1 public class Demo { 2 3 private int signal; 4 Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); 5 Condition a = lock.newCondition(); 6 Condition b = lock.newCondition(); 7 Condition c = lock.newCondition(); 8 9 public void a() { 10 lock.lock(); 11 while (signal != 0){ 12 try { 13 a.await(); 14 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 15 e.printStackTrace(); 16 } 17 } 18 19 System.out.println("a"); 20 signal ++; 21 b.signal(); 22 lock.unlock(); 23 } 24 25 public void b() { 26 lock.lock(); 27 while (signal != 1){ 28 try { 29 b.await(); 30 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 31 e.printStackTrace(); 32 } 33 } 34 System.out.println("b"); 35 signal++; 36 c.signal(); 37 lock.unlock(); 38 39 } 40 41 public void c() { 42 lock.lock(); 43 while (signal !=2){ 44 try { 45 c.await(); 46 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 47 e.printStackTrace(); 48 } 49 } 50 System.out.println("c"); 51 signal=0; 52 a.signal(); 53 lock.unlock(); 54 } 55 56 public static void main(String[] args) { 57 58 Demo d = new Demo(); 59 A a = new A(d); 60 B b = new B(d); 61 C c = new C(d); 62 63 new Thread(a).start(); 64 new Thread(b).start(); 65 new Thread(c).start(); 66 67 68 69 } 70 71 72 } 73 74 class A implements Runnable { 75 76 private Demo demo; 77 78 public A(Demo demo) { 79 this.demo = demo; 80 } 81 82 @Override 83 public void run() { 84 while (true) { 85 demo.a(); 86 try { 87 Thread.sleep(1000); 88 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 89 e.printStackTrace(); 90 } 91 } 92 } 93 } 94 95 class B implements Runnable { 96 97 private Demo demo; 98 99 public B(Demo demo) { 100 this.demo = demo; 101 } 102 103 @Override 104 public void run() { 105 while (true) { 106 demo.b(); 107 try { 108 Thread.sleep(1000); 109 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 110 e.printStackTrace(); 111 } 112 } 113 } 114 } 115 116 class C implements Runnable { 117 118 private Demo demo; 119 120 public C(Demo demo) { 121 this.demo = demo; 122 } 123 124 @Override 125 public void run() { 126 while (true) { 127 demo.c(); 128 try { 129 Thread.sleep(1000); 130 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 131 e.printStackTrace(); 132 } 133 } 134 } 135 }
1 public class MyQueue<E> { 2 3 private Object [] obj ; 4 5 private int addIndex; 6 private int removeIndex; 7 private int queueSize; 8 9 private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); 10 11 Condition addCondition = lock.newCondition(); 12 Condition removeCondition = lock.newCondition(); 13 14 15 16 public void add(E e){ 17 lock.lock(); 18 while (queueSize == obj.length){ 19 try { 20 addCondition.await(); 21 } catch (InterruptedException e1) { 22 e1.printStackTrace(); 23 } 24 } 25 26 obj[addIndex++] = e; 27 if (++ addIndex == obj.length){ 28 addIndex = 0; 29 } 30 31 queueSize++; 32 removeCondition.signal(); 33 lock.unlock(); 34 35 } 36 37 public void remove(){ 38 lock.lock(); 39 while (queueSize == 0){ 40 try { 41 removeCondition.await(); 42 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 43 e.printStackTrace(); 44 } 45 } 46 47 obj[removeIndex] = null; 48 if (++removeIndex == obj.length){ 49 removeIndex = 0; 50 51 } 52 53 queueSize --; 54 addCondition.signal(); 55 lock.unlock(); 56 } 57 58 }
在使用Condition时都是使用锁的new Condition接口实现的
1 public Condition newCondition() { 2 return sync.newCondition(); 3 }
1 final ConditionObject newCondition() { 2 return new ConditionObject(); 3 }
public class ConditionObject implements Condition,
public ConditionObject() { } 空的构造方法
Condition 常用方法,,signal(),await()
await() :造成当前线程在接到信号或被中断之前一直处于等待状态。
signal() :唤醒一个等待线程。该线程从等待方法返回前必须获得与Condition相关的锁。
1 public final void await() throws InterruptedException { 2 if (Thread.interrupted()) 3 throw new InterruptedException(); 4 Node node = addConditionWaiter(); 5 int savedState = fullyRelease(node); 6 int interruptMode = 0; 7 while (!isOnSyncQueue(node)) { 8 LockSupport.park(this); 9 if ((interruptMode = checkInterruptWhileWaiting(node)) != 0) 10 break; 11 } 12 if (acquireQueued(node, savedState) && interruptMode != THROW_IE) 13 interruptMode = REINTERRUPT; 14 if (node.nextWaiter != null) // clean up if cancelled 15 unlinkCancelledWaiters(); 16 if (interruptMode != 0) 17 reportInterruptAfterWait(interruptMode); 18 }
addConditionWaiter() 加入等待队列,
1 private Node addConditionWaiter() { 2 Node t = lastWaiter; 3 // If lastWaiter is cancelled, clean out. 4 if (t != null && t.waitStatus != Node.CONDITION) { 5 unlinkCancelledWaiters(); 6 t = lastWaiter; 7 } 8 Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread(), Node.CONDITION); 9 if (t == null) 10 firstWaiter = node; 11 else 12 t.nextWaiter = node; 13 lastWaiter = node; 14 return node; 15 }
头指针 firstWaiter 尾指针 lastWaiter
unlinkCancelledWaiters() 进行过滤,删除有些节点
t 指向最后一个节点
t为空,firstWaiter = node;
t不为空, t.nextWaiter = node;
lastWaiter = node; 下一个节点指向新增节点,
return node; 添加成功,返回,
int savedState = fullyRelease(node);
1 final int fullyRelease(Node node) { 2 boolean failed = true; 3 try { 4 int savedState = getState(); 5 if (release(savedState)) { 6 failed = false; 7 return savedState; 8 } else { 9 throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(); 10 } 11 } finally { 12 if (failed) 13 node.waitStatus = Node.CANCELLED; 14 } 15 }
释放 fullyRelease(node)
isOnlySyncQueue(node) 判断是否在同步队列中,不在同步队列中等待
12 if (acquireQueued(node, savedState) && interruptMode != THROW_IE)
13 interruptMode = REINTERRUPT;
14 if (node.nextWaiter != null) // clean up if cancelled
15 unlinkCancelledWaiters();
16 if (interruptMode != 0)
17 reportInterruptAfterWait(interruptMode);
public final void signal() { if (!isHeldExclusively()) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(); Node first = firstWaiter; if (first != null) doSignal(first); }
判断是否是独占节点,不是 ,抛出异常
1 private void doSignal(Node first) { 2 do { 3 if ( (firstWaiter = first.nextWaiter) == null) 4 lastWaiter = null; 5 first.nextWaiter = null; 6 } while (!transferForSignal(first) && 7 (first = firstWaiter) != null); 8 }
first.nextWaiter = null,首节点的下一个节点为空,去掉首节点
1 final boolean transferForSignal(Node node) { 2 /* 3 * If cannot change waitStatus, the node has been cancelled. 4 */ 5 if (!compareAndSetWaitStatus(node, Node.CONDITION, 0)) 6 return false; 7 8 /* 9 * Splice onto queue and try to set waitStatus of predecessor to 10 * indicate that thread is (probably) waiting. If cancelled or 11 * attempt to set waitStatus fails, wake up to resync (in which 12 * case the waitStatus can be transiently and harmlessly wrong). 13 */ 14 Node p = enq(node); 15 int ws = p.waitStatus; 16 if (ws > 0 || !compareAndSetWaitStatus(p, ws, Node.SIGNAL)) 17 LockSupport.unpark(node.thread); 18 return true; 19 }
while (!transferForSignal(first) && (first = firstWaiter) != null)
如果成功,返回false,第一个节点唤醒,do while 方法结束
Condition 其实用到AQS中的Node,通过node构建一个单向链表,await()方法向队列尾部插入一个节点
signal 就从头部移除一个节点,移除的节点放到同步队列中,
wait 和 notify 只能有一个等待队列。
Condition 能够实现多个等待队列。