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  • MongoError: Cannot update '__v' and '__v' at the same time,错误解决办法

    1.讲查询的结果,原封不动的插入到另一个表中,结果报错了:MongoError: Cannot update '__v' and '__v' at the same time,起初认为是mongodb副本集出现问题了,排查了mongodb,确定不是数据库问题了



    const userFind = await model.user.findById(userId)

    const userInsert = userFind.toJSON();//查询出来的就是JSON,但是,删除__V的时候,插入bakuser表,还是报错MongoError: Cannot update '__v' and '__v' at the same time,最后,在userFInd后加了toJOSN方法,就完全解决了

    delete userInsert.__v;

    await model.bakuser.update({
    _id: userId
    }, {
    $set: userInsert
    }, {
    upsert: true

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qiyc/p/9857439.html
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