1- fdisk -l
query storage information include device name and capacity
Disk /dev/bala: 200GB...
2- confirm /dev/bala is existed file system
file -s /dev/bala
if ```/dev/bala: data```:
there is no file system
existed, be careful next step will be formatted
3- craete physical volume
pvcreate /dev/bala
4- create volume group
vgcreate vg01 /dev/bala
5- vgdisplay vg01
Free PE / Size 5119 / 20.00 GiB
6- create logcial volume
lvcreate -l 5119 -n lv01 vg01
lvcreate -l +100%free -n lv01 vg01
7- mkfs.ext3 /dev/vg01/lv01
CentOS6.x ext4
CentOS7.x xfs
8- mount /dev/vg01/lv01 /data01
9- modify /etc/fstab file
device name, location, type of file system, options of mount, fsck option
/dev/vg01/lv01; data01; ext3; defaults,nofail; 1; 2