本日12:00至目前时段,一直无法导出PQC 8月和9月的甲骨文报表,系统出现附件
fact: Oracle Application Object Library
symptom: FRM-41839: Disk I/O error on temporary record buffer file
symptom: Querying Values in a value set/Rows in row sets
change: NOTE ROLE: Also note that per Note 157385.1, this error occurs when
a query is performed which returns a large number of records. Forms is trying
to create a temporary file in which to place the results of the query. There
is not enough disk space on the drive which is assigned to TEMP/TMP. Either
free up more space or move the TEMP directory to a different drive.
cause: The /var/tmp referenced in the error message was on Web/Forms
There are 3 possible solutions:
1. Create a soft link to a mount point with more disk space
2. Add more disk space.
3. Set the TMPDIR environment variable and manually start the forms server. See
How to Change the Directory for the Forms Server Temporary File