The string you will received as a parameter has too many characters. Your job is to
remove characters from the string in the following order:
1. Find the smallest i such that the i-th character and the (i+1)-th character of the string are same.
2. If there is no such i, end the process.
3. Remove the i-th and the (i+1)-th character of the string, and repeat from 1.
For example, if the parameter is "ayqqyjjj", she will change the string as follows: "ayqqyjjj " -> " ayyjjj " -> "ajjj" -> "aj".
Return the resulting string
1 public class digui{ 2 static private int t=0; 3 static private int len; 4 static private String s; 5 public static void f(int n){ 6 t++; 7 while(t<len&&s.charAt(n)!=s.charAt(n+1)) 8 f(n+1); 9 if(t==len) return; 10 else{ 11 s=s.substring(0,n)+s.substring(n+2,s.length()); 12 t++; 13 } 14 } 15 private static String Eraser(){ 16 len=s.length(); 17 if(len!=0) f(0); 18 return s; 19 } 20 public static void main(String[] args){ 21 s="addaefg"; 22 System.out.println(Eraser()); 23 } 24 }