1 type link=^node; 2 node=record 3 data:longint; 4 next:link; 5 end; 6 var w:array[0..10010] of link; 7 dfn,low,fa,st,size,cd:array[0..10010] of longint; 8 f,v:array[0..10010] of boolean; 9 s,sum,i,j,y,x,n,m,t,h:longint; 10 p:link; 11 procedure add(x,y:longint); 12 var p:link; 13 begin 14 new(p); 15 p^.data:=y; 16 p^.next:=w[x]; 17 w[x]:=p; 18 end; 19 20 procedure tarjan(x:longint); 21 var y:longint; 22 p:link; 23 begin 24 inc(t); 25 inc(h); 26 f[x]:=true; 27 v[x]:=true; 28 st[t]:=x; 29 dfn[x]:=h; 30 low[x]:=h; 31 p:=w[x]; 32 while p<>nil do 33 begin 34 y:=p^.data; 35 if not v[y] then 36 begin 37 tarjan(y); 38 low[x]:=min(low[x],low[y]); 39 end 40 else if f[y] then low[x]:=min(low[x],low[y]); 41 p:=p^.next; 42 end; 43 if low[x]=dfn[x] then //找到一个强连通分量 44 begin 45 inc(s); 46 while st[t+1]<>x do 47 begin 48 y:=st[t]; 49 f[y]:=false; 50 fa[y]:=s; //缩点,记录规模 51 inc(size[s]); 52 dec(t); 53 end; 54 end; 55 end; 56 57 begin 58 readln(n,m); 59 for i:=1 to m do 60 begin 61 readln(x,y); 62 add(x,y); 63 end; 64 s:=0; 65 for i:=1 to n do 66 if not v[i] then tarjan(i); 67 fillchar(cd,sizeof(cd),0); 68 for i:=1 to n do 69 begin 70 p:=w[i]; 71 while p<>nil do 72 begin 73 y:=p^.data; 74 if fa[y]<>fa[i] then inc(cd[fa[i]]); //统计缩点后的出度 75 p:=p^.next; 76 end; 77 end; 78 sum:=0; 79 y:=0; 80 for i:=1 to s do 81 if cd[i]=0 then 82 begin 83 inc(sum); 84 y:=i; 85 if sum>1 then break; 86 end; 87 if (sum>1) or (sum=0) then writeln(0) 88 else writeln(size[y]); 89 end.