一、问题:数据库Connection.OPEN()异常情况下 耗时很久才回应
二、原因:Connection.OPEN() 地址等错误时候 会造成耗时过久才会应的情况。此情况和t数据库连接配置中的Timeout 参数配置无关
利用线程操作看看若指定时间内没反应则视为 配置错误,demo如下。
/// <summary> /// 通过监听来查看目标地址是否存在 /// </summary> public static class DataBaseConnectHelper { public static bool QuickOpen(DbConnection conn, int timeout) { // We'll use a Stopwatch here for simplicity. A comparison to a stored DateTime.Now value could also be used Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); bool connectSuccess = false; // Try to open the connection, if anything goes wrong, make sure we set connectSuccess = false Thread t = new Thread(delegate() { try { sw.Start(); conn.Open(); connectSuccess = true; } catch { } }); // Make sure it's marked as a background thread so it'll get cleaned up automatically t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); // Keep trying to join the thread until we either succeed or the timeout value has been exceeded while (timeout > sw.ElapsedMilliseconds) if (t.Join(1)) break; // If we didn't connect successfully, throw an exception /* if (!connectSuccess) throw new Exception("Timed out while trying to connect.");*/ return connectSuccess; } }