/* MyArryLinkstack.h */ #ifndef _MYARRYLINKSTACK_H_ #define _MYARRYLINKSTACK_H_ #include <stdlib.h> #define ElementType int #define EmptyTOS (-1) #define MinStackSize (5) typedef struct { int Capacity; int Top; ElementType *Array; }StackRecord, *pStack; int IsEmpty(pStack S); int IsFull(pStack S); pStack CreatStack(int MaxElements); void DisposeStack(pStack S); void MakeEmpty(pStack S); ElementType GetTop(pStack S); void Push(pStack S, ElementType x); void Pop(pStack S); ElementType TopAndPop(pStack S); #endif /* MyArryLinkstack.c */ #include "MyArryLinkstack.h" /*栈的创建,数组实现*/ pStack CreatStack(int MaxElements) { pStack S; if (MaxElements < MinStackSize) perror(" Stack is too small!"); S =(pStack) malloc(sizeof(StackRecord)); if (S == NULL) perror("Out of Space!"); S->Array = malloc(sizeof(ElementType) * MaxElements); if (S->Array == NULL) perror("Out of Space!!!"); S->Capacity = MaxElements; MakeEmpty(S); return S; } /*创建一个空栈*/ void MakeEmpty(pStack S) { S->Top = EmptyTOS; } /*判断是否空栈*/ int IsEmpty(pStack S) { return S->Top == EmptyTOS; } /*判断是否满栈*/ int IsFull(pStack S) { return S->Top == S -> Capacity - 1; } /*进栈*/ void Push(pStack S, ElementType x) { if (IsFull(S)) perror("Full Stack!"); else S->Array[++S->Top] = x; } /*出栈*/ void Pop(pStack S) { if (IsEmpty(S)) perror("Empty Stack!"); else S->Top--; } /*取得栈顶元素*/ ElementType GetTop(pStack S) { if (IsEmpty(S)){ perror("Empty Stack!"); return 0; } else return S->Array[S->Top]; } /* main.c */ /* LinkStackTest.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include "MyArryLinkstack.h" int main() { pStack pS = NULL; int a; pS = CreatStack(5); Push(pS, 1); a = GetTop(pS); Push(pS, 3); a = GetTop(pS); Push(pS, 5); a = GetTop(pS); Push(pS, 7); a = GetTop(pS); Push(pS, 9); a = GetTop(pS); Pop(pS); a = GetTop(pS); }