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  • 机器学习: Logistic Regression--python

    今天介绍 logistic regression,虽然里面有 regression 这个词,但是这其实是一种分类的方法,这个分类方法输出的也是 0-1 之间的一个数,可以看成是一种概率输出,这个分类器利用一种 BP 迭代和随机梯度下降的方法来训练求得参数和建立分类模型。

    首先来看看这个分类器用到的主要函数,即 sigmoid 函数:




    下面看看,如何利用这个函数来做分类,假设样本为向量 x, 经过权重系数 w 以及 bias 的转换,变成 u=wTx+b,再经过 sigmoid 函数的转换,最终输出一个预测概率 y=σ(u) , 样本的 ground truth 为 t, 则预测值与真实 label 之间的误差可以用最小均方误差表示:


    我们可以通过不断的调整 wb 让预测值和真实 label 之间逐渐接近,根据链式法则,我们可以得到:






    下面给出一个用 logistic regression 做分类的例子:

    import numpy as np
    from sklearn import datasets
    def Sigmoid(x):
        return 1.0/(1 + np.exp(-x))
    def Generate_label(y, N_class):
        N_sample = len(y)
        label = np.zeros((N_sample, N_class))
        for ii in range(N_sample):
            label[ii, int(y[ii])]=1     
        return label
    # load the iris data
    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    x_data = iris.data
    y_label = iris.target
    class_name = iris.target_names
    n_sample = len(x_data)
    n_class = len(set(y_label))
    index = np.random.permutation(n_sample)
    x_data = x_data[index]
    y_label = y_label[index].astype(np.float)
    train_x = x_data[: int(.8 * n_sample)]
    train_y = y_label[: int( .8 * n_sample)]
    test_x = x_data[int(.8 * n_sample) :]
    test_y = y_label[int(.8 * n_sample) :]
    train_label = Generate_label(train_y, n_class)
    test_label = Generate_label(test_y, n_class)
    # training process
    D = train_x.shape[1]
    W = 0.01 * np.random.rand(D, n_class)
    b = np.zeros((1, n_class))    
    step_size = 1e-1
    reg = 1e-3
    train_sample = train_x.shape[0]    
    batch_size = 10
    num_batch = train_sample / batch_size
    train_epoch = 1000
    for ii in range (train_epoch):
        for batch_ii in range(num_batch):
            batch_x = train_x[batch_ii * batch_size:
                (batch_ii+1) * batch_size, :]
            batch_y = train_label[batch_ii * batch_size:
                (batch_ii+1) * batch_size, :]
            scores = np.dot(batch_x, W) + b
            y_out = Sigmoid(scores)
            e = y_out - batch_y
            dataloss = 0.5 * np.sum(e*e) / batch_size
            regloss = 0.5 * reg *  np.sum(W*W)
            L = dataloss + regloss
            dscores = e * y_out * (1 - y_out) / batch_size
            dw = np.dot(batch_x.T, dscores)
            db = np.sum(dscores, axis=0, keepdims=True)
            dw += reg*W
            W = W - step_size * dw
            b = b - step_size * db
        if (ii % 10 == 0):
            print 'the training loss is: %.4f' % L
    # test process
    scores = np.dot(test_x, W) + b
    y_out = Sigmoid(scores)
    predict_out = np.argmax(y_out, axis=1)
    print 'test accuracy: %.2f' % (np.mean(predict_out == test_y))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/mtcnn/p/9412139.html
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