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  • About App Distribution 关于应用发布

    About App Distribution

    This guide explains how to develop, test, submit, and release your iOS and Mac apps. By understanding your tools and the distribution process, you’ll be able to get your new app and updates to your customers faster.

          本指南解释了如何开发(develop)、测试(test)、递交(submit)和发布(release)你的iOS 和Mac应用。通过理解你的工具和发布过程,你将得到新应用,并能尽快的让你的用户更新。

    To submit your app to the store, you use Xcode features and several web tools available only to members of an Apple Developer Program. Even before you can develop with technologies, such as iCloud and Game Center, you must join an Apple Developer Program. You should join a program even if you distribute your application outside of the Mac App Store so that customers know your application comes from a known source.

      提交你的应用到应用商店,你可以用Xcode特性和网络工具, 条件是你必须是一个苹果开发者项目(an Apple Developer Program)的成员。甚至在你能用苹果技术(比如:iCloud 和 Game Center)开发之前,你必须加入一个项目(program)。即使你在Mac 应用商店之外发布你的应用,你也应该加入苹果开发者项目,这样客户才能知道你的应用来自一个已知的来源。

    Once you join a program, you can start using store services from your app, testing your app on devices, providing marketing, sales, and contact information, and submitting versions of your app for approval. You iterate the steps of this distribution process, as necessary, until your app is approved and released. Then you repeat some of these steps again for each subsequent update.

      一旦你加入了一个项目(program), 你就可以开始使用来自你应用的存储服务,在设备上测试你的应用, 提供推广,销售和联系信息, 也可以提交你的应用版本。 你必要地重复这些发布过程中的步骤,知道你的应用被通过并发布。然后你在每次更新时重复一部分这些步骤。


    At a Glance(快速浏览)

    This guide contains everything you need to distribute an app through the App Store or Mac App Store.

    本指南包括了当你通过 应用商店(App Store) 或 Mac 应用商店(Mac App Store) 发布一个应用所需的所有步骤:

    • Get step-by-step guidance on enrolling in an Apple Developer Program and building, testing, and submitting your app.

    • Configure technologies that are only available to apps submitted to the App Store or Mac App Store.

    • Verify that you've prepared your app correctly, and find troubleshooting techniques.

    • Learn how to maintain your app and program assets after submission.

    • 跟着步骤注册一个 苹果开发者项目(An Apple Developer Program), 并且 建立,测试 和 提交 你的应用。

    • 配置只可把应用提交到App Store 或 Mac App Store 的技术

    • 确认你已经准备好了你的应用,找到故障排除技巧

    • 了解提交完成后 如何保持你的应用和程序资产(assets)

    Enroll in an Apple Developer Program to Distribute Your App(注册一个苹果开发者项目)

    To distribute your apps on the App Store and Mac App Store, or to sign apps that you distribute outside the Mac App Store with a Developer ID, you must join an Apple Developer Program. As a member, you’ll have access to the resources you need to configure technologies and to submit new apps and updates.

     为了发布你的应用到App Store 和 Mac App Store,或着 为了用 开发者ID(Developer ID) 注册你发布在Mac App Store 以外的应用, 你必须加入苹果开发者项目。只有作为其成员,你才能使用你需要的配置技术,提交新应用 和 更新应用 所需要的资源。

    Generate Certificates and Register Your Devices(生成证书 和 注册你的设备)

    Apple implements an underlying security model to protect both user data and your app from being modified and distributed without your knowledge. So throughout the development process, you create assets and enter information that Apple will use to identify you, your devices, and your apps. During the lifetime of your Developer Program membership, you’ll maintain these assets.

    Apple 提供了一个基础安全模型,用来避免 用户数据 和 你的应用 在你不知情的情况下被发布和修改。所以在整个开发过程中, 你会生成assets 和 完整信息, 而Apple会用它们来认证你,你的设备 和 你的应用。在你的整个开发者项目成员周期内,你将保存这些assets.

    Add Store Capabilities to Your App(给应用添加存储功能)

    The store provides advanced, integrated services for certain types of apps, such as games and Newsstand apps, and for additional sources of revenue, such as In-App Purchase and iAd Network. All store technologies require additional configuration—both during development and later, when you are submitting your app to the store. Good examples are Game Center and iCloud. You’ll learn how to create a custom provisioning profile to start adding these store capabilities to your app.

    存储功能为特定的应用类型(比如 游戏(games) 和 书报亭应用(Newsstand apps) ) 和 额外的收入资源(比如 应用内购买(In-App Purchase) 和 iAd Network) 提供了先进的,完整的服务。 当你在提交应用时,所有的存储技术(Store technologies)都要求额外配置,无论是在开发还是后期 。 Game Center 和 iCloud 都是很好的例子。 你将了解如何创建一个自定义配置文件,用来给你的应用添加这些存储功能。

    Prepare Your App for Distribution(准备发布)

    Before you distribute your app for testing or submit it to the store for approval, you need to complete the configuration of your Xcode project. The Xcode project contains required app icons and launch images, contains additional entitlements for technologies you add, and determines which devices and operating system your app supports.

    在你发布应用进行测试和提交到商店进行审核之前,你需要完成对Xcode工程(Xcode project)的配置。Xcode 工程要求包括 应用图标(app icons), 载入图片(launch images), 你所添加技术的额外权限(additional  entitlements),并决定你的应用支持的 设备 和 操作系统。

    Test iOS Apps Across Numerous Devices(在多种设备上测试iOS应用)

    If you have an iOS app, make sure you test it not only in iOS Simulator but on all the devices and releases that your app supports. Testing on more than one kind of device ensures that your app operates exactly as you thought it would, no matter which device it’s running on. You can register up to 100 devices for use for development and testing. After testing an app yourself, distribute it to testers. You’ll first create a special profile—an ad hoc provisioning profile—to ensure that test versions of your app are not copied and distributed without your knowledge, and then collect device IDs from testers you’ve selected.

    如果你有一个iOS 应用,请确保你不仅仅在iOS模拟器里进行了测试,而是在你应用支持的所有设备上都进行测试,然后再发布。不管哪个设备在运行,在多种设备上测试,确保你的应用能如你当初预想的那样正确操作。你能注册超过100种设备用来开发和测试。 当你自己完成测试后,发布应用给测试仪。你将首先创建一个特殊文件--一个特设的配置文件(an ad hoc provisioning profile),用来确保你的应用不会在你不知情的情况下被拷贝和发布, 然后从你选择的测试仪那获取设备IDs。

    Submit and Release Your App(提交和发布应用)

    Submitting your app to the store is a multistep process. First, you sign in to iTunes Connect and enter necessary information to change the state of your app record to “Waiting for Upload” or later. If you are selling your app on the store, you provide the information for your reimbursement on iTunes Connect, too. Double-check that you have the certificates for distribution. Then create an archive and sign it with your distribution assets. Last, submit your app using Xcode or Application Loader. When your app is approved, use iTunes Connect to release it by setting the date when the app will be available to customers. If you are distributing your Mac app outside the store, you follow a slightly different process.

    提交你的应用到商店需要多个步骤:首先,登录iTunes Connect , 输入必要信息,使你的应用记录状态变为 "Waiting for Upload" 或别的。如果你想在商店里销售你的应用, 你还要在iTunes Connect里提供你的收入(reimbursement)信息。仔细检查你是否有发布证书。然后创建一个压缩文件,用你的发布assets(distribution assets)签名. 最后, 用Xcode 或 应用程序加载器(Application Loader)提交。当你的应用审核通过,用iTunes Connect发布,设置正式发布让用户下载的日期。如果你是在商店外发布你的mac 应用,你将查找稍微不同一点的步骤。

    How to Use This Document(如何使用本文档)

    Begin by reading the first three chapters in sequence to learn the essential steps and concepts for developing for the store. If you add a store-specific technology to your app, read “Provisioning Your App for Store Technologies” followed by “Configuring Store Technologies in Xcode and iTunes Connect” to learn how to configure that technology. Before you distribute your app, read “Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution” to perform final configuration steps. All iOS developers need to read the “Beta Testing Your iOS App” chapter (you should never submit an app to the store without first testing it on many different devices). After thorough testing, read “Submitting Your App” for how to do so. After Apple approves your app, read “Releasing and Updating Your App” for how to set the availability date. If you decide to distribute outside of the Mac App Store, read “Distributing Applications Outside the Mac App Store.” After you’ve had your Apple Developer Program account for a while, learn how to maintain your assets by reading “Best Practices for Maintaining Certificates and Provisioning Profiles.” And if you enroll as a company, read “Managing Your Team” for a description of the team roles and additional administrative tasks you perform throughout your project. Refer to the glossary for the definitions of terms used in the document.

    按顺序阅读最初三章,学习应用商店的基本步骤 和 开发概念。 如果你在应用里添加了 商店指定(store-specific)技术 ,在阅读完 ”Configuring Store Technologies in Xcode and iTunes Connect “之后, 阅读 ” Provisioning Your App for Store Technologies “ 学习如何配置该技术。 在你发布你的应用之前,阅读 ”Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution “完成最后配置步骤。 所有 iOS 开发者需要阅读 ” Beta Testing Your iOS App “(绝不要没有在几个不同设备进行第一轮测试就发布)。 测试完成后,阅读 ”Submitting Your App“。当Apple 通过对你的应用审核之后,阅读”Releasing and Updating Your App” 来设置应用显示给用户的日期。如果你打算在Mac 应用商店外发布应用,阅读"Distributing Applications Outside the Mac App Store"。当你已经拥有了苹果开发者项目(Apple Developer Program)账号一段时间后,阅读“Best Practices for Maintaining Certificates and Provisioning Profiles” 学习如何保存你的assets。如果你以公司名义注册,阅读“Managing Your Team” ,完成团队角色和你在整个工程中履行的额外行政任务的描述。在文档中使用的术语的定义,请参见术语表。

    See Also(参见)

    You should already be familiar with the software and tools you use to write code before reading this document. If not, there are a number of platform-specific tutorials you should read first. Then read the technology overview documents followed by the appropriate human interface guidelines for your platform, and most important, the guidelines for submitting your app to the store.

    在你阅读本文档之前,你应该已经熟悉你用来写代买的软件和工具。如果没有,这里有一些特定于平台的教程你应该首先阅读。 然后再阅读适合你平台的技术文档,最重要的是提交应用到商店的指南。




    To get started . . .

    Start Developing iOS Apps Today

    App Store Submission Tutorial

    Start Developing Mac Apps Today

    To learn more about technologies . . .

    iOS Technology Overview

    iOS App Programming Guide

    Mac Technology Overview

    Mac App Programming Guide

    To learn about the user interface guidelines . . .

    iOS Human Interface Guidelines

    App Store Review Guidelines for iOS Apps

    OS X Human Interface Guidelines

    App Store Review Guidelines for Mac Apps

    To learn more about tools . . .

    Xcode User Guide

    iTunes Connect Developer Guide

    iOS Simulator User Guide

    Xcode User Guide

    iTunes Connect Developer Guide

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/patientAndPersist/p/3104122.html
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