- Premature optimization is the root of all evil.:
- Source: Book ‘The Art of Computer Programming’ by Donald Knuth (1968). Wikiquote: Donald Knuth
- Rules of optimization: 1. Don’t! 2. Don’t… yet. 3. Profile before optimizing. Michael Jackson
- Source: Rules Of Optimization
- As a programmer, never underestimate your ability to come up with ridiculously complex solutions for simple problems. Thomas Fuchs
- Source: Tweet by Thomas Fuchs
- Get your data structures correct first, and the rest of the program will write itself. David Jones
- Source: Programming Pearls
- The #1 rule of distribute computing: Don’t distribute your computing! At least if you can in any way avoid it. DHH (David Heinemeier Hanson)
- Source: DHH (David Heinemeier Hanson) in ‘The Majestic Monolith’. Moreover, Martin Fowler’s FirstLaw has the same message: “My First Law of Distributed Object Design: Don’t distribute your objects”.
- Scalability. The #1 problem people don’t actually have but still solve. Eberhard Wolff
- Source: Tweet by Eberhard Wolff
- Shared + Mutable = Danger! Andrey Breslav
- Source: KotlinConf 2018 Keynote by Andrey Breslav
- Prefer duplication over the wrong abstraction. Sandi Metz
- Source: Talk “All the Little Things” and the post “The Wrong Abstraction” by Sandi Metz.
I also like the following quotes from the talk:
- “I felt like I had to understand everything in order to help with anything.” (5:05)
- “Duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction”
- Avoid premature distribution. Avoid premature abstraction. Both offer a lure of purity, cleanliness and scalability but add complexity and operational/cognitive overhead. Karl Isenberg
- Source: Tweet by Karl Isenberg
- Data dominates. If you’ve chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming. Rob Pike’s 5. Rules of Programming
- Compassionate Tech Values: Ego < Humility. Elitism < Inclusion. Competition < Cooperation. Being Smart < Learning. Being a Rockstar < Being a Mentor. April Wensel
- Source: Talk Cultivating Compassionate Tech Communities by April Wensel (Tweet). With a little update taken from a newer version of this slide.