--精确查找:查询水表编号为30408的业主记录 SELECT * FROM T_OWNERS WHERE WATERMETER = '30408' --模糊查询:查询业主名称包含'刘'的业主记录 SELECT * FROM T_OWNERS WHERE NAME LIKE '%刘%' --AND运算符:查询业主名称包含'刘'的并且门牌号包含5的业主记录 SELECT * FROM T_OWNERS WHERE NAME LIKE '%刘%' AND HOUSENUMBER LIKE '%5%' --or运算符:查询业主名称包含'刘'的或者门牌号包含5的业主记录 select * from t_owners where name like '%刘%' or housenumber like '%5%' --and与or混合使用:查询业主名称包含'刘'的或者门牌号包含5的业主记录,并且地址编号为3的记录 select * from t_owners where (name like '%刘%' or housenumber like '%5%') and addressid = 3 --范围查询:查询台账记录中用水字数大于等于10000并且小于等于20000的记录 select * from t_account where usenum>=10000 and usenum<=20000 select * from t_account where usenum between 10000 and 20000 --空值查询:查询t_pricetable 表中maxnum为空的记录 select * from t_pricetable where maxnum is null --不为空 select * from t_pricetable where maxnum is not null --去重:查询业主表中的地址ID 不重复显示 select distinct addressid from t_owners --聚合统计 --求和sum:统计2012年所有用户的用水量总和 select sum(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012' --求平均数avg:统计2012年所有用水量的平均值 select avg(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012' --求最大值max:统计2012年最高用水量 select max(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012' select min(usenum) from t_account where year = '2012' --统计记录数count:统计业主类型ID为1的业主记录 select count(*) from t_owners where ownertypeid = 1 --分组聚合:按区域分组统计水费合计数 select areaid,sum(money) from t_account group by areaid --分组后条件查询having:查询水费合计大于16900的区域及水费合计 select areaid,sum(money) from t_account group by areaid having sum(money)>16900 --集合运算 --并集(包含重复记录) select * from t_owners where id>5 union all select * from t_owners where id<8 select * from t_owners where id>5 union select * from t_owners where id<8 --交集 select * from t_owners where id>5 intersect select * from t_owners where id<8 --差集 select * from t_owners where id>5 minus select * from t_owners where id<8 select * from t_owners where id<8 minus select * from t_owners where id>5 --序列 --创建简单序列 create sequence seq_test1; --查询序列的下一个值 select seq_test1.nextval from dual; --查询序列的当前值 select seq_test1.currval from dual; --创建一个有最大值的非循环序列 create sequence seq_test2 maxvalue 5; select seq_test2.nextval from dual; --自定义增长值 create sequence seq_test3 increment by 10 start with 10 maxvalue 100 select seq_test3.nextval from dual; --有最小值的序列 create sequence seq_test4 increment by 10 start with 10 minvalue 5 maxvalue 100 select seq_test4.nextval from dual; --循环序列 create sequence seq_test5 increment by 10 start with 10 minvalue 10 maxvalue 210 cycle select seq_test5.nextval from dual; --同义词 --创建私有同义词 create synonym owner for t_owners; select * from owner select * from wateruser.t_owners --创建公有同义词 create public synonym owner2 for t_owners; select * from owner2