( szStringB ); return 0; } 运行结果:Hello,world!

    9.If the integer types are normally signed,what is the purpose of the signed keyword?


    answer : It is needed only for charactes,and even then only on machines where the default character is unsigned,It is allowed in other contexts(e.g...signed int) only for consistency(一致).

    (符号需要和当机器上默认字符为unsigned int类型的时候,能够是环境保持一致)

    10.Can an unsigned variable hold a larger range of values than a signed variable of the same size?


    answer:No,In any given number of bits n,there are only 2distinct combinations(组合) of the bit values,The only thing that changes between a signed and an unsigned value is how half of those values are interpreted(译码).In a signed number,they are negative;in an unsigned number,they are the larger positive values.


    11.Assuming that they are both 32 bits long,which type of variable can hold more distinct value,an int or a float?


    answer:The float has a greater range than int,but it cannot have more distinct values without using more bits,The logic in the previous(以前) answer implies(暗示) that they hold the same number of distinct values,but for most floating-point systems this answer is wrong,There are usually lots of representations(表示) for zero,and by using unnormalized fractions(分数,有理数),lots of representations for other values as well,Thus the number of distinct values is less than that of an int.

    (浮点型比整型的范围要大,但是却没有比int型更多的位数,也不能存储更多特殊的值,以前的逻辑暗示我们它们应该能表示相同多的特殊值,不过在大多数浮点型系统中这个答案是错误的,0通常有很多表示形式,通过使用不规范的分数,其他值也有许多表示形式,因此float能表示的值少于int )

    12.The two fragments of code shown below came from the beginning of a fuction.How do they differ in what they accomplish?


    //code 1
    int a = 25;
    //code 2
    int a;
    a = 25;

    answer : There is no difference.

    13.If the declarations in the code fragments in question 12 included the word const,how would they differ in what they accomplished?


    The code 1 declaration still does what it previously did,but the statements on the code 2 are in error,you cannot assign to a constant variable.

    (code 1将会按照原来的方式运行,而code 2 将会产生错的,你不能修改常量)

    14.A variable declared in a block may be accessed(访问) by name from anywhere in that block,True or False?


    answer:True,except when a nested block declares another variable with the same name,which hides the earlier variable and makes it inaccessible(难以达到) from within the nested block.


    15.Suppose function a declares an automatic integer variable called x,You can access the variable x from a different function by using a declaration such as this one.

    extern int x;

    True or False?


    answer:False,The only automatic variables are those with block scope,and these cannot ever be accessed by name from other blocks.


    16.Suppose the variable x in question 15 had been declared static,Does this modification change your answer?


    answer : No ,That chages its storage class,but not its scope,the answer is still false.


    17.Suppose the file a.c begins with this declaration:

    int x;

    What declarationg( if any) would be needed to access this variable from a function found later in the same file?

    (假定在a.c文件的开始声明int x;如果你需要在这个文件中后面的函数中访问这个变量,你需要声明什么?)

    answer:None is needed


    18.Suppose the declaration in question17 included the keyword static,would this modification change your answer?


    answer:NO,it still has internal linkage,so every funcion that comes later in the file may access it.



    19.Suppose the file a.c begins with this declaration:

    int x;

    What declarationg( if any) would be needed to access this variable from a function found in different source file?

    (假定在a.c文件的开始声明int x;如果你需要在不同源文件中的函数中访问这个变量,你需要声明什么?)


    extern int x;

    20.Suppose the declaration in qustion 19 included the keyword static.Would this modification change your answer?


    answer:Yes,Now ther is no declaration that will enable you to access x from a different source file,


    21.Suppose a function that contains automatic variables is called twice in a row,Is it possible that the variables will have the same vlues at the beginning of the second call that they had at the end of the first call?


    anwser:Yes,it is possible,but you should not count on it,It is also quite possible that they will not,even if ther were no intervening(干涉) function calls,On some architectures(结构),a hardware interrupt will push machine state information on the stack,which could destroy the variables.


    22.What is the difference in the behavior of the declaration

    int a = 5;

    When it appears in side of a function as compared to when it appears outside?


    answer:Inside:the variable is automatic,it is reinitialized each time the function is called.its scope is limited to the function,it has no linkage.Outside:the variable is static,it is initialized only once before the program begins to run,it has file scope,and external linkage.


    23.Suppose you wanted to write two function,x and y,in the same source file,that use the following variables:

    Name Type Storage Class Linkage Scope Initialized to
    a int static external accessible to x;not y 1
    b char static none accessible to x and y 2
    c int automatic none local to x 3
    d float


    none local to x 4

    How and where would you write the decaration for these variables?

    note:All initialization must be made in the declarations themselves,not by any executable statements in the function.



    static char b = 2;
    int a = 1;
        int c = 3;
        static float d = 4;

    24.Identify(识别) any errors contained in the following program,(you may wish to try compiling it to be sure) After you have removed the errors,determine(判断) the storage class,scope and linkage of every identifier(标识符),What will be the initial value of each variable?There are many duplicate(重复的) identifiers;do they refer to the same variable or no different ones?From where can each of these function be called?


     1 static int w = 5;
     2 extern int x;
    3 static float 4 func1(int a,int b,int c) 5 { 6 int c,d,e = 1; 7 ... 8 { 9 int d,e,w; 10 ... 11 { 12 int b,c,d; 13 static int y = 2; 14 ... 15 } 16 } 17 ... 18 { 19 register int a,d,x; 20 extern int y; 21 ... 22 } 23 }
    24 static int y;
    25 float 26 func2(int a) 27 { 28 extern int y; 29 static int z; 30 ... 31 }

    answer:There is one error:The declaration of c in line 6 confilcts with the function parameter c.some compilers have been seen to flag line24 as an error,saying it confilcts with the declaration in line 20,This should not be an error,as the scope of y from line 20 runs out at line22,so there is no conflict.


    Name(Line) Storage Class Scope Linkage Initial Value
    w(1) static




    internal 5
    x(2) static




    external 0
    a(4) automatic




    none *
    b(4) automatic




    none *
    c(4) automatic






    d(6) automatic




    none -
    e(6) automatic




    none 1
    d(9) automatic




    none -
    e(9) automatic



    none -
    w(9) automatic



    none -
    b(12) automatic



    none -
    c(12) automatic



    none -
    d(12) automatic



    none -
    y(13) static



    none 2
    a(19) register



    none -
    d(19) register



    none -
    x(19) register



    none -
    y(20) static



    external 0
    y(24) static



    internal 0
    a(26) automatic



    none *
    y(28) static



    internal -
    z(29) static



    none -



    internal -



    external -
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