最近遇到一个应用,要求将指定文件夹下的所有 html 文件中包含的某些文字的文件给改名。下面是我写的一个 vbs 文件:

Const config = "E:\cleandata\key.txt"
Const dir = "D:\Log\html\"
Const LogDir = "E:\cleandata\Log\"
set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Dim keywordList(10000)
Rem : =========== 启动主程序
Dim starttime , Endtime
starttime = Now
Call main()
endtime = Now
Set fso = Nothing
msgbox "恭喜!操作已完成。时间从:" & starttime & " 到 " & endtime ,4096,"文件重命名"
Rem : =========== 主程序
Sub main()
wscript.echo "开始。。。" & Now
Call GetKeyWord()
Call getFiles(dir)
End Sub
Rem : =========== 读取配置文件
Sub GetKeyWord()
set sdir = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
set file = fso.opentextfile(config)
do while file.atendofstream<>true
sdir.add m,file.readline
Dim word
word = sdir(m)
' wscript.echo word
If Len(Trim(word) )>0 Then
KeywordList(m)= word
End If
Set file = Nothing
End Sub
Rem : =========== 获取文件列表
Sub getFiles(path)
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(path)
Set subfolder = folder.subfolders
Set file = folder.files
For Each s_file In file
'wscript.echo s_file.path
checkWord s_file.path
For Each s_subfolder In subfolder
getFiles(s_subfolder.path) '递归调用
End Sub
Rem : =========== 比较配置文件,判断是否包含关键字
Sub checkWord(path)
'wscript.echo path
Dim content , file
Set file = fso.opentextfile(path, 1, false)
content = file.readall
Set file = Nothing
For i=0 To UBound(keywordList)
word = keywordList(i)
If InStr(content, word )>0 And Len(word)>0 Then
wscript.echo path & " 已匹配到:" & word
' Set file = Nothing
RenameSubPage path
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Rem : =========== 将文件重命名
Sub RenameSubPage(path)
If fso.fileexists(path) =True Then
Dim target , ext
ext = ".bak"
target = path & ext
' ===== 方法一
fso.movefile path , target
' ===== 方法二
'Set f = fso.getfile( path)
'f.name = f.name & ext
'Set f = Nothing
WriteLog target
End If
End Sub
Rem : =========== 处理日志
Sub WriteLog(strmsg)
Dim logtxt
logtxt = LogDir & "dellog-" & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now) & ".txt"
Dim f
If fso.fileexists(logtxt) Then
Set f = fso.opentextfile(logtxt, 8 )
Set f = fso.opentextfile(logtxt, 2, true)
End If
f.writeline strmsg
Set f = Nothing
' ===== 方法2
' Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' cmd = "%comspec% /k echo " & strmsg & " >> " & logtxt & " && exit"
' objShell.Run(cmd) ,vbhide
' 挂起允许,防止在任务管理器里产生过多的 cmd.exe 进程 ,如果有多个进程,请用 taskkill /f /im cmd.exe 关闭
' Set objShell = Nothing
Wscript.Sleep 5
End Sub
Const config = "E:\cleandata\key.txt"
Const dir = "D:\Log\html\"
Const LogDir = "E:\cleandata\Log\"
set fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Dim keywordList(10000)
Rem : =========== 启动主程序
Dim starttime , Endtime
starttime = Now
Call main()
endtime = Now
Set fso = Nothing
msgbox "恭喜!操作已完成。时间从:" & starttime & " 到 " & endtime ,4096,"文件重命名"
Rem : =========== 主程序
Sub main()
wscript.echo "开始。。。" & Now
Call GetKeyWord()
Call getFiles(dir)
End Sub
Rem : =========== 读取配置文件
Sub GetKeyWord()
set sdir = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
set file = fso.opentextfile(config)
do while file.atendofstream<>true
sdir.add m,file.readline
Dim word
word = sdir(m)
' wscript.echo word
If Len(Trim(word) )>0 Then
KeywordList(m)= word
End If
Set file = Nothing
End Sub
Rem : =========== 获取文件列表
Sub getFiles(path)
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(path)
Set subfolder = folder.subfolders
Set file = folder.files
For Each s_file In file
'wscript.echo s_file.path
checkWord s_file.path
For Each s_subfolder In subfolder
getFiles(s_subfolder.path) '递归调用
End Sub
Rem : =========== 比较配置文件,判断是否包含关键字
Sub checkWord(path)
'wscript.echo path
Dim content , file
Set file = fso.opentextfile(path, 1, false)
content = file.readall
Set file = Nothing
For i=0 To UBound(keywordList)
word = keywordList(i)
If InStr(content, word )>0 And Len(word)>0 Then
wscript.echo path & " 已匹配到:" & word
' Set file = Nothing
RenameSubPage path
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Rem : =========== 将文件重命名
Sub RenameSubPage(path)
If fso.fileexists(path) =True Then
Dim target , ext
ext = ".bak"
target = path & ext
' ===== 方法一
fso.movefile path , target
' ===== 方法二
'Set f = fso.getfile( path)
'f.name = f.name & ext
'Set f = Nothing
WriteLog target
End If
End Sub
Rem : =========== 处理日志
Sub WriteLog(strmsg)
Dim logtxt
logtxt = LogDir & "dellog-" & Year(Now) & "-" & Month(Now) & "-" & Day(Now) & ".txt"
Dim f
If fso.fileexists(logtxt) Then
Set f = fso.opentextfile(logtxt, 8 )
Set f = fso.opentextfile(logtxt, 2, true)
End If
f.writeline strmsg
Set f = Nothing
' ===== 方法2
' Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
' cmd = "%comspec% /k echo " & strmsg & " >> " & logtxt & " && exit"
' objShell.Run(cmd) ,vbhide
' 挂起允许,防止在任务管理器里产生过多的 cmd.exe 进程 ,如果有多个进程,请用 taskkill /f /im cmd.exe 关闭
' Set objShell = Nothing
Wscript.Sleep 5
End Sub
key.txt 文件的内容:
即一行一个关键字 。
这是 VBS 版批量重命名 的一个改良版。