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  • json服务器端与客户端的故事



          资料来自 http://www.learn-ajax-tutorial.com/Json.cfm



    var Beatles = ["Paul","John","George","Ringo"];
    This is the equivalent of:
    var Beatles = new Array("Paul","John","George","Ringo");



    JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    JSON is a lightweight format for exchanging data between the client and server.

    It is often used in Ajax applications because of its simplicity and because its format is based on JavaScript object literals.


    We will start this lesson by learning JavaScript's object-literal syntax and then we will see how we can use JSON in an Ajax application.


    Object Literals

    We saw earlier how to create new objects in JavaScript with the Object() constructor.


    Array literals are created with square brackets as shown below:



    Object literals are created with curly brackets:



    var Beatles = {
     "Country" : "England",
     "YearFormed" : 1959,
     "Style" : "Rock'n'Roll"
    This is the equivalent of: var Beatles = new Object();Beatles.Country = "England";
    Beatles.YearFormed = 1959;
    Beatles.Style = "Rock'n'Roll";

    Just as with all objects in JavaScript, the properties can be references using dot notation or bracket notation.


    alert(Beatles.Style); //Dot Notation

    alert(Beatles["Style"]); //Bracket Notation

    Arrays in Objects


    Object literals can contain array literals:


    var Rockbands = [
    "Name" : "Beatles",
    "Country" : "England",
    "YearFormed" : 1959,
    "Style" : "Rock'n'Roll",
    "Members" : ["Paul","John","George","Ringo"]
    "Name" : "Rolling Stones",
    "Country" : "England",
    "YearFormed" : 1962,
    "Style" : "Rock'n'Roll",
    "Members" : ["Mick","Keith","Charlie","Bill"]


    http://www.json.org Json被描述为:

       1 一种轻量级的数据交换格式

       2 容易的读写

       3 使机器容易生出和解析


    On the JSON website (http://www.json.org), JSON is described as:

       1. a lightweight data-interchange format

       2. easy for humans to read and write

       3. easy for machines to parse and generate


         The JSON syntax is like JavaScript's object literal syntax except that the objects cannot be assigned to a variable. JSON just represents    the data itself.


    JSON Parsers

          As JSON is just a string of text and not an object in and of itself, it needs to be converted to an object before to make it useful.

          Although this can be done in JavaScript with the eval() function, it is safer to use a JSON parser.


          虽然在js中可以使用eval()函数实现转换,但是使用json parser会更安全一些。你可以在http://www.json.org/json.js下载JSON parser

          You can download the JavaScript JSON parser at http://www.json.org/json.js.

          你可以在http://www.json.org/json.js下载JSON parser


    The process for sending data between the browser and server with JSON is as follows:

    1. On the client-side:

    o    Create a JavaScript object using the standard or literal syntax.

    o    Use the JSON parser to stringify the object.

    o    Send the URL-encoded JSON string to the server as part of the HTTP Request. This can be done using the HEAD, GET or POST method by assigning the JSON string to a variable. It can also be sent as raw text using the POST method, but this may create extra work for you on the server-side.

    2. On the server-side:

    o    Decode the incoming JSON string and convert the result to an object using a JSON parser for the language of your choice. At http://www.json.org, you'll find JSON parsers for many modern programming languages. The methods available depend upon which parser you are using. See the parser's documentation for details.

    o    Do whatever you wish with the object.

    o    If you wish to send JSON back to the client:

    §  Create a new object for storing the response data.

    §  Convert the new object to a string using your JSON parser.

    §  Send the JSON string back to the client as the response body (e.g, Response.Write(strJSON), echo $strJSON, out.write(strJSON) etc.).

    3. On the client-side:

    o    Convert the incoming JSON string to an object using the JavaScript JSON parser.

    o    Do whatever you wish with the object.

    o    And so on...


      1) 用标准的语法创建js对象

      2) 用 JSON parser处理对象

      3) 作为http请求的一部分向服务器端发送url编码过的json字符串,可以将json赋值给一个原始变量用head,get或者post方法完成。也可以使用post方法发送原始的文字,但是这样会为服务器端增加额外的工作。


    1)    解码json字符串,使用json parser和你使用的语言将其转换为一个对象。http://www.json.org,上你将找到许多现代编程语言装备的json转换器。方法的可用性取决于你所选用的语言。更多细节可以参看文档。

    2)    使用对象进行操作

    3)    如果你想返回客户端json数据
         2)使用json parser将新对象转换为字符串
         3) 向客户端发送json字符串


    1)    将json解析为js对象

    2)    操作对象

    3)    或者其它

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