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  • poj3580

    insert 先把x旋到根,一开始我比较SB的,准备把新节点插入到右子树的最左节点,这显然很烦
    好的方法是,直接在根和右孩子之间插入即可,相当于right[new]=right[root] right[root]=new
    delete 我一开始使用的是杨思雨大神splay论文中的方法,但是好像很烦
    revolve 这是这道题最难的一个操作了,感觉自己写的也不是很好,还是讲讲方法吧

      1 const inf=2147483647;
      3 var son:array[0..200010,1..2] of longint;
      4     count,fa,a,lazy,mina:array[0..200010] of longint;
      5     v:array[0..200010] of boolean;
      6     n,m,i,x,y,z,p,root:longint;
      7     s:string;
      8     ch:char;
     10 function min(a,b:longint):longint;
     11   begin
     12     if a>b then exit(b) else exit(a);
     13   end;
     15 procedure swap(var a,b:longint);
     16   var c:longint;
     17   begin
     18     c:=a;
     19     a:=b;
     20     b:=c;
     21   end;
     23 procedure add(x,y:longint);
     24   begin
     25     mina[x]:=mina[x]+y;
     26     a[x]:=a[x]+y;
     27     lazy[x]:=lazy[x]+y;
     28   end;
     30 procedure change(x:longint);
     31   begin
     32     swap(son[x,1],son[x,2]);
     33     v[x]:=not v[x];
     34   end;
     36 procedure update(x:longint);
     37   begin
     38     count[x]:=count[son[x,1]]+count[son[x,2]]+1;
     39     mina[x]:=min(a[x],min(mina[son[x,1]],mina[son[x,2]]));
     40   end;
     42 procedure push(x:longint);
     43   var l,r:longint;
     44   begin
     45     l:=son[x,1];
     46     r:=son[x,2];
     47     if lazy[x]<>0 then
     48     begin
     49       if l<>-1 then add(l,lazy[x]);
     50       if r<>-1 then add(r,lazy[x]);
     51       lazy[x]:=0;
     52     end;
     53     if v[x] then
     54     begin
     55       if l<>-1 then change(l);
     56       if r<>-1 then change(r);
     57       v[x]:=false;
     58     end;
     59   end;
     61 procedure rotate(x,w:longint);
     62   var y:longint;
     63   begin
     64     push(x);
     65     y:=fa[x];
     66     if fa[y]<>-1 then
     67     begin
     68       if son[fa[y],1]=y then son[fa[y],1]:=x
     69       else son[fa[y],2]:=x;
     70     end
     71     else root:=x;
     72     fa[x]:=fa[y];
     73     son[y,3-w]:=son[x,w];
     74     if son[x,w]<>-1 then fa[son[x,w]]:=y;
     75     son[x,w]:=y;
     76     fa[y]:=x;
     77     update(y);
     78     update(x);
     79   end;
     81 procedure splay(x,f:longint);
     82   var y:longint;
     83   begin
     84     while fa[x]<>f do
     85     begin
     86       y:=fa[x];
     87       if fa[y]=f then
     88       begin
     89         if son[y,1]=x then rotate(x,2)
     90         else rotate(x,1);
     91       end
     92       else begin
     93         if son[fa[y],1]=y then
     94         begin
     95           if son[y,1]=x then rotate(y,2) else rotate(x,1);
     96           rotate(x,2);
     97         end
     98         else begin
     99           if son[y,1]=x then rotate(x,2) else rotate(y,1);
    100           rotate(x,1);
    101         end;
    102       end;
    103     end;
    104   end;
    106 function find(k:longint):longint;
    107   var p:longint;
    108   begin
    109     p:=root;
    110     while true do
    111     begin
    112       push(p);
    113       if count[son[p,1]]+1=k then exit(p);
    114       if count[son[p,1]]+1>k then p:=son[p,1]
    115       else begin
    116         k:=k-count[son[p,1]]-1;
    117         p:=son[p,2];
    118       end;
    119     end;
    120   end;
    122 procedure getrange;  //提取区间
    123   begin
    124     x:=find(x);
    125     y:=find(y+2);
    126     splay(x,-1);
    127     splay(y,x);
    128   end;
    130 procedure insert(x,p:longint); // p是新插入节点
    131   begin
    132     splay(x,-1);
    133     son[p,2]:=son[x,2];
    134     fa[son[x,2]]:=p;
    135     son[x,2]:=p;
    136     fa[p]:=x;
    137     update(p);
    138     update(x);
    139   end;
    141 procedure delete(x,p:longint); //p是x的后继节点
    142   begin
    143     splay(p,-1);
    144     splay(x,p);
    145     if son[x,1]<>-1 then fa[son[x,1]]:=p;
    146     son[p,1]:=son[x,1];
    147     son[x,1]:=-1;
    148     son[x,2]:=-1;
    149     fa[x]:=-1;
    150     update(p);
    151   end;
    153 function build(l,r:longint):longint;
    154   var m:longint;
    155   begin
    156     m:=(l+r) shr 1;
    157     build:=m;
    158     if m-1>=l then
    159     begin
    160       son[m,1]:=build(l,m-1);
    161       fa[son[m,1]]:=m;
    162     end;
    163     if m+1<=r then
    164     begin
    165       son[m,2]:=build(m+1,r);
    166       fa[son[m,2]]:=m;
    167     end;
    168     update(m);
    169   end;
    171 procedure revolve;
    172   var l,r,p,last:longint;
    173   begin
    174     last:=find(y-z+1); // 交换[x,y-z][y-z+1,y];
    175     if y-z=x then
    176     begin
    177       getrange;
    178       splay(last,y);
    179       swap(son[last,1],son[last,2]);
    180     end
    181     else begin
    182       l:=x;
    183       r:=y;
    184       getrange;
    185       splay(last,y);
    186       swap(son[last,1],son[last,2]);
    187       //交换完后,中间点对应区间上的点也不同了
    188       p:=find(l+z+2);  //注意这里两处找位置对应树上的点,交换删除后,同一位置对应树上的点会不不同
    189       delete(last,p);
    190       p:=find(r);
    191       insert(p,last);
    192     end;
    193   end;
    195 begin
    196   readln(n);
    197   fillchar(son,sizeof(son),255);
    198   fillchar(fa,sizeof(fa),255);
    199   for i:=1 to n do
    200     readln(a[i]);
    201   for i:=-1 to n+1 do
    202     mina[i]:=inf;
    203   count[-1]:=0;
    204   a[-1]:=inf;
    205   a[0]:=inf;
    206   a[n+1]:=inf;
    207   root:=build(0,n+1);
    208   inc(n);
    209   readln(m);
    210   for i:=1 to m do
    211   begin
    212     read(ch);
    213     s:='';
    214     while ch<>' ' do
    215     begin
    216       s:=s+ch;
    217       read(ch);
    218     end;
    219     if s='ADD' then
    220     begin
    221       readln(x,y,z);
    222       getrange;
    223       add(son[y,1],z);
    224     end
    225     else if s='REVERSE' then
    226     begin
    227       readln(x,y);
    228       getrange;
    229       change(son[y,1]);
    230     end
    231     else if s='REVOLVE' then
    232     begin
    233       readln(x,y,z);
    234       z:=z mod (y-x+1);  //注意
    235       if z<>0 then revolve;
    236     end
    237     else if s='INSERT' then
    238     begin
    239       readln(x,y);
    240       x:=find(x+1);
    241       inc(n);  mina[n]:=y; a[n]:=y;  count[n]:=1;
    242       insert(x,n);
    243     end
    244     else if s='DELETE' then
    245     begin
    246       readln(x);
    247       p:=find(x+2);
    248       x:=find(x+1);
    249       delete(x,p);
    250     end
    251     else begin
    252       readln(x,y);
    253       getrange;
    254       writeln(mina[son[y,1]]);
    255     end;
    256   end;
    257 end.      
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/phile/p/4473038.html
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