declare --定义游标, 因为需要对游标定义的数据进行修改操作, 所以添加了 for update 子句 cursor sal_cursor(dept_id number) is select salary sal from employees where department_id = dept_id for update; --定义调整工资的基数变量 v_temp number(3,2); begin --使用游标 for 循环,dept_id=>80这是赋值,下面只对80号部门操作 for v_sal_rec in sal_cursor(dept_id=>80) loop if v_sal_rec.sal <= 5000 then v_temp := 0.05; elsif v_sal_rec.sal <= 10000 then v_temp := 0.03; elsif v_sal_rec.sal <= 15000 then v_temp := 0.02; else v_temp := 0.01; end if; --执行修改操作, 因为定义游标时使用了 for update 子句, --所以修改状态下可以使用 where current of cursor_name 来锁定当前行; update employees set salary = salary * (1 + v_temp) where current of sal_cursor; end loop; end;
declare cursor emp_cursor is select * from employees; v_emp_record employees%rowtype; begin open emp_cursor; fetch emp_cursor into v_emp_record; while emp_cursor%found loop --ceil(n) 取大于等于数值n的最小整数 --decode(条件,值1,返回值1,值2,返回值2,...值n,返回值n,缺省值) update employees set salary =v_emp_record.salary + v_emp_record.salary * decode(ceil(v_emp_record.salary / 5000), 1, 0.05, 2, 0.03, 3, 0.02, 0.01) where employee_id=v_emp_record.employee_id; dbms_output.put_line(v_emp_record.employee_id); fetch emp_cursor into v_emp_record; end loop; close emp_cursor; end;