#coding:utf-8 ''' test configuration of float in same min max value range ''' from pprint import pprint from StringIO import StringIO from configobj import ConfigObj, ConfigObjError, flatten_errors from validate import Validator cfg_file = StringIO(''' option = opt1 # or opt2 version = 1.0 [sec1] vv = 1 [sec2] vv = 1 [sec3] vv = 1 ''') # base config, these always appear base_spec = ''' version = float(min=2.0, max=2.0) link_type = option("telnet", "ssh") [db] ip = ip_addr sid = string(1,24) username = string(1,24) password = string(1,24) ''' optional_sec1_spec = ''' [optional_sec1] sec1_opt1 = string(1, 24) ''' sec1_2_namelist = [ 'sec1', 'sec2', ] sec1_spec = ''' [{}] enable=boolean ''' sec3_spec = ''' {} sleeptime=float(0, 100)'''.format(sec1_spec) sec3_4_5_namelist= ['sec3', 'sec4', 'sec5', ] def main(): vldt = Validator() # first configuration read from file # no spec has been bind to it cfg1 = ConfigObj(cfg_file) spec_file = StringIO() spec = spec_file spec.write(base_spec) if 'optional_sec1' in cfg1: spec.write(optional_sec1_spec) for section in sec1_2_namelist: if section in cfg1: spec.write(sec1_spec.format(section)) for section in sec3_4_5_namelist: if section in cfg1: spec.write(sec1_spec.format(section)) print spec.getvalue() return cfg = ConfigObj(cfg1, configspec=spec) result = cfg.validate(vldt, True) # TODO: flatten_errors if result is not True: pprint(result) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except ConfigObjError as err: print err.errors