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Office 365 - Wikipedia
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_365#cite_note-3
- Office 365 is the brand name Microsoft uses for a group of subscriptions that provide productivity software and related services. For consumers, the subscription allows the use of Microsoft Office apps on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Windows 10 Mobile, provides storage space on the OneDrive file hosting service, and grants 60 Skype minutes per month. For business users, Office 365 also offers service subscriptions for e-mail and social networking services through hosted versions of Exchange Server, Skype for Business Server, SharePoint and Office Online, integration with Yammer.
- After a beta test that began in October 2010, Microsoft launched Office 365 on June 28, 2011, as a successor to Microsoft Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS), originally aimed at corporate users. With the release of Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft expanded Office 365 to include new plans aimed at different types of businesses, along with new plans aimed at general consumers wanting to use the Office desktop software on a subscription basis, and receiving updates to the software over the life of the subscription.
- In the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2017, Office 365 revenue overtook that of conventional license sales of Microsoft Office software for the first time.
Microsoft Office 365_百度百科
- https://baike.baidu.com/item/Microsoft%20Office%20365/6114583?fromtitle=Office+365&fromid=5842532&fr=aladdin
- Office 365是微软带给所有企业最佳生产力和高效协同的高端云服务,是微软公司基于云平台的应用套件,例如Exchange邮件服务器、SharePoint门户、Lync即时通讯工具及Yammer.