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  • Python学习第七课——集合(set) 和 字符串拼接


    # 2 无序
    # 3 集合中元素必须是不可变类型
    # 定义集合
    s = {1,2,3,4,5}
    print(s) # 输出结果 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    # 1 集合由不同元素组成
    s1 = {1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5,5,5}
    print(s1) # 输出结果 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    s2=set("hello") # 定义集合方法2
    print(s2) # 输出结果 {'o', 'e', 'h', 'l'}


    s = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    s.add(7)  # 增加元素
    print(s)  # 输出结果 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7}
    s1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    s1.clear()  # 清空
    print(s1)  # 输出结果 set()
    s2 = s.copy()  # 复制一份
    print(s2)  # 输出结果 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7}
    s3 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    s3.pop()  # 随机删除
    print(s3)  # 输出结果 {2, 3, 4, 5}
    s4 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
    s4.remove(3)  # 指定删除 
    print(s4)  # 输出结果 {1, 2, 4, 5}


    s1.add(4) # 添加 一个元素
    s1.update(s2) # 可以添加多个元素
    s1.update((7,8)) # 也可以传元组
    print(s1) # 输入结果 {1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8}


    python_1 = ['hanhan', 'meimei', 'haohao']
    linux_1 = ['hanhan', 'meimei']
    # 求这两个列表的交集
    p_s = set(python_1)  # 创建集合
    l_s = set(linux_1)  # 创建集合
    print(p_s.intersection(l_s))  # 输出结果 {'hanhan', 'meimei'}
    print(p_s & l_s)  # 输出结果 {'hanhan', 'meimei'}
    # 求两个列表的并集
    print(p_s.union(l_s))  # 输出结果 {'meimei', 'hanhan', 'haohao'}
    print(p_s | l_s)  # 输出结果 {'meimei', 'hanhan', 'haohao'}
    # 求差集 差集:两个集合相差的元素
    print(p_s.difference(l_s))  # 输出结果 {'haohao'}
    print(p_s - l_s)  # 输出结果 {'haohao'}
    print(l_s.difference(p_s))  # 输出结果 set()
    print(l_s - p_s)  # 输出结果 set()
    # 交叉补集
    print(p_s.symmetric_difference(l_s)) # 输出结果 {'haohao'}
    print(p_s^l_s) # 输出结果 {'haohao'}


    # 字符串格式化
    msg='i am hanhan'+' my hobby is coding' # 此方法容易占空间 不太好
    print(msg) # 输出结果 i am hanhan my hobby is coding
    msg1='i am %s my hobby is coding' % ('hanhan') # % 更实用
    print(msg1) # 输出结果 i am hanhan my hobby is coding
    msg2='i am %s my hobby is %s and i am %d yeas old' % ('hanhan','coding',23)  # % 更实用
    print(msg2) # 输出结果 i am hanhan my hobby is coding and i am 23 yeas old
    msg4='percent %.2s' % 99.987456456456 # %.2s 就是后面字符串的简单截取
    print(msg4) # 输出结果 99
    msg5='percent %.3s' % 99.987456456456 # %.3s 就是后面字符串的简单截取
    print(msg5) # 输出结果 99.
    msg6='percent %.4s' % 99.987456456456 # %.4s 就是后面字符串的简单截取
    print(msg6) # 输出结果 99.9
    msg3='percent %.2f' % 99.987456456456 # .2就是小数点后面保留两位有效数字
    print(msg3) # 输出结果 percent 99.99
    # 打印百分比
    msg7='percent: %.2f %%' % 99.987456456456
    print(msg7) # percent: 99.99 %
    # 以字典的形式来完成输入
    msg8='i am %(name)s and i am %(age)d yeas old' %{'name':'hanhan','age':23}
    print(msg8) # 输出结果 i am hanhan and i am 23 yeas old
    # 也可以加上颜色和距离
    msg9='i am %(name)+30s and i am %(age)d yeas old' %{'name':'hanhan','age':23}
    print(msg9) # 输出结果 i am                         hanhan and i am 23 yeas old
    print('ip','107','111','23','51',sep=':') # 输出结果 ip:107:111:23:51


    msg = 'i am {} i am {} yeas old my hobby is {}'.format('hanhan', 23, 'coding')
    # 如果{} 中没有索引,则将一一对应后面的值,如果对应不了则报错
    print(msg)  # 输出结果 i am hanhan i am 23 yeas old my hobby is coding
    msg1 = 'i am {0} i am {1} yeas old my hobby is {2}'.format('hanhan', 23, 'coding')
    # format 将会按照前面{}中的索引来传值
    print(msg1)  # 输出结果 i am hanhan i am 23 yeas old my hobby is coding
    msg2 = 'i am {0} i am {0} yeas old my hobby is {0}'.format('hanhan', 23, 'coding')
    print(msg2)  # 输出结果 i am hanhan i am hanhan yeas old my hobby is hanhan
    # 也可以按照对象名字来传值
    msg3 = 'i am {name} i am {age} yeas old my hobby is {hobby}'.format(name='hanhan', age=23, hobby='coding')
    print(msg3)  # 输出结果 i am hanhan i am 23 yeas old my hobby is coding
    # 也可以按照列表来传值
    msg4 = 'i am {0[0]} i am {1[1]} yeas old my hobby is {0[2]}'.format(['hanhan', 80, 'coding'], [11, 23, 25])
    print(msg4)  # 输出结果 i am hanhan i am 23 yeas old my hobby is coding
    # 如果需要动态传入列表 必须加上*
    msg5 = 'i am {:s} i am {:d} yeas old my hobby is {:s}'.format(*l)
    print(msg5) # 输出结果 i am hanhan i am 18 yeas old my hobby is coding
    msg6 = 'number:{:b},{:o},{:d},{:x},{:X},{:%}'.format(15,15,15,15,15,15)
    print(msg6) # 输出结果 number:1111,17,15,f,F,1500.000000%


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pyhan/p/12118497.html
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